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the neoliberal vision of the future

Is there a word for that particular kind of thinking? When you insist on using existing words as if they had some divinely-ordained meaning, but altering your understanding of them to suit your own arguments? It is so common in conspiracy theory land that it ought to have a name.

Humpty dumpty
A duty is something that you are FORCED to do.

I walk my dog every night. I feel it is my duty, as to not walk him would cause him distress. Is my dog a Fascist now? Should I beware of him comedy goose-stepping down the road?
Any well-adjusted human actively welcomes the opportunity to act as part of a collective to perform all kinds of tasks. It's the only way we can survive. You have mistaken the alienation of modern society for independence. It isn't – it's merely a situation where the collective is failing the individual. None of us is independent. Humans simply aren't that kind of animal.
Our very notion of self is dependent on others. Presumably onanist thinks parenting is fascist.
I walk my dog every night. I feel it is my duty, as to not walk him would cause him distress. Is my dog a Fascist now? Should I beware of him comedy goose-stepping down the road?

It would be richly ironic if deep in his canine bowels he(?) wanted nothing more than to chew up every single on of your commie tracts and shit them out in a great triumphant stream of fascist filth.
It would be richly ironic if deep in his canine bowels he(?) wanted nothing more than to chew up every single on of your commie tracts and shit them out in a great triumphant stream of fascist filth.

It occurs to me that his name is Tank. Fascists like tanks. It all adds up.
Ok, let's for a minute assume that you guys are absolutely right and that I am absolutely wrong. Individuals have a duty to the collective and has no right to make decisions on its own, only to try to influence others. I also expect that since you guys are so angry at the way the world is organized today you embody your own ideals of how you want the world to be like. In other words, this forum should be a little microcosm of what I should expect if YOU guys ever were to gain majority. So let's see what socialism is like in practice for me:

- I express an opinion, and I am told to "grow up." Implicitly: my opinions are not important in this collective. It is the grownups that get to decide (i.e. the ones who agree with the socialists)
- A majority of this collective thinks it's completely acceptable to call me onan, onany and onanist. In other words, in this collective I am like the lowest of the lowest. No brotherhood and equality here. No, siree.

So what the socialists do in practice when they get together is to: a) think that they are much, much better humans than those who disagree with them, and b) bully those who disagree with them.

Now lets compare that to the kind of society we LIBERALS envision:

- peace. No use of force of any kind between humans.
- respect and equality. Even if not required by law a liberal will strive towards treating all peaceful individuals as their equals, not as a serf.

Strange as it may seem, the vast majority of liberals that I have talked to and/or observed all over the world are generally peaceful individuals. They don't like to resort to violence and they generally don't bully and they treat other people with respect. But strangely when I observe socialists then all over the world I find the same pattern: a propensity towards vioelence, bullying, respectless behavior towards opponents and a power arrogance only matched by the kings and nobles of the feudal age.

You know what? I am greatful that you guys have given me a demonstration of what your political ideology is all about.
That would have been so much better if you'd actually read what we've written. "Has no right to make decisions on its (sic) own"? What in the nether hells are you on about? What has been pointed out is the socially constructed nature of choice, which renders your understanding of individuality in terms of choice a rather naive one. You presume that individuals are fully cognizant of why they do what they do. Experience and science renders this conclusion untenable.

And from this non sequiteur you propose that this forum is a microcosm of our putative socialist ideals. This statement says one thing and one thing only. You know nothing of these boards and you know nothing about the opinions and ideas expressed here, or indeed how they are expressed. It's not our problem that your wrong. That's why you get shouted at, because you're provably wrong. Alas, proof holds no sway with the likes of you, because you see the light, and that's a lot easier.

Lastly, for the record, you are a massive, massive wanker. Knull ei geit, din gamle gnurekukk.
That would have been so much better if you'd actually read what we've written.

I chose not to read or acknowledge anything written by anyone who calls me onan, onany, onanist or wanker, which means pretty much everyone in here. Obviously someone who treat fellow human beings with such utter disrespect have absolutely nothing to teach anyone about what is right and wrong, you understand that right?

You presume that individuals are fully cognizant of why they do what they do. Experience and science renders this conclusion untenable.

But YOU on the other hand, YOU oh great God-Father, YOU have escaped the limitations of us mere humans and so I should without hesitation cast myself humbly to the ground and absorb everything you say without thought or critique, lest I be a wanker! For YOU, oh Great God-Father, YOU have the Truth and if I mere human dare question you I deserve nothing but disdain and scolding.

And from this non sequiteur you propose that this forum is a microcosm of our putative socialist ideals. This statement says one thing and one thing only. You know nothing of these boards and you know nothing about the opinions and ideas expressed here, or indeed how they are expressed.

Of course! I'm just a mere human. What do I know? I cannot be allowed to think and make judgements on my own for I know nothing compared to the Great God-Father.

It's not our problem that your wrong. That's why you get shouted at, because you're provably wrong. Alas, proof holds no sway with the likes of you, because you see the light, and that's a lot easier.

Aaaah, yes. The mortal sin of Being Wrong. (i.e. disagreeing with the God-Father) Well, of course I, mere humble human, deserve to be scolded and bullied for Being Wrong. Who doesn't?

Lastly, for the record, you are a massive, massive wanker. Knull ei geit, din gamle gnurekukk.

And there my ears were shut.

So let me get this straight, your message to the world is that the essence of socialism is: "obey, shut up and stop whining"? I don't mind you admitting this. This is precisely the kind of behavior I expect from fascists. So thank you for proving my point and providing me with fresh empirical data of what socialists are like as human beings.
So let me get this straight, your message to the world is that the essence of socialism is: "obey, shut up and stop whining"? I don't mind you admitting this. This is precisely the kind of behavior I expect from fascists. So thank you for proving my point and providing me with fresh empirical data of what socialists are like as human beings.

No son, our message to you is shut up and stop whining. You're not actually the centre of the universe, hard to believe though that is I know.
Ok, let's for a minute assume that you guys are absolutely right and that I am absolutely wrong. Individuals have a duty to the collective and has no right to make decisions on its own, only to try to influence others. I also expect that since you guys are so angry at the way the world is organized today you embody your own ideals of how you want the world to be like. In other words, this forum should be a little microcosm of what I should expect if YOU guys ever were to gain majority. So let's see what socialism is like in practice for me:

- I express an opinion, and I am told to "grow up." Implicitly: my opinions are not important in this collective. It is the grownups that get to decide (i.e. the ones who agree with the socialists)
- A majority of this collective thinks it's completely acceptable to call me onan, onany and onanist. In other words, in this collective I am like the lowest of the lowest. No brotherhood and equality here. No, siree.

So what the socialists do in practice when they get together is to: a) think that they are much, much better humans than those who disagree with them, and b) bully those who disagree with them.

Now lets compare that to the kind of society we LIBERALS envision:

- peace. No use of force of any kind between humans.
- respect and equality. Even if not required by law a liberal will strive towards treating all peaceful individuals as their equals, not as a serf.

Strange as it may seem, the vast majority of liberals that I have talked to and/or observed all over the world are generally peaceful individuals. They don't like to resort to violence and they generally don't bully and they treat other people with respect. But strangely when I observe socialists then all over the world I find the same pattern: a propensity towards vioelence, bullying, respectless behavior towards opponents and a power arrogance only matched by the kings and nobles of the feudal age.

You know what? I am greatful that you guys have given me a demonstration of what your political ideology is all about.

you've not listened to a word anyone has said because you're determined to carry on depicting socialism as monolithic individuality crushing....like...like...begins with an f...

onan the barbarian
So let me get this straight, your message to the world is that the essence of socialism is: "obey, shut up and stop whining"? I don't mind you admitting this. This is precisely the kind of behavior I expect from fascists. So thank you for proving my point and providing me with fresh empirical data of what socialists are like as human beings.

Who said that? You're not much good at reading - are you?
I chose not to read or acknowledge anything written by anyone who calls me onan, onany, onanist or wanker, which means pretty much everyone in here. Obviously someone who treat fellow human beings with such utter disrespect have absolutely nothing to teach anyone about what is right and wrong, you understand that right?

You haven't read anything that anyone has typed anyway
. This is such a feeble excuse for refusing to engage with others.

You're intellectually dishonest.

You haven't read anything that anyone has typed anyway

No, I've read it. I just don't acknowledge it. I'll respond when people start behaving as what you could expect from a decent human being.

This is such a feeble excuse for refusing to engage with others.

I'm asking very little of you. I'm only asking that you don't behave like an asshole. Is that really too much to ask? Am I intellectually dishonest because I want to be treated with an inch of respect? I'm learning more and more interesting things about socialism for every word you guys utter on this forum! Keep it coming. I'm inviting over an audience to watch socialism in practice.
No, I've read it. I just don't acknowledge it. I'll respond when people start behaving as what you could expect from a decent human being.

I'm asking very little of you. I'm only asking that you don't behave like an asshole. Is that really too much to ask? Am I intellectually dishonest because I want to be treated with an inch of respect? I'm learning more and more interesting things about socialism for every word you guys utter on this forum! Keep it coming. I'm inviting over an audience to watch socialism in practice.

This post proves that you've not bothered to read anyone's posts.
Ah, if only it were that simple.


LOL! You're showing a socialist mass murder grave as an example that people don't find it natural to respect other people's lives and property! I agree that socialists find it extremely unnatural and hard to respect other people, but that is not due to human nature, but rather due to the inhuman nature of socialism.
LOL! You're showing a socialist mass murder grave as an example that people don't find it natural to respect other people's lives and property! I agree that socialists find it extremely unnatural and hard to respect other people, but that is not due to human nature, but rather due to the inhuman nature of socialism.

And where did genocidal acts by liberal capitalist regimes (e.g. against Native American populations) come from, if your liberalism is rooted in some innate, and innately good human nature?
Socialists are humans. All humans are capable of these horrors.
But then, it is pointless arguing this with you, because you have your own private definitions of words. Agreeing on the meaning of words is the first step in communication. If we can't do that, then why bother?
And where did genocidal acts by liberal capitalist regimes (e.g. against Native American populations) come from, if your liberalism is rooted in some innate, and innately good human nature?

I'm guessing that he has a circular definition of liberalism - that liberals are, by definition, the nice guys. Rather like an ultra leftists who says that only the nice chaps are the real socialists.
LOL! You're showing a socialist mass murder grave as an example that people don't find it natural to respect other people's lives and property! I agree that socialists find it extremely unnatural and hard to respect other people, but that is not due to human nature, but rather due to the inhuman nature of socialism.

You're so full of presumptions, myths, tropes, smears and outright lies. But you think in binaries and that's your problem. "Socialism is evil because it isn't [free market] capitalism" is a very lazy way of thinking.
You're so full of presumptions, myths, tropes, smears and outright lies. But you think in binaries and that's your problem. "Socialism is evil because it isn't [free market] capitalism" is a very lazy way of thinking.

I thought he'd already said that capitalism is fascism?
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