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The most awkward bank holiday ever

I'm really quite hungover but I think we might pop to the pub later this afternoon/evening when OH wakes up.
I'm expecting our local to be business as usual, they've not done anything wrt her maj so far, not so much as a photo on display, and I'm not expecting them to suddenly go all "woe is us" today.
Mate has come over and helped me move a bookcase from one room to another and carry a sofabed frame upstairs.

We then have had a coffee in the garden.

I’m now shifting some less heavy furniture about

When are we allowed to visibly enjoy ourselves again?
Town centre is dead.Like OG lockdown dead. There'd better be somewhere I can get a pasty, is all I can say.
I’ve just seen a family at the park with a camping table that has their snacks and is covered in flag bunting. They’ve got the radio on tuned in to the funeral. I wondered if it was some sort of compromise, some wanted to go to the park and others wanted to watch the funeral and this was the result
Listened to a bit earlier, just for the history, acoustics blah. Rest of today's plans, making vege soup; hoovering; pub then seeing Evergrey. (Yes I have checked it's still open / on.)

Road traffic out front seems fairly normal for a Monday.
Update: there is nowhere to get a pasty.
Bristol also totally shut. Makes no sense- stupid business sense. Everyone is off work (I worked the weekend so have today off otherwise I'd be at work) and would be buying stuff. There was one place open selling coffee on a road with around 10 coffee shops
Bristol also totally shut. Makes no sense- stupid business sense. Everyone is off work (I worked the weekend so have today off otherwise I'd be at work) and would be buying stuff. There was one place open selling coffee on a road with around 10 coffee shops
If everyone wasn't off work they wouldn't be able to flock to all those cafés and shops that wouldn't be closed.
As a mark of respect, I shall spend Monday morning lying in a state
Just realised that by doing this, I inadvertently made a tribute to our William by having an epic lie-in (well 10am is epic for me)
Have got a disgusting real ale to raise to him for later too!
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