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The New Tories - Ruthlessly Incompetent. Post Examples of Tory Stupidity Here


i will at least get the opportunity to vote against her (and i no longer have to be concerned that if i draw a cock on the paper it would be taken as a vote for john redwood)
Being more out of touch than Deadwood really is quite something
Can't think of a single instance of a public building that didn't have male/female options even if they did have non-gender toilets. Its an utterly worthless law that will change nothing, but will warm the cockles of the extremist nut-jobs that both parties seem to be trying to attract these days. .
Can't think of a single instance of a public building that didn't have male/female options even if they did have non-gender toilets. Its an utterly worthless law that will change nothing.

i'm not certain, but i think the former library in wokingham had two gender-neutral, wheelchair accessible cubicles. or maybe only one was wheelchair accessible. the building has closed now, but i'm not aware of any incidents arising from it.

and some buildings just have one cubicle available to the public so it's gender neutral. what are they supposed to do? will they just close the bog to everyone?
i'm not certain, but i think the former library in wokingham had two gender-neutral, wheelchair accessible cubicles. or maybe only one was wheelchair accessible. the building has closed now, but i'm not aware of any incidents arising from it.

and some buildings just have one cubicle available to the public so it's gender neutral. what are they supposed to do? will they just close the bog to everyone?
Under the current law those are exempted from regulation - and accessible toilets are always gender free, so I can't honestly see that changing.
My public sector work HQ gym has male and female changing rooms (and showers) but the bogs are gender neutral and are accessed from the same corridor the changing rooms are on. And the bogs are also accessible. It’s a fairly recent build.

The gents in my building has four or five cubicles, no urinals. So could be used by anyone theoretically. I prefer a sit down wee anyway for personal reasons so it suits me.
Redwoods seat is one of the safest torys have got plus wasn't an instant decision on his part...basically a golden ticket and they parachute in a numpty
TBF, any aspiring politician with an ounce of nous about them is going to be keeping a big distance from the Tory party until at least the General Election, and the consequent blood-letting, is over.
TBF, any aspiring politician with an ounce of nous about them is going to be keeping a big distance from the Tory party until at least the General Election, and the consequent blood-letting, is over.
Nah you ain't going to get a shot at government for a decade but chance to bed in and some shadow briefs
Nah you ain't going to get a shot at government for a decade but chance to bed in and some shadow briefs
Yes, but not now. The people signing up to stand as Tory candidates now will be tainted by both their almost-inevitable failure to get elected, and by association with a version of the Tory party which I think we can be absolutely certain is going to have to be hung out to dry, and probably disowned, by whatever comes next. It's a toxic brand - those signing up now might not be toxic themselves, but they're going to have it all over their hands. Far better to wait until the ritual sacrifices, blame-laying, and sackcloth and ashes (what am I talking about - when did tories EVER do sackcloth and ashes?) phase is over, then step smartly in to pick up the pieces and look like the hero of the hour.
Redwoods seat is one of the safest torys have got plus wasn't an instant decision on his part...basically a golden ticket and they parachute in a numpty

the lib dems are throwing quite a lot of effort in to this - candidate is long-standing, has been leader of the council in the past. have had maybe 3 leaflets through the door since the election has called - basically 'everything is shit (todays was NHS) because tories, labour can't win here, vote for us' line.

although the gerrymandering has removed some of the more labour leaning bits of the constituency.

council is lib dem minority administration (they didn't manage to get enough seats last month to take full control) although constituency is more tory than the borough now (the boundaries didn't match before and match even less now)

hard to see it going lib-dem but could just be possible.
Rat-boy (breath one) : I have a plan; Labour have no plans

Rat-boy (next breath) : Labour’s plans would cost you £2k
Rat-boy (breath one) : I have a plan; Labour have no plans

Rat-boy (next breath) : Labour’s plans would cost you £2k
2K is a bargain, how much has Truss cost us? Personally about five grand a year. Fuck these chancers.
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