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The most awkward bank holiday ever

Most of the people I deal with at work are Tories and monarchists. It goes with the territory. So when a young lickspittle asked me whether I had had a nice bank holiday yesterday I responded 'very relaxing thank you and a welcome break.' Which is true (I climbed a Dartmoor tor with my family and then attended a barbecue.) He then said, 'I expect we're all a little bit televisioned-out now, aren't we!'

I mean, fucking hell, I didn't realise there would be a test.

It took the full 10 days for it, but I lost my cool on the bank holiday. I'm alright with the (completely loony) gnashing of teeth over Liz - even republicans have to admit she tried to make it look like she appreciated that it was privilege and not right, and put in a working day. I can stay quiet; it is after all someone's nan who's dead. (or do lizards do parthenogenesis?)

But then the best wishes for Chuckles and the God Save the Kings started to roll in and I just couldn't. I had to lash out. And so it was my poor team in a Facebook game I play that had their royal love-in interrupted with a "Yes, he had better do a good job or we can lop his head off like his namesake". Not cool, I admit. But I honestly couldn't stand another minute of it. On the positive side, there's now a "no politics" rule and it includes (elected or unelected) heads of state. And yes, I did apologise for hurting people's feelings (not the politician's "I'm sorry that you feel that way") while not apologising for my opinions. God Save the old, unelected, over-privileged white twat.

Keep quiet, bide your time, our time will come. Though I was somewhat surprised to see "Approve", "Disapprove", and "Don't care at all" were tied in the latest polls on His Chucklesness. I thought he was even less popular than that. I think I'll lock myself in my room when the coronation comes due.
Go abroad for the duration
Well us Down Under ( in Victoria State) get this Thursday off as an extra holiday .... which added to Fridays " Day Before Grand Final" holiday ( It's a footy thing) means a 4 day weekend....

Which would be a bonus but it's bang in the middle of the school holidays so I'm already at home....

Most of the people I deal with at work are Tories and monarchists. It goes with the territory. So when a young lickspittle asked me whether I had had a nice bank holiday yesterday I responded 'very relaxing thank you and a welcome break.' Which is true (I climbed a Dartmoor tor with my family and then attended a barbecue.) He then said, 'I expect we're all a little bit televisioned-out now, aren't we!'

I mean, fucking hell, I didn't realise there would be a test.

Maybe he actually did a Netflix binge or something...?

Okay nah.
Go abroad for the duration
I didn't see any of the funeral until I went out for a coffee and brandy and it came up on CNN Portugal in the cafe and this Portuguese guy said 'Not this again' and then apologised when someone said I was English. 3 days of mourning here ( but this actually doesn't have any effect on everyday life )

"There is a certain protocol in relations between states and there had been mourning, for example, for the death of the Emperor of Japan for three days" or for "several important heads of state, but not so important in terms of the history of Portugal", said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in London.

For the President of the Republic, Elizabeth II, who died on September 8, "represented six and a half centuries of history" and the country that represents "much" of Portuguese independence.

“Historic role”

"It was a tribute not only to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, but to the UK's historic role in crucial moments. First England, then the UK, working for our independence in the 14th century, then back to work in the 17th century. Part of our independence is due to this country", said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in response to questions from journalists, at the official residence of the Portuguese ambassador in London.

The Portuguese President recalled that Portugal and England have a diplomatic alliance that will mark 650 years in 2023 and is "the oldest Portuguese alliance and, perhaps, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, also in the United Kingdom", even if throughout history there have been "difficult moments" in relations between the two countries.
I didn't see any of the funeral until I went out for a coffee and brandy and it came up on CNN Portugal in the cafe and this Portuguese guy said 'Not this again' and then apologised when someone said I was English. 3 days of mourning here ( but this actually doesn't have any effect on everyday life )
Aren’t they one of the few countries that the UK/England hasn’t been to war with?
Well us Down Under ( in Victoria State) get this Thursday off as an extra holiday .... which added to Fridays " Day Before Grand Final" holiday ( It's a footy thing) means a 4 day weekend....

Which would be a bonus but it's bang in the middle of the school holidays so I'm already at home....

You get a day off for a footie match?! And one for some stupid horse racing. Bloody weirdos
Apparently, Salazar used to have a picture of the queen on his desk, before that it was her dad... and before that it was Adolf Hitler.
It was very quiet here, all the builders, trades and delivery people working locally seemed to take the day off, which hasnt been the case with previous bank holidays this year.
Didn't end up going for a pint with my Mum in the end, which was annoying.

That said, taught Baby87 to say, in a round a bout way, 'Up the Reds!' so not all bad.
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