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the neoliberal vision of the future

Oh, really? It PROVES it? With the same degree of confidence that you can PROVE that socialism is good? If that's your standard of proof then I am not impressed.

You don't even realise that you're stuck in a loop. This is the second time you've posted this reply, admittedly with the last line added for effect.
And where did genocidal acts by liberal capitalist regimes (e.g. against Native American populations) come from, if your liberalism is rooted in some innate, and innately good human nature?

I know of no such genocidal acts by liberal regimes, but if you make a list of liberal atrocities vs socialist atrocities it's not very hard to find out who are the bad guys.
You don't even realise that you're stuck in a loop. This is the second time you've posted this reply, admittedly with the last line added for effect.

Sorry about the double posts. Sometimes for reasons unknown to me there is a double post. It is not intentional and there is, as far as I know, no way for me to delete my own posts. However, the fact that you think that this is something that is done intentionally is quite creepy.
Sorry about the double posts. Sometimes for reasons unknown to me there is a double post. It is not intentional and there is, as far as I know, no way for me to delete my own posts. However, the fact that you think that this is something that is done intentionally is quite creepy.

That's your excuse. What is a "liberal" regime? Please provide some examples.
I know of no such genocidal acts by liberal regimes, but if you make a list of liberal atrocities vs socialist atrocities it's not very hard to find out who are the bad guys.

I've already started a thread totalling up the mass deaths due to liberalism, in the last century alone. Search for 'megadeaths of liberalism' in this sub-forum.

Now I think the many millions dead due to liberalism may very well be far more than those due to the Soviet or Nazi governments. But are you really saying that if Communism had killed more, then the millions killed by liberalism can be dismissed, and liberals whitewashed as the good guys?
That's your excuse. What is a "liberal" regime? Please provide some examples.

If the US Constitution isn't a textbook example of the basis for a liberal regime then no liberal regime exists or has ever exists. Which is probably what onan will reveal shortly. Rather like the way some communists disappointingly try to pretend that there's never been a communist regime.
I've already started a thread totalling up the mass deaths due to liberalism, in the last century alone. Search for 'megadeaths of liberalism' in this sub-forum.

Now I think the many millions dead due to liberalism may very well be far more than those due to the Soviet or Nazi governments. But are you really saying that if Communism had killed more, then the millions killed by liberalism can be dismissed, and liberals whitewashed as the good guys?

My bet is that starving to death due to IMF restructuring will be dismissed as the result of impersonal market forces, or the fault of the starvee for not being entrepreneurial enough ...
What is a "liberal" regime? Pinochet's Chile?

Nope, Pinochet was an authoritarian conservative, but even if you did count him as a liberal and even if we accept the Marxist version of the story that Allende did NOT destroy Chile, act criminally and nearly plunge Chile into a civil war, then Pinochet probably killed at most 5000 people. And that's about the worst atrocity you can find among "liberals." Pinochet wouldn't even make a dimple on the heap of people mass murdered by socialists. And again now we are ignoring the tens of thousands of people socialism murder every single day due to structural violence. And we are also just blindly accepting the Marxist version of events where the people killed were completely innocent and in no way constituted a threat to Chile.
And we are also just blindly accepting the Marxist version of events where the people killed were completely innocent and in no way constituted a threat to Chile.

You ignorant fucking cunt. Since when does constituting a threat to your country justify judicial murder?
Pinochet probably killed at most 5000 people. And that's about the worst atrocity you can find among "liberals."
Have you explained already how the US government is not a liberal regime? And the British empire, especially under the liberals and the tories? Their death tolls are up in the dozens of millions without any serious research.
That's your excuse. What is a "liberal" regime? Please provide some examples.

The United States was a liberal regime up to about the beginning of the 20th century. Since then the US has in practical policies moved ever more towards the fascist welfare state. In modern times Hong Kong and Singapore have been closest to laissez-faire in economic matters, but authoritarian in other matters.
Pinochet probably killed at most 5000

when I said you'd pissed your chips, I meant you'd fucked yourself. Because I could see you going this way. Only 5000 eh? you're now defending pinochet or at the least trying to downplay his acts.
Beginning in 1893, Cecil Rhodes and his British South African Company stole
millions of acres of land and hundreds of thousands of cattle from the Mashona
and Ndebele peoples in Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. When many of these
people challenged European rule in 1897, Rhodes’ forces killed thousands of men,
women and children.11 Some Europeans advocated destroying entire communities.
On 29 March 1896, Rhodes’ ally Lord Jarvis wrote to his wife that ‘I hope the
natives will be pretty well exterminated . . . our plan of campaign will probably be
to . . . wipe them out . . .’, while in July he wrote to his mother, suggesting that,
‘. . . the best thing to do is to wipe them out . . . everything black’. In January 1897,
Lord Grey wrote describing the mood in the colony: even the missionary Father
Biehler felt ‘the only chance for the future of the [Mashona] race is to exterminate
the whole people, both male and female, over the age of 14!’12 Had Rhodes not
decided that funding such a war would be prohibitively expensive, Southern
Rhodesia might have become, like German South West Africa, a site of genocide.13
In 1906, dispossession, physical abuse, and oppression ignited the Bhambatha
Uprising against British rule in Natal, now a South African province.14 Colonists
then waged a two-year-long war that included sporadic massacres, such as the
‘mopping up’ of several hundred defeated warriors following the Battle of Mome
Gorge.15 Ultimately, the counterinsurgency led to the deaths of between 3500 and
4000 Africans in operations roundly condemned both in other provinces of the
future South Africa and in London.16 South African leader Jan Smuts called the
counterinsurgency ‘simply a record of loot and rapine’.17
I know of no such genocidal acts by liberal regimes, but if you make a list of liberal atrocities vs socialist atrocities it's not very hard to find out who are the bad guys.
there was a recent thread on this...
Socialism is currently murdering at least 7.5 million people a year? This is your claim?

No, at least 4 million people per year. The vast majority of children and people in the world who are dying of starvation, diseases and natural disasters are from highly anti-capitalistic countries, and many of these are socialists. Also socialists in the West are indirectly contributing to the deaths of millions by actively trying to prevent capitalism from spreading. I know that this is not your intention, but you cannot claim innocence since the effects of socialism are well-known. The end result is always death and destruction.
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