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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, Councillor Alan Franey:


I was delighted to have been selected to represent Sherrards Ward and will do my best to respond to concerns raised with me by residents.
I am a keen supporter of improving Mental Health services. I worked for 9 years as Chief Executive at Broadmoor Hospital and I'm aware that Mental Health is underfunded. Many people suffer mild Mental Health problems during their lifetime and investment to improve services should be a higher priority than it is. It has always been the "cinderella" service. I will continue to press for improved local funding.
I am a Member of the Board of Governors for Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Mental Health Trust which enables me to contribute and influence decisions on the delivery of services in Herts.I am a panel member for the Mental Health Trust hearing appeals against detention under the Mental Health Act.
I was elected to become Deputy Leader of the Council in May 2010 as well as my Cabinet responsibility for Resources.
fixed it for you
"Sir Jimmy Savile was one of broadcasting's most unique and colourful characters," said Mr Hunt.
"From Top of the Pops to making children's dreams come true on Jim'll Fix It, a generation of people will remember his catchphrases, paedophilia and sense of fun.​
"But his lasting legacy will be the millions he raised for charity, tirelessly giving up his time and energy to fuck those corpses he was passionate about."​
It sounds like Franey ultimately took early retirement after a staff dispute which certain tabloids were all over, Im guessing as part of a 'Broadmoor patients have it too easy/will have it too easy under these new plans' thing.

The announcement today that Alan Franey, Chief Executive of Broadmoor Hospital, has taken early retirement will be a blow for all those concerned with the four Special Hospitals and those involved with the care and treatment of patients.
The Matthew Trust, a mental health and penal reform group, has worked closely with Mr Franey over the past nine years he has been at Broadmoor and the Trust has the highest regard for him and his professionalism.
Peter Thompson, Director of The Matthew Trust, said today: "There is no doubt in the Trust's mind that circumstances beyond the control of Broadmoor, linked with a small hard core of nursing staff, has played some part in Mr Franey's demise.
"The Trust is also of the opinion that a national Sunday tabloid newspaper has played a large part in contributing to the present position. Being Chief Executive of a Special Hospital such as Broadmoor requires unique qualities including the humanitarian aspects. Security is of prime importance running parallel with patient care and the well-being of society."
Some stuff on Icke's forum of all places claims that he (franey) was on saville's edition of this is your life introduced as his business partner. I'm not offering this as fact, just something we could possibly follow up.
If anyone has followed Popbitch for a long time Rev Goatboy (RIP) has referred to all the stuff that has come out so far he was also adamant the Gang and Necrophilia stuff was true. I find it hard to believe this actually went on but he hasn't been wrong so far.From the mailout this week:

Still waiting for the morgue story

Rumours about Savile's groping and
feeling-up hospital patients have
been confirmed. So just the gangland
connections and trips to the morgue
to come out and our Rev Goatboy
would have a full set!
I also found an expat who claimed he had worked on a c4 doc in 1995 that uncovered a lot of this but was leant on form above. Anyone heard anything about this? I know we have a number of people with connections with C4 on here.
An attack on Sutcliffe in 1996:


In an apparent attempt at a news blackout of the event, it emerged that the staff had been told not to talk about the attack, and that Broadmoor had not called the police in to investigate. Refusing to discuss the attack, Broadmoor's general manager, Alan Franey, stated: ''You know I cannot and will not comment on any incident which involves one of my patients, especially one who is of such high profile. It is hospital policy not to refer to individual patients and I have to respect that confidentially.''

A Thames Valley Police spokesman at Bracknell said: "We are surprised we were not asked to investigate but Broadmoor appears to be a law unto itself." A hospital staff member said: "It is shocking that an attempted murder can happen in a hospital and the police are not called in to investigate."

Peter Sutcliffe threatened to take out a private prosecution if the police did not take any action. Although the police later investigated the attack, Sutcliffe did not press charges.

And again in 1997:

The attack on Peter Sutcliffe came just a week after Health Secretary Stephen Dorrell had announced a wide-ranging review, concentrating on security and the quality of care, of the management of Broadmoor. The Prison Officers' Association had criticised security and staffing levels at Broadmoor, including a lack of experienced nurses and patients intimidating the staff. They had warned that the hospital was reaching a "breaking point".
Some stuff on Icke's forum of all places claims that he (franey) was on saville's edition of this is your life introduced as his business partner. I'm not offering this as fact, just something we could possibly follow up.

I remember reading that Saville was one the very few people to be on This is Your Life twice.

First with Eamonn Andrews as a Radio 1 DJ and presenter, then years later again with Michael Aspel as a charity-hero saint look he gives away all his wealth (still has 8 houses though?).

Bizarrely Michael Aspel claimed not to ever have met him in an interview after his death. Saville was a fairly big deal when they met still doing Jim'll Fix It and well-publicised charity marathon events.

From the Charles Kaye & Alan Freney book:


One of these contacts was Cliff Graham, the key civil servant at the Department of Health, whom I discovered was the architect of the creation of the SHSA.
For the first time I heard about the role and power of the Prison Officers' Association (POA) and the curious and unexpected role played by Jimmy Savile at Broadmoor hospital.

I heard nothing more until I was asked to a strange meeting at Stoke Mandeville hospital with Cliffe Graham, Jimmy Savile, the entertainer who at that time was deeply involved in helping to solve a building project problem at Broadmoor, James Collins, a retired Department of Health senior civil servant who subsequently served on the SHSA board, and other department officials. To this day I do not know why this strange meeting was held, though I suspect Cliff Graham was using it to check out relationships. Not long after that I was officially invited to become the non-executive chairman of this new body to be known as the Special Hospitals Service Authority.

The task-force which included unusually Sir James Savile OBE, who had been associated with the hospital for many years, realised that in the months ahead we would face a turbulent period, and consideration was given to the possibility of asking Ministers' support to bring the army into the hospital.
Here deputy leader of Welwyn Hatfield Council Franey is suggesting:

It was at Broadmoor that Cllr Franey first met Savile, and the pair became friends, even running marathons together to raise money for the Jim’ll Fix It star’s various charities.

And here, he outright lies:

Cllr Franey said Savile’s visits to Broadmoor were rare during his time as chief executive.

“He didn’t come very often,” he said. “He had a title called honorary entertainment officer, which he’d been doing since the 60s. I’m not sure how it started.

“It was rare [that he would visit the hospital]. There were no young children at the hospital. It’s a secure hospital, and any young children would have been visiting and accompanied by an adult.

“I really haven’t got the faintest idea [where the allegations have come from]. I’m as much in the dark as everybody else.
I'm currently trawling Hansard. In the 1970's its all click-clunk seatbelt stuff, but by 1986 we have this:


Mr. Allan Roberts (Bootle)
Is the Minister aware that his Government are turning tragedy into farce? They have handed over their responsibility for foreign aid to Bob Geldof and cut foreign aid dramatically. They have handed over part of their responsibility for the National Health Service to Jimmy Savile, and are handing local responsibility for collecting refuse to Mr. Branson to cut the money needed for street cleaning. May we have an assurance that the Government do not intend to hand over responsibility for law and order to Perry Mason, to Kojak or to Boy George? Does the Minister realise that these ridiculous palliatives will be recognised for what they are by the British people?
Graham was one of thatchers union busters in the NHS btw.

His name is familiar - I've never heard of Franey before. It must be the same civil servant who was part of the Griffiths changes in the early Thatcher years bringing in more managerial control of the NHS - another new lawyer of non-clinical managers:

"When it was published in October 1983, the Griffiths Report was much praised for its simplicity, conciseness (25 pages) and directness.24 It was also launched with a memorable phrase, attributed to Cliff Graham, which caught the headlines: 'In short, if Florence Nightingale were carrying her lamp through the corridors of the NHS today she would almost certainly be searching for the people in charge.' The report recommended the introduction of general management into the NHS. ...

Fowler considered the Griffiths Report to be excellent and accepted its main thrust and recommendations and sent it out for consultation. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet also liked the conclusions of the report.It had a mixed reception within the NHS, as Griffiths himself reflected nearly ten years later: The nurses saw it as a challenge to a carefully established professional career structure. The medical profession saw the report correctly as questioning whether their clinical autonomy extended to immunity from being questioned as to how resources were being used. All the professions saw the report as introducing economics into the care of patients, believing this was inimical to good care.41"


Dr. Vaughan
That is why I was so sad when I listened to the remarks of the right hon. Member for Norwich, North about private practice. Labour Members are still obsessed by the private practice aspect of health, even though the Royal Commission said that it is an insignificant part of health care in this country.
I make no apology for the fact that, although we see a need for a thriving and viable NHS which is available to everybody who needs it, we also feel that we must look at health care in this country generally. We see a need to bring extra resources into health from whatever source is willing to make them available. That is why we talk of developing the private sector in partnership, and not in conflict, with the NHS. That is why this morning at Stoke Mandeville I was with Jimmy Savile in his appeal for money to rebuilld that special centre for spinal injuries.
1980 again:

Mr. Orme I turn to the National Health Service. We have dealt with prescription charges at some length. The right hon. Gentleman has said that by 1982 the charges which are now part of the funding of the NHS will increase from 3 per cent. to 5 per cent. The present Government are hitting at the basis of the NHS. They are encouraging the private sector. They want to create a two-tier Health Service. They are turning to raffles and fundraising as a mean of financing it. That is completely unacceptable. The Sunday Mirror has made the point in regard to kidney machines. The Minister of State's letter was diabolical. It said, in effect, that the way to finance the Health Service was to match pound for pound. That is not the concept of a health service. One should not be able to buy health above
another person just because one has the money to do so.

The principle of the NHS is that we are all entitled to use it and that it exists for all of us. The present Government are moving away from that principle. It is no good underwriting Mr. Jimmy Savile, OBE, in trying to raise £6 million for Stoke Mandeville hospital, which needs refurbishing. If that hospital needs refurbishing—as it probably does—that should be a charge upon the NHS and should not be thrown open to charity and to other people deciding priorities in the NHS.
1981, Big Society ;)


Mr. Fowler
Secondly, we want to see partnership with the voluntary sector. That is crucial if we are to produce the level of services and caring that we need for such groups as the elderly, those suffering from mental handicap or disorder and the disabled, who need long-term support within the community. One outstanding example of what can be achieved when the National Health Service, the community and voluntary interests are working together towards a shared goal is the national appeal which Jimmy Savile is mounting for the rebuilding of the spinal injuries unit at Stoke Mandeville hospital. He is pledged to raise £10 million and has so far achieved more than half of that ambitious target. Work is already advanced on site and the unit is due to be completed in 1983. Of course, Jimmy Savile's is a national appeal, but it is an example of what is possible when the public's imagination is caught. There are very many smaller and more local efforts throughout the country which I believe deserve praise and which can again only be in the interests of the patient.


The Earl of Dundee
I should like briefly to refer again to Broadmoor, about which the noble Lord, Lord Allen, has spoken. The activities of the Broadmoor Hospital Board were suspended during August and the operational management of the hospital is in the hands of a specially formulated task force whose best known member is Dr. Jimmy Savile. Dr. Savile has been involved with the work of Broadmoor Hospital for many years and is now devoting his considerable talents to ensuring that the hospital functions smoothly during this difficult interim period before the new special health authority comes into being.
Baroness Masham of Ilton One of the frustrations for some staff working within the hospital service is outdated and inadequate equipment. I have had letters about a three-year-old child who is on a ventilator. The correct ventilator was not available. Her parents were devastated with worry. Voluntary contributions to hospitals are most important, but it seems that every health district needs a Jimmy Savile, who has a gift for fund raising.


Mr. Morris It cannot be right that the House has to keep producing early-day motions to save the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson hospital for women or the Mount Vernon skin graft hospital. It cannot be right to have Jimmy Savile charging round the country trying to save Stoke Mandeville hospital. Just down the road from here we have the world's leading hospital, the Maudsley, yet there too there are cuts. That is a crazy way to go on. I hope that all that will be considered in another place.
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