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Ever had a negative reaction to a political T-shirt?

I used to wear one through the 90s
Got some funny looks but most Irish people sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians and have done so for decades. I wear it now again... huge numbers of Irish people are wearing them.
Aye same here, it was the height of fashion amongst lefties and others of alternate left-leaning political persuasion 30 years ago :D
I'd think anyone giving it a look these days might be going in their head "oh I used to have one of those, I wonder where I put it?"
In the last 12 months, have got a lot more side eye from wearing the first one than I have from wearing the second

The second is ambiguous. Is it calling for a Lysistrata-style sex strike against coppers, or is it arguing against funding cuts to the police service?
Not a t-shirt, but back in the 80's when I was on an ET scheme, I was picked out by the cops and told I couldn't meet prince Charles, who was visiting, because I was wearing a starry plough badge.

Suited me fine as the training provider couldn't really hide me, so I was sent off down the pub
Oh, and a near miss one, there's a steward at my work who went on his training and very nearly wore an ACAB shirt for his first day, on the reasonable grounds that a union training is the sort of place where you might wear a political shirt. He turned up for the first day and found that there was also someone from one of our police branches doing the course.
He turned up for the first day and found that there was also someone from one of our police branches doing the course.


maybe he should get one of these from cats protection

All Cats Are Beautiful T-shirt
Keep meaning to buy one of those - the version where the words are done in the shape of a rat
I just took the image down to a local printers and got them to make me one, might be easier?

I have a vague memory of being warned about a Tshirt yrs ago, it was of a fox hanging from a hunter's crotch, a few drops of blood, and said Tally ho now you bastard! Copper said he'd let me off that time :D
Not sure it's so political in the typical sense but I got berated by a lady in the library for wearing this at kids Lego club.


She took me aside and said it wasn't appropriate to wear around kids because heman is a massive gay icon and a unicorn is a bisexual that can enter an existing hetero relationship and not cause a rift with either person. I was pretty wtf at the time, but just smirked and said "OK thanks, I'm from the 80s. I don't think the kids mind."

Eta I've just re-read this post and it seems a bit short, I did actually ask her why on earth it wasn't fit for kids before she went down that path btw.
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The second is ambiguous. Is it calling for a Lysistrata-style sex strike against coppers, or is it arguing against funding cuts to the police service?
I'm taking 'actually' to mean 'literally', so the former
I was thinking that perhaps some might interpret that message to be of questionable taste, or just bitterly ironic, considering recent and historical events of policemen manipulating and deceiving women into having sexual and romantic long-term relationships with cops who they believed to be comrades, and also those who have just straight out raped and murdered women.
I was thinking that perhaps some might interpret that message to be of questionable taste, or just bitterly ironic, considering recent and historical events of policemen manipulating and deceiving women into having sexual and romantic long-term relationships with cops who they believed to be comrades, and also those who have just straight out raped and murdered women.
Fair play (for what you said)
As a teenage punk I nearly got chinned off my Gran for wearing a homemade Crass t-shirt with an inverted crucifixion and "Jesus died for his own sins not mine" which, when I think back now, would have been fair enough. I also got bullied by a cop for my Dead Kennedys jacket as he had a mate called Kennedy. Big stupid fat prick he was.
Fuck knows, was nearly a quarter of a century ago, a time when I never went more than about five days without doing tons of mdma and ket, so memory can be a bit sketchy.

Possibly something along similar lines as to why Green Day wrote American Idiot..?
Was it maybe a Dead Silence T shirt? That was one of their tunes around then init
At a yoga class in Brixton a few years ago a new member showed up in a 'STOP Arming Israel' t shirt. Another yoga practitioner took very strong exception and after heated words, stormed out. At class end the yoga teacher suggested we didn't wear t shirts with political statements.
I saw someone wearing a black long sleeve t-shirt with swastika's all over in Clwb Ifor Bach at a techno night. My mate asked him about it and he said it was anti-nazi but it was a bit weird. Never got any pictures of it.
Swastikas are problematic I think. Even if someone has it the right way round, few people would know.
Not a political t-shirt, but my MR HEISENBERG got compliments from random strangers when I wore it around 2012-2015, including a staff member at Butlin's and a dude outside Oxford train station

Looked like this:

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