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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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I think it's more than cognitive dissonance - I always think that's more about accepting the status quo, even when it's doing you no favours.
Well you could say the same about the teacher at my school in Yorkshire who abused every pupil in his care for several years before he was arrested, charged and sent down for drugging and raping his wife.

No one has ever said anything, or reported it (apart from a nudge and a snigger down the pub).

Sex crimes have rarely been taken seriously, and some people who reported them said they had as bad a time dealing with the police and courts as they did with the rapist / attacker.

Peter Sutcliffe's victims were described as "innocent victims" if they were young girls walking home after a disco; prostitutes that he murdered were never called "innocent". Sexual harassment was a national joke for years. Child sexual abuse was rarely mentioned until Childline was set up - although I remember News of the World doing a lot of stuff about PIE.

Bill Wyman got away with his relationship with a 13-year old girl for years; he has said he doesn't know why he was never arrested / charged. Thinking "Good luck to him" was as common as "How come this creep is getting away with it?"

There was such nudge-nudgery around sex; I am not surprised that he got away with it. Sexual exploitation goes with celebrity worship and 'glamour' jobs in film, TV, fashion, modelling and pop music. When Marilyn Monroe hit the big time she was reported to have said "That's the last cock I ever have to suck".

I'm guilty of it, too. I desperately didn't want to believe that Michael Jackson had been in bed with kids, or that Woody Allen had an affair with Mia's daughter, but the recent biofilm of WA made me think that he has had a soft spot for young girls for some time.

PS the drummer in the Bay City Rollers was up to it, too. Damn, girls loved the BCRs.
No wonder he asked to be encased in concrete. Vigilante with a pneumatic drill?

Or a normal cordless drill, a half inch bit and some blasting powder. If they just poured concrete over the coffin there'd be sod all to stop it cracking from a small detonation or two. You wouldn't need more powder than you'd use for half a dozen shogun cartrifdges.
Cognitive dissonance is anything but that. Imagine it starts raining, indoors. You see a blue dog. A three handed man. Thats cognitive dissonance. Its wtf basically
Or a normal cordless drill, a half inch bit and some blasting powder. If they just poured concrete over the coffin there'd be sod all to stop it cracking from a small detonation or two. You wouldn't need more powder than you'd use for half a dozen shogun cartrifdges.

then pour hi octane fuele into the crack and immolate the beasts corpse within its protective concrete shell
He may well have had the goods on various people in high places, but I suspect the more mundane explanation is that those people simply weren't bothered by the possibility or reality of what he was doing.

The institutional dynamics, whether in prison or a special hospital, are such that inmate/patient allegations are immediately viewed as suspect, so not so much "weren't bothered" or "didn't care", more that their preconceptions would have made it extremely difficult to credit such allegations.
not many takers for these...


I forget what book it is in, but Irvine Welsh had a character who was a noted DJ from the 70's era who was a benefactor for the hospital in the story and in return for his generous donations a blind eye was turned to what he got up to in the mortuary with the recently deceased.. I remember my dad saying to me at the time that it was based on Savile.. will try and remember what story it was in, one of his short stories I think.

Was in the novel Exstacy. Sorry about the spelling. Bit dyslexic.
Well you could say the same about the teacher at my school in Yorkshire who abused every pupil in his care for several years before he was arrested, charged and sent down for drugging and raping his wife.

No one has ever said anything, or reported it (apart from a nudge and a snigger down the pub).

Not sure the comparison suffices, though I get the point. The Saville/King cases (quite possibly others) were known by more people and involved more people, quite possibly in some systemic fashion.
Yeah. Cognitive dissonance? (Not sure it's exactly that).

I mean, this is all speculation, I wouldn't bet on it obviously.

That's exactly what cognitive dissonance is. Cognitive dissonance means that a person receives cognitions that are wildly at variance with the person's belief-set. Instead of altering the belief-set, they will diminish the importance of the offending cognition, or they'll add new cognitions to 'ease' the others into the belief set.

An example: you fall in love with someone who shows signs of being abusive. Rather than focusing on just what that really means, you tell yourself that you can change them; or that it's only when they're drunk, or that the victim [you] secretly deserved it etc etc etc. You do it because it creates dissonance to be in love with someone who is actually a sadistic brute.
More stuff emerging every day.
Why on earth did no one, anyone
speak out at the time. I'm not necessarily
talking about those he abused, but those
who knew, those who had a bit of power
and did nothing. WTF

edited: Ah, it appears many did try to speak out at the time, but were threatened or had their evidence covered up. He certainly did have friends/fiends in high places.
Now John Peel got a 15 yr old pregnant... geezus...

'Dear Jane, Well, you scared the daylights out of me. For years I’ve been expecting a letter starting "In the 70s we had a brief affair and your son/daughter, now 27, wants to meet you". What exactly do you want me to do. I live near Ipswich so Croydon is pretty inaccessible. I'll wait to hear from you again. John'
and his response to her letter is just awful, what a heartless bastard
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