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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

"But labour will let more in " is already being spouted, and believed.
True, but I would argue that's because the Tories have lost control fo the narrative. This issue has become too big for them to control. But that's a consequence of Braverman blithely courting the far right with her incendiary rhetoric. I can see this ending in riots; people couped up on barges or squalid military bases (we once decried as being unsuitable - at least for british squaddies and their families) getting angry at their stolen futures
Properly full of shit:

What's obvious and tragic is that Braveman will manage to send a few people to Rwanda (probably at a cost greater than setting them up for life here) and at least one will end up dead either at the hands of the state or criminals there. It will then transpire that all of the official advice will have been that there was a great threat to life and she directed the civil service to act contrary to the advice it had given on legality. She will face no personal consequences for this death.
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There's something deeply unsettling about this woman. I didn't think they could dig up someone more vile than Priti Patel but never underestimate the Tories. They've done it.

There's a growing list of them, and millions out there will still happily give them their vote.
This is interesting and a little unexpected. Ben& Jerrys are running a campaign around safe routes for asylum seekers:

found via this short thread on Twitter:

Baroness Warsi has previously criticised Braverman for using "racist rhetoric" and "emboldening racists" when announcing policies on small boat crossings and grooming gangs. Hasn't stopped her ramping it up even more though, has it?
It's like I've been watching helplessly as the UK slides over the precipice of Fascism for the past few years. Inhumane lies upon lies. Labour will carry the torch on, no doubt.

All of this will make a depressing documentary in 2084.
It's like I've been watching helplessly as the UK slides over the precipice of Fascism for the past few years. Inhumane lies upon lies. Labour will carry the torch on, no doubt.

All of this will make a depressing documentary in 2084.
I hope it has passed to the point of making a depressing documentary a lot sooner than that... :(
No shit Sherlock:

In other news one of the best immigration solicitors here in Cardiff has had to stop taking on legal aid cases essentially because the Home Office have ceased processing asylum claims and the way legal aid works is that the law firms do not get paid for their services until the asylum claim is concluded. This leaves the law firm having to cover all the costs themselves over a much more protracted, possibly even open ended timescale something which is unsupportable. This strategy cannot imo be seen as anything other than deliberate.
How much longer can they carry on with this, I wonder?

All the time they have the majority they have in Parliament, they can ignore any opposition to it. They're just playing to their hard-right racist base, now, and the rest of us can go hang.

If you've been prepared to travel to the UK in the back of a lorry and on a scary as fuck rubber dinghy, of course you won't have any problem with living in a substandard overcrowded house. An ideal way to solve the hotel problems.

Of course, if they just designated cardboard boxes as suitable accommodation they could solve it over night, but the cultural marxists still hold too great a sway.

If you've been prepared to travel to the UK in the back of a lorry and on a scary as fuck rubber dinghy, of course you won't have any problem with living in a substandard overcrowded house. An ideal way to solve the hotel problems.

Of course, if they just designated cardboard boxes as suitable accommodation they could solve it over night, but the cultural marxists still hold too great a sway.
Came here to post that, fucking appalling story. Tell you what, let's swap the housing of tories for the housing of asylum seekers and refugees. That way both groups will get what they deserve.
It's already a giant scam. NASS accommodation is administered by a few government approved contractors - in the south of England and the Southwest and Wales it's Ready Homes. They then subcontract out to slum landlords - and believe me I've visited some complete shitholes. It's a licence to print money all round, all the utilities bills are paid by the Home Office, and therefore the taxpayer. Often things go wrong with the heating/hot water and the landlord doesn't actually really want to spend money fixing it properly so people are left with no central heating in the middle of winter for 3 months (yes this did actually happen). This will only make things much worse.
Not actually an elected official, not is he likely to be imo, but what the actual fuck? Illustrative of the mindset of the vermin:

We close down the market/business opportunity of the people smugglers by making safe accessible routes for asylum seekers.

If the asylum seekers are going to be housed on an ex-cruise/ferry ships, then why not allow the boarding of asylum seekers in Calais?

Then people smugglers no longer have a business model/market..
We close down the market/business opportunity of the people smugglers by making safe accessible routes for asylum seekers.

If the asylum seekers are going to be housed on an ex-cruise/ferry ships, then why not allow the boarding of asylum seekers in Calais?

Then people smugglers no longer have a business model/market..
I know all this as do many people but.that does not fit with the narrative the vermin wish to project, The above tweet which you haven't actually commented on is completely inexcusable,
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On a good day you could cross the channel on a paddled surfboard, its impossible to stop every crossing
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