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Ever had a negative reaction to a political T-shirt?

I have a shirt with the Nye Bevan 'lower than vermin' quote on it. Only ever had approving reactions but I wouldn't rock up to the social club when the rugby's on wearing it, nor the card game on Tuesdays.
Surely it depends on which social club and which variety of Rugby?

Sure if you were down workingman's to watch th' Rugby League, it'd be fine.
Although I didn't have a bad reaction to the anti-fascist one which featured a swastika being trashed I did stop wearing it because one day I glanced at it and thought if you only looked at it quickly you might get the wrong idea of what it was about.
Yeah, I don’t like those, and for the same reason.
The worst 'political' reaction I got for wearing a t-shirt was when I was in my CBGB's one.

At a European Social Forum and this bloke marches up to me and compliments me on it, it didn't 'look like most CPGB shirts. Are you Peter Manson?' Reader, I could have decked him.
I used to have a great t-shirt with the red and black triangles and the initials FAI In the top left corner and CNT in the bottom right.

Not really a negative reaction (more a disappointing one) but I lost count of the number of people who asked me, "is that meant to mean cunt or something?"
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Yep, but not like anything that has already been described. Still pisses me off it happened, because I felt VERY threatened.

In the 80s I was on a bus to Finsbury Park. Only spare seat was near the back, on top, in front of a group of young lads. I had a sleeveless 'FREEDOM' t-shirt in rasta colours. On the front was a fist braking a chain. I got so much shit, proper threatening shit from the group of lads who thought I, as a young white guy, should not be wearing that t-shirt. So threatened, I got off the bus early because I was certain I was about to get my head kicked in. Six of them, one of me, and nothing I said placated them. Cultural appropriation or solidarity? I know why I was wearing it.

On a lighter note, at school we aren't allowed to wear politically overt messages. I hated my Head at the time. I went in, in summer, in a Zapatista t-shirt I'd got in Mexico. It was entirely in Spanish and nobody at work spoke Spanish. It got completely ignored all day.
I have a shirt with the Nye Bevan 'lower than vermin' quote on it. Only ever had approving reactions but I wouldn't rock up to the social club when the rugby's on wearing it, nor the card game on Tuesdays.
Keep meaning to buy one of those - the version where the words are done in the shape of a rat
While working at the Buddhafield festival in 2012 I was wearing an Anaal Nathrakh t-shirt which has on the back "If you want a picture of the future, picture a boot stamping on a human face forever." One of the festival runners came over to personally ask me to take it off, and he made it clear if I didn't I'd be off site.

But he did it so non-violently that I just went with it.
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I once saw someone wearing an "ENOCH POWELL WAS RIGHT" t-shirt, I did indeed have a negative reaction to that.
Can't think of much the other way around, I did once get chatting to someone while wearing my MDC t-shirt and they mentioned their dad was a cop which turned the conversation a bit awkward, but that was a long time ago, can't really remember owt since then.
I once saw someone wearing an "ENOCH POWELL WAS RIGHT" t-shirt, I did indeed have a negative reaction to that.
Can't think of much the other way around, I did once get chatting to someone while wearing my MDC t-shirt and they mentioned their dad was a cop which turned the conversation a bit awkward, but that was a long time ago, can't really remember owt since then.

1979 England v West Indies at The Oval with my dad. We're talking Viv Richards, Joel Garner, Andy Roberts, Michael Holding ... all of my childhood heroes in one place.

My old man got us snide tickets (still got mine somewhere) for a couple of quid outside the ground, which actually worked. There were no scanners then, and the touts were in cahoots with the door-boys, so a nod got you in.

Half way through the morning sesh, some cunt at the front of our stand, stands up and takes his jacket off to show a massive swastika t-shirt and starts pumping his fist. The old man grabbed me by my coat and dragged me out of the stand whilst about 100 black lads converged on dickhead. Thing is, the old bill turned up and the stand got closed so we missed the cricket cos our tickets were fake and we couldn't use them to get back in.

Somehow, dad did a deal with a Rasta geezer in the pub that evening which got us into the next day ....

... West Indies won the test match, which made me very happy!
Yep, but not like anything that has already been described. Still pisses me off it happened, because I felt VERY threatened.

In the 80s I was on a bus to Finsbury Park. Only spare seat was near the back, on top, in front of a group of young lads. I had a sleeveless 'FREEDOM' t-shirt in rasta colours. On the front was a fist braking a chain. I got so much shit, proper threatening shit from the group of lads who thought I, as a young white guy, should not be wearing that t-shirt. So threatened, I got off the bus early because I was certain I was about to get my head kicked in. Six of them, one of me, and nothing I said placated them. Cultural appropriation or solidarity? I know why I was wearing it.

On a lighter note, at school we aren't allowed to wear politically overt messages. I hated my Head at the time. I went in, in summer, in a Zapatista t-shirt I'd got in Mexico. It was entirely in Spanish and nobody at work spoke Spanish. It got completely ignored all day.
I saw a lad once wearing a leather biker jacket with a Southern Confederate flag on the back of it. He was black, I think someone wasn't paying attention during history classes
Know somebody who turned up for pt wearing a simple minds tour t with an amnesty international logo a certain nco took exception to that and beasted him
Oh, another tee-shirt I had for many years was a plain grey job with some green stitching ...

of a cannabis leaf ...

That got me some funny looks.
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