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The most awkward bank holiday ever

I need to source a can of borlotti beans tomorrow. It’s gonna be a challenge!
It was a cinch. My local South Asian wholesaler/supermarket was open and has every bean variety ever!
Got some banging samosas too.

Leeds/Headingley is as bustling as ever. No shops open apart from the ‘local’ convenience stores/newsagents/offie combos. Some pubs open too. Lots of people out on the street. Glad to report that Leeds isn’t as bootlicking as they are down south
It was a cinch. My local South Asian wholesaler/supermarket was open and has every bean variety ever!
Got some banging samosas too.

Leeds/Headingley is as bustling as ever. No shops open apart from the ‘local’ convenience stores/newsagents/offie combos. Some pubs open too. Lots of people out on the street. Glad to report that Leeds isn’t as bootlicking as they are down south
Might go for a jar on two then, just spent the last hour racking off wine and milling apples for cider so feel I deserve a drink to counter the cap doffing on the telly. Mrs SFM has switched over to “The Repair Shop” while we have lunch so feeling better already 🙂
Might go for a jar on two then, just spent the last hour racking off wine and milling apples for cider so feel I deserve a drink to counter the cap doffing on the telly. Mrs SFM has switched over to “The Repair Shop” while we have lunch so feeling better already 🙂
there's even a gig on at the Brude!
Went out for a walk at half two or three pm.

The forest is fucking heaving with families and groups which suggests nothing on tv has driven people closer to nature.
10 mile walk over the Downs with friends and friend's dog. Had a great picnic and said hello to a number of other sensible people; lovely views, gorgeous sunshine and blue sky plus a pleasant ache in my legs. Off for an afternoon nap now, to be followed by a couple of cold beers.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Brief burst of some choral music from next door neighbour do I assume he's stood up and turned up national anthem?
our drive to and from Aberdeeen today was quite quiet, it was a bit like xmas day but sunnier :D Quite a lot of traffic leaving Aberdeen as we went up and more lorries than I thought there would be too, poor HGV drivers :(
Bristol also totally shut. Makes no sense- stupid business sense. Everyone is off work (I worked the weekend so have today off otherwise I'd be at work) and would be buying stuff. There was one place open selling coffee on a road with around 10 coffee shops
THe BH day off is the best thing to happen so far, not sure the anarchist case for More Shopping
I'm not making a case from my pov, I'm saying if I was a business owner I wouldn't close on a day everyone was off and could come and buy stuff!
I expect business owners want days off too! though i get your point.

anyhow view from beach pub yesterday


was all going well until they pumped the funeral onto outside speakers - cut that short
It took the full 10 days for it, but I lost my cool on the bank holiday. I'm alright with the (completely loony) gnashing of teeth over Liz - even republicans have to admit she tried to make it look like she appreciated that it was privilege and not right, and put in a working day. I can stay quiet; it is after all someone's nan who's dead. (or do lizards do parthenogenesis?)

But then the best wishes for Chuckles and the God Save the Kings started to roll in and I just couldn't. I had to lash out. And so it was my poor team in a Facebook game I play that had their royal love-in interrupted with a "Yes, he had better do a good job or we can lop his head off like his namesake". Not cool, I admit. But I honestly couldn't stand another minute of it. On the positive side, there's now a "no politics" rule and it includes (elected or unelected) heads of state. And yes, I did apologise for hurting people's feelings (not the politician's "I'm sorry that you feel that way") while not apologising for my opinions. God Save the old, unelected, over-privileged white twat.

Keep quiet, bide your time, our time will come. Though I was somewhat surprised to see "Approve", "Disapprove", and "Don't care at all" were tied in the latest polls on His Chucklesness. I thought he was even less popular than that. I think I'll lock myself in my room when the coronation comes due.
I’m not a republican but an antimonarchist and have read about the Queen’s entirely fictitious public image. She was a nasty piece of work.
I’m not a republican but an antimonarchist and have read about the Queen’s entirely fictitious public image. She was a nasty piece of work.
Do you have a good source that lays out these claims because all this has done my head in and having to defend basic freedoms in this fucked up monarchy is exhausting
Do you have a good source that lays out these claims because all this has done my head in and having to defend basic freedoms in this fucked up monarchy is exhausting
Cba to go back but there’s loads out there - newspaper articles on the secrecy and unaccountability, opaque finances, racist employ tactics, being the head of a ruthless and rapacious empire and sanctioning torturing and murdering dissidents in Commonwealth countries. And she’s treated her own family appallingly.
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