Aryan peasants in the Ukraine? AIDS doesn't exist? What is this, Conspiraloon Saturday?
The nazi persicution/genocide of the jews was brought on by the jewish commies murdering ten's of million of aryan peasants.
And they don't do any testing to prove what they died of.
And check out that link he posted, conspiraloontastic.FridgeMagnet said:Aryan peasants? In the Ukraine? AIDS doesn't exist? What is this, conspiraloon Saturday?
editor said:Evidence for this remarkable claim, please?
The United Nations calls it the "worst infectious disease catastrophe since bubonic plague." U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer advocates spending $3-billion to "fight AIDS." And delegates at last month's National Summit on Africa in Washington pleaded for more money to wage war on AIDS. But the scientific data do not support these claims. The whole subject needs a healthy dose of skepticism.
I recently made my 15th trip to Africa to find out more. Let's start with a few basic facts about HIV, AIDS, African record-keeping and socio-economic realities. What are we counting? The World Health Organization defines an AIDS case in Africa as a combination of fever, persistent cough, diarrhea and a 10-per-cent loss of body weight in two months. No HIV test is needed. It is impossible to distinguish these common symptoms -- all of which I've had while working in Somalia -- from those of malaria, tuberculosis or the indigenous diseases of impoverished lands.
By contrast, in North America and Europe, AIDS is defined as 30-odd diseases in the presence of HIV (as shown by a positive HIV test). The lack of any requirement for such a test in Africa means that, in practice, many traditional African diseases can be and are reclassified as AIDS. Since 1994, tuberculosis itself has been considered an AIDS-indicator disease in Africa.
Dressed up as HIV/AIDS, a variety of old sicknesses have been reclassified. Post mortems are seldom performed in Africa to determine the actual cause of death. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study, Africa maintains the lowest levels of reliable vital statistics for any continent -- a microscopic 1.1 per cent. "Verbal autopsies" are widely used because death certificates are rarely issued. When AIDS experts are asked to prove actual cases of AIDS, terrifying numbers dissolve into vague estimates of HIV infection.
BUT INCREASINGLY, discrepancies about the dynamics of HIV transmission, skepticism about what really causes AIDS and mounting evidence of imprecise medical diagnoses are stirring up a backlash among African scientists. They argue that in Africa AIDS is not a contagious epidemic linked to sexual habits but is the new name for old diseases that result from inadequate health care, widespread malnutrition, endemic infections and unsanitary water supplies. Dr. Richard Chirimuuta of Zimbabwe notes sarcastically that in order to have one-third of the sexually active adults in some central and east African countries infected with AIDS, "life in these countries must be one endless orgy."
A growing number of African physicians including Dr. Mark Mattah (Midland Center for Neurology in England), Dr. Sam Okware (former director of AIDS research in Uganda) and Dr. P.A.K. Addy (director of clinical microbiology in Kumasi, Ghana) say they think the panic over the heterosexual transmission of AIDS may be a hoax. Dr. Felix Konotey-Ahulu, a Ghanaian physician at London's Cromwell Hospital, toured Africa countries a few years ago to assess the "epidemic." In a scathing report for Lancet, Dr. Konotey-Ahulu asked, "If tens of thousands are dying from AIDS (and Africans do not cremate their dead), where are the graves?"
pbman said:lol
TRy read, and telling me how many people in africa are actually proven to have died of aids.
When you guys play games with the numbers, its you who hurts your own cause, as no one knows for sure whats going on.
Jo/Joe said:Where did you hear this pbman? Stormfront? Please read the entire sentence above (you wrote it, remember?) and tell us where you heard this.
Very true pbman, you're right I have to admit. Those stupid darkies are not actually contracting AIDS at all, and if they are it's because they are too primitive to control their animalistic urges. So really, they've got it coming. If I wasn't such a secular bastard I wouldn't have been so blind as to not notice that condoms cannot prevent the spread of HIV. Those money grabbing scientists have been fooling us all along. The catholic church (and others), wise in their declarations on human sexuality, were right as usual.
toggle said:Hmmm, so what proof do you have that these figures are not representative of the situation?
The World Health Organization defines an AIDS case in Africa as a combination of fever, persistent cough, diarrhea and a 10-per-cent loss of body weight in two months. No HIV test is needed. It is impossible to distinguish these common symptoms -- all of which I've had while working in Somalia -- from those of malaria, tuberculosis or the indigenous diseases of impoverished lands.
And i fail to see how proper classification of deaths would be a "Nazi" issue.
Doesn't this pbman sound different from last nights one? You've gave far too much away this time pal. Good riddance.
butchersapron said:Doesn't this pbman sound different from last nights one? You've gave far too much away this time pal. Good riddance.
Jo/Joe said:Thanks for the specualtive evidence on HIV in Africa (I'm so glad they're dying of something else).
Now, tell us how the jews caused the Holocaust.
pbman said:Without actual medical testing, know one has proof of anything.
And that is the point.
Without real numbers its not real.
fishfingerer said:Someone tell JC2 to come and try rescue his little monkey.
No, forget the half-arsed history, we're talking about the Jews now. How did the Jews cause the holocaust?pbman said:By being bloodthirst murdering commies, who scared the people in german/europe into suporting hitler, by killing tnes of millions.
Lots of people supported the Nazi's knowing what a-hles they were, cause they feared the commies more.
Its called being "between a rock and a hardspace."
Thats basic high school history btw, i'm surprised you don't know it.
By being bloodthirst murdering commies, who scared the people in german/europe into suporting hitler, by killing tnes of millions.
Lots of people supported the Nazi's knowing what a-hles they were, cause they feared the commies more.
Thats basic high school history btw, i'm surprised you don't know it.
'Jewish commies' at thatJo/Joe said:Thankfully I wasn't subject to the US educational system. Over here in Europe, where it all happened, we've been led to believe it was a combination of factors including economic conditions, Germany's humiliation post-WW1, a resurge in nationalism and Hitler's obsession with recreating the nation's glory days. But I stand corrected, commies it was then.
'Jewish commies' at that
Whoa ....pbman said:The nazi persicution/genocide of the jews was brought on by the jewish commies murdering ten's of million of aryan peasants.
Or did you think the germans didn't knotice what stalin and his minions did in the 1920s and 30's>
Wolfie said:sorry - I binned this thread after reading pb's nasty anti-semitic shite but as the arguments seem to be continuing apace I've restored it ...
pbman said:I'm not anti-semitic.
I've argue for isreal and the rights of the jews for hundreds of pages.
But that doesn't mean that jewish comunists get a pass either.
Bernie Gunther said:Whoa ....
I just spotted this. Fucking hell.
pbman said:
Nice posing.
But the very actions of the communists brought hitler to power.
As most every school child knows.