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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

ha just looked at DM, loads of angry brexiteers, some bluster about withdrawing from the virtue signalling ECHR and Patel 'defiantly vowing' things. pathetic wankers.
I think this will drag on for a while mostly as 'red meat' theatre and then be quietly shelved.
Keep trying to imagine what if this is what happened to my dad when he showed up here as a young man asking for asylum, with no mates & no paperwork, what if he'd been bundled off to the capital of Rwanda.
you know, hate to say it but maybe this is actually great news for johnson.
He surely doesn't care either way if people are sent to Rwanda or not. But knows that his best chance of clinging to power is the same as before, having as many people as possible see him as a brave champion fighter against the woke liberal elites etc.
So the being thwarted by them is fine for him.
you know, hate to say it but maybe this is actually great news for johnson.
He surely doesn't care either way if people are sent to Rwanda or not. But knows that his best chance of clinging to power is the same as before, having as many people as possible see him as a brave champion fighter against the woke liberal elites etc.
So the being thwarted by them is fine for him.

It's the people who have quietly condemned this or not said much at all that are the ones to watch.

It's not lost on me that they have had to hire some shady fly-by-night airline to do this- presumably having been turned down by the more obvious candidates ( British commercial carriers and the RAF ). The only way these flights could be more shady is if they were on a knackered old Dakota piloted by a permanently sozzled veteran of the Soviet Afghan war.

Yes a noisy minority who voted NF / BNP in the past and UKIP / Brexit Party more recently will be rubbing their eyes in disbelief that an old NF policy is being partly enacted. But I do know a lot of people who may not write CAPS LOCK tweets on the subject are pretty disgusted by this policy.

It's extremist, mad, shaming, and even if you are an utter sociopath and don't care about those three adjectives, it costs an awful lot of money to achieve absolutely nothing, at a time when the country has less than no money.

Climate change, famine, war and chronic geopolitical instability mean that there will be a steady flow of desperate refugees for the rest of our lifetimes and well beyond that. In this the EU and UK are in lock-step in enacted profoundly racist border policies. FBPE types needn't feel smug or that they are somehow above this, not when racist border guards in Croatia drive back migrants into Bosnia with violence and tasers, whilst the Poles construct an impenetrable barbed wire fence on the Belarusian border, and the EU has published a raft of anti-migrant policies.

Putting up the barriers, barbed wire fences and empowering racist needledicks with truncheons and stun guns on borders is no answer to this problem. What's needed is a global summit and legally enforceable quotas for each wealthy country able to take refugees from parts of the world that are increasingly uninhabitable because of the crisis factors mentioned earlier.

Of course, this is what should happen, but it is about as likely as me signing a five year deal with Real Madrid next week. I'm nearly 50 and a moderate Sunday League player.

We have to retain confidence that the vast majority of fellow citizens do not sdupport this racist, fascist bullshit and will vote accordingly when they have the chance.
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well this is sad. quite popular apparently when announced, the whole mad idea. incl more than 1/2 of tory voters.

Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 10.25.32.png
you know, hate to say it but maybe this is actually great news for johnson.
He surely doesn't care either way if people are sent to Rwanda or not. But knows that his best chance of clinging to power is the same as before, having as many people as possible see him as a brave champion fighter against the woke liberal elites etc.
So the being thwarted by them is fine for him.
Even if you think deporting people to Rwanda is a great idea, the government has fucked it so surely it just makes them look really incompetent? :confused:

Even if you think deporting people to Rwanda is a great idea, the government has fucked it so surely it just makes them look really incompetent? :confused:
Or, it makes them look like they are kicking against the pricks on behalf of hard-working, law-abiding people like us.
But if you support the govt, it wasn't them that fucked it, it was the EU (yes, It know it's not the EU). more reason to get rid and make our own human (non) rights bill.
Sure, but you'd expect them to have checked this out/sorted it before going ahead. Considering all the angles and making sure something is actually possible before going ahead and splurging huge amounts of cash on it is surely part of being competent?
well this is sad. quite popular apparently when announced, the whole mad idea. incl more than 1/2 of tory voters.

View attachment 327344

This is from nearly two months ago. I'd be more interested in a contemporary poll. As stated above it's the 30-35% who "neiother support nor oppose" or who "don't know" that are key.

The 21% racist "strongly support" bellends are the ones just to write off- you'll never win these folk over.
Sure, but you'd expect them to have checked this out/sorted it before going ahead. Considering all the angles and making sure something is actually possible before going ahead and splurging huge amounts of cash on it is surely part of being competent?

I do agree with your point but "competence" seems pretty low down the list of most voters' priorities these days, otherwise these chancers wouldn't have retained their deposits, let alone formed a government.
I do agree with your point but "competence" seems pretty low down the list of most voters' priorities these days, otherwise these chancers wouldn't have retained their deposits, let alone formed a government.
True. I guess I'm just imagining what would happen if you did this in a normal workplace. You'd be for the high jump I reckon. 🤷‍♀️
Sure, but you'd expect them to have checked this out/sorted it before going ahead. Considering all the angles and making sure something is actually possible before going ahead and splurging huge amounts of cash on it is surely part of being competent?

Well I suppose you would and I would...
well this is sad. quite popular apparently when announced, the whole mad idea. incl more than 1/2 of tory voters.

View attachment 327344
It's very depressing that more people strongly supported it than strongly opposed it. I'd be interested to dig in to those numbers and see how many of those who supported the idea have a distorted picture of the UK's record of accepting refugees. The UK has a very bad record for taking in refugees, much worse than most other rich European countries. I would wager that most of those who support this measure would think this was not the case - UK a 'soft' target, people skipping other countries cos of our benefits system, etc.
bread and circuses

all this policy was about
It really is this isn't it? Utterly pathetic. There is nothing serious about this policy at all. Even if 1 flight leaves a day full to the rafters of 200 people, 200 people are arriving by dinghy on the same day.

How wonky has their focus group algorithm gone to make them think this is a great idea that will win them enough votes to hang on to power?
It really is this isn't it? Utterly pathetic. There is nothing serious about this policy at all. Even if 1 flight leaves a day full to the rafters of 200 people, 200 people are arriving by dinghy on the same day.

How wonky has their focus group algorithm gone to make them think this is a great idea that will win them enough votes to hang on to power?
It is dog whistle politics designed to appeal to the former UKIP, former BNP supporters. They don't care if it works or even happens. Shows them battling on the side of the knuckle draggers against a liberal woke establishment. That is cynically what all this is really about.

It appeals as a policy to all those who always wanted to send "them" back to Africa. And that in support of this policy they seem to be being effectively challenged by decency, aka the "woke liberal establishment" is a political win for them and gives them the political clout to introduce legislation to further erode civil liberties, human rights, and the rule of law in this country.

All this is the real agenda in play, and the knuckle draggers are their champions and support base for it.
Article from the organisers of yesterday's action:
well, update on the question of what the financial arrangement is with Rwanda. Murky as hell.

" a response to a freedom of information request, obtained by the Guardian, said officials did not know how much the new policy was costing them.
The FoI response stated: “We have carried out a thorough search and we have established that the Home Office does not hold the information you have requested on total government plans and preparations for our partnership with Rwanda. It is not possible to give a specific financial figure in this regard.”
I'm so angry about this barbaric Tory policy.

Before she retired, my aunt was a foster carer in the Midlands and looked after a succession of young lads, who had come over in trucks or boats, unaccompanied minors, from Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. Like all her fosters, they're considered family, now. I remember frightened young lads with terrible PTSD, one who kept running away because he'd become separated from his uncle in the journey over here and was desperately trying to look for him, one who went everywhere with a dictionary and read it and asked to have conversations about the words basically all the time, a lad who was an amazing pianist and another lad who was frightened of soldiers and shouldn't have been placed with her because her son was in the army. Thankfully they moved him. Most of the lads she cared for now work in the NHS, my aunt was once an anaesthetist and her soldier son is now a paramedic, so they followed in the family footsteps. Another runs a curry house in Wembley.

I'm just so upset and angry because it's barbaric to send young men with their hopes and dreams to somewhere they don't know, so far away from everyone they do know and force them to stay there. How the fuck can these Tories sleep at night, how can they use young kids like this and destroy their lives to 'punish' traffickers. It's insane. Does anyone remember the USA/ Korea adoption scandal? If you do this to people, deport them like this, you'll destroy their lives, you're murdering them. Deportation a ‘Death Sentence’ to Adoptees After a Lifetime in the U.S. (Published 2017)
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