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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

I hope it's ok to post here, but if anyone has a few quid spare and wants to do something positive in light of so much negativity from the government, this is an amazing organisation to support. Entirely volunteer run, it does exactly what it says on the tin - provides phone credit for refugees.
This far-right bullshit is from Wednesday (8th of March)'s Daily Mail I believe, written by Suella Braverman.

My writing in bold below the screenshot is the part that Maguire has circled.

newspaper clipping - alt text below
"In the face of today's global migration crisis, yesterday's laws are simply not fit for purpose. There are 100 million people displaced around the world, and likely billions more eager to come here if possible.

They are already coming here in their tens of thousands. And they will not stop until we've made it crystal clear: Arrive illegally and you will be liable for detention and swiftly removed - to your home country or to a safe third country like Rwanda."

Kevin Maguire on twitter
Fucking wild how all these tories now fall into step. I don't mean because this policy is extreme, this is the era of the ERG we're in. I mean just how they are all sympatico with whatever bullshit comes out. It's dizzying watching anyone of these identikit cunts on the media circuit with their transparent reading of the message from central office. T'was ever thus one supposes.

Simon Clarke is a cunt though. Fucking harry potter twat
She says 'polls suggest' that the British Public support her bill 2 to 1.
That might be true, if anyone sees these polls please post them so i can be a little bit more depressed.

She is quite mad, i think. She's not even pretending. She seriously believes in her idea that if anyone is genuinely in need of protection & asylum they'll get it, in Rwanda. So that's fine. No other country on earth has this sort of lunatic policy do they.
She says 'polls suggest' that the British Public support her bill 2 to 1.
That might be true, if anyone sees these polls please post them so i can be a little bit more depressed.

She is quite mad, i think. She's not even pretending. She seriously believes in her idea that if anyone is genuinely in need of protection & asylum they'll get it, in Rwanda. So that's fine. No other country on earth has this sort of lunatic policy do they.
They don't exactly get the red carpet rolled out for them in lots of other places tbf.
They don't exactly get the red carpet rolled out for them in lots of other places tbf.
I was just reading about what's going on in Tunisia recently, with their conspiracy-theory crazed anti-foreigner government inspiring pogroms against immigrants at the moment.
Maybe they're a step ahead of us in one way but they've not tried to criminalise all incomers by law OR to outsource their refugees to the other wide of the world for money so, idk.
The United States, Italy and Australia for a start.
We are aspiring to be more like Australia they've been saying that since the referendum, but Australia don't send anyone to Rwanda.
And yes we are extremely Trumpish, but his thing was to build a wall that never got built and ours now is to try to classify all arrivals as criminals and then ship the most deserving ones to Rwanda.
In Italy you have the right to ask for asylum at the border or at a police station if you're already in the country. Doesn't sound very similar to me.

This is not in any way normal, it really isn't, what our government is talking about now.
I think it's important to see that .
You can tell its not normal by the fact that it is against the international human rights legislation in place for a couple of generations which the uk in its more sane days helped to write.
Israel has already sent loads to Rwanda, Austria, Belgium and Denmark are apparently considering it (assuming that the UK doesn't muck it up so bad the idea proves as unworkable in practice as it is in theory)
The Australians don't need to send them to Rwanda, they've got thousands of miles of ocean to catch them in rather than 20 miles of Channel so they can be shipped to Papua New Guinea or even back to Indonesia without setting foot on Australian soil. There have been tales of the RAN intercepting smuggling boats at sea and just offering the smugglers more money to take their passengers back to where they came from. I would imagine they are the sort of people who would get nasty if you asked for a refund.
Italy's latest brainwave is to ban the migrant rescue ships from rescuing until they are full, once they have recovered one boatload they are required to sail for port. This reduces the time they are at sea especially since another wheeze is to make them head for ports like Genoa which is a long trip compared to ones in the south.
We're doing our best to set a new low of course but we have no monopoly on being unwelcoming.
i didn't know about the Israel Rwanda connection. Seems that it was (its stopped now) some sort of a voluntary choice though and not a forced removal scheme. This country is saying they'll detain you then ship you out no choices involved in any of it.

But yes, we are doing our best to set a new low, that's how it seems to me too.
Well, it probably is happening, given that gangs are seemingly able to kidnap children from Home Office care, without it being much of a concern.
Not in the sense that she is implying, no. That people smugglers who are are after all, engaged in organised crime would also engage in smuggling drugs, I take as a given.
Utter nonsense. Drug supply is via well established routes and methodologies. Cartels have made sure the correct people are involved at all levels. They are not going to risk losing contraband on treacherous crossings on dingies are they?
Treacherous crossings almost guaranteed to be met by Authorities of some stripe. And, given that these people often don't arrive with more than the clothes they're wearing, how are they supposed to be covertly lugging ashore big bundles of DRUGS?
Utter nonsense. Drug supply is via well established routes and methodologies. Cartels have made sure the correct people are involved at all levels. They are not going to risk losing contraband on treacherous crossings on dingies are they?
That claim doesn't even make sense. Are they really likely to chance quantities of drugs on dangerous frail boat crossings knowing that they'd be picked up immediately by border force? If this was even a thing we'd have heard about it by now. She lies so readily and so vastly it's breathtaking.
That claim doesn't even make sense. Are they really likely to chance quantities of drugs on dangerous frail boat crossings knowing that they'd be picked up immediately by border force? If this was even a thing we'd have heard about it by now. She lies so readily and so vastly it's breathtaking.
What is more breathtaking is the number of people who are prepared to take her, frankly, fantastical ramblings as some kind of truth.

I know there are horrible people in the world, and having a thing like Parliament where some of the nastiest can be kept an eye on in one place is a good thing - but you don't have to spend long on social media to encounter people who are buying into the propaganda, hook, line and sinker. And that's pretty dismaying - even just the thought that people like that walk among us. :)
What is more breathtaking is the number of people who are prepared to take her, frankly, fantastical ramblings as some kind of truth.

I know there are horrible people in the world, and having a thing like Parliament where some of the nastiest can be kept an eye on in one place is a good thing - but you don't have to spend long on social media to encounter people who are buying into the propaganda, hook, line and sinker. And that's pretty dismaying - even just the thought that people like that walk among us. :)
There is no pushback on this. No media willing to risk biting the hand that feeds. No politicians who will demand she correct the record including the speaker. It all adds to an atmosphere, a febrile dangerous breeding ground for stochastic terrorism, as we all know. The ridiculous individual claims she makes aren't the point, billions migrating to Britain or this horsewank about drugs, it's the overall effect. She is the worst political actor I have ever seen Britain produce. She makes Trump look rational.
Treacherous crossings almost guaranteed to be met by Authorities of some stripe. And, given that these people often don't arrive with more than the clothes they're wearing, how are they supposed to be covertly lugging ashore big bundles of DRUGS?

You thought she was talking about people smuggling drugs in ON the boats?
You thought she was talking about people smuggling drugs in ON the boats?
I think she was being deliberately vague about the connection. People will readily assume she means ON the boats, but the real motivation is to draw an implicit link between "illegal refugees" and that other convenient dogwhistle, the drugs trade.
Victims of modern slavery have worked in the drug trade in the UK for years and unaccompanied child asylum seekers often end up in the underworld. Stopping boats won't end it.

I can't work out whether Braverman et al even understand half the gibberish they come up with. Massive self belief combined with stupidity can be both comic and destructive. It would be hard to beat this lot, but I said that ten years ago.
The Tories have nothing left to battle with for the next Election so they are making it about immigration meanwhile the NHS will continue going south, the cost of living crisis will escalate, poverty, respossesions and homelessnes abounds. Yes folks it's all because of those poor people in life who have it so bad that for them any kind of life in this country would be a relative luxury.
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