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The Home Office and UK government policy concerning asylum seekers/Rwanda deportations

Bimble said:
Idk about the second bit I think labour has an idea about “the red wall voter” and are terrified of losing them again, so they’ll be fighting the election denying that they’re the Soft On Immigrants party. Don’t think they’ll keep this policy anyway cos its useless.
Not totally useless, as you say it appeals to the 'red-wall' - and it works on an emotional level so at best It'll be tweaked.
The thing that really made me rage yesterday was some tory attacking Lineker by saying "my children are the grandchildren of holocaust survivors and therefore I find this deeply offensive". For Fucks sake, he appropriates his jewish parents inlaws' suffering to support the fascist language of his colleagues, absolutely disgusting. also thats me i am the grandchild of camp survivors and they would have seen this government for what it is & would not be on his side.
Not totally useless, as you say it appeals to the 'red-wall' - and it works on an emotional level so at best It'll be tweaked.
It's useless as a policy in practice. It is useful as a political campaign, in protecting core votes and providing distraction.

It needs to be called out and opposed on both grounds.

The other failures (especially the economic ones) it attempts to distract from need to be kept centre stage.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
The thing that really made me rage yesterday was some tory attacking Lineker by saying "my children are the grandchildren of holocaust survivors and therefore I find this deeply offensive". For Fucks sake, he appropriates his jewish parents inlaws' suffering to support the fascist language of his colleagues, absolutely disgusting. also thats me i am the grandchild of camp survivors and they would have seen this government for what it is & would not be on his side.
And completely overlooks that, in 1939, the UK state did exactly what he proposes as policy towards asylum seekers and deported/returned Jewish adults to nazi occupied Europe if they arrived without the right 'papers' or prior arrangements with refugee groups. There are some famous pictures from Croydon airport of this policy in practice:


Jenrick needs to be confronted with the reality of his own policy; it was wrong then, and...
I didn't realise this odious bill would criminalise the victims of slavery and trafficking.

I'm already sick of STOP THE BOATS. Sunak is just copying the Boris playbook and will just vomit this phrase out ad infinitum until voted out. Purely binary and divisive rubbish. Hopefully Macron, who is no hero of mine, will tell Sunak and Braverman to fuck off when he meets them.

We aren't going to be stopping anything nor sending anyone anywhere. If Rwanda had any sense they'd fleece the shit out of Braverman, making her look stupid. Won't do us any favours beyond schadenfreude but any third country that we make a deal with is going to have the Tories over a barrel
I hope the odious Jenrick is confronted with the 1939 comparison; their 3 word phrase would then have been STOP THE JEWS. :mad:
ah, observation already made...

so i'll just add that this being an island (or, an archipelago anyway) we are all on some level descended from immigrants. I never tire of pointing this out to racist / xenophobic idiots: where did your ancestors come from? Probably on a boat lol

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I am generally quite paranoid / hyper vigilant about you know, things that even slightly sound like and act like nazis, but I’ve never felt as worried as I am now about the trajectory of this country. Absolutely not saying we’re heading for fascism but the way they’re going to fight this election will have consequences, and if they’re even half serious about taking us out of the international human rights legal framework that is imo just objectively frightening.
I am generally quite paranoid / hyper vigilant about you know, things that even slightly sound like and act like nazis, but I’ve never felt as worried as I am now about the trajectory of this country.

I wholeheartedly agree, I'm pretty much terrified for my son and what his life might look like. I can't see a future for him here, at some point he and I both need to emigrate somewhere.

Absolutely not saying we’re heading for fascism but the way they’re going to fight this election will have consequences, and if they’re even half serious about taking us out of the international human rights legal framework that is imo just objectively frightening.

I actually do think we're heading for fascism. As Michael Rosen points out, fascism doesn't arrive in brown shirts with swastikas, it arrives as your friend who only wants you to feel proud and safe in your home.
They will lose the next election though, which helps. If somehow they don’t lose then yeah, it’s consider your options time imo if youre lucky enough to have any .
They will lose the next election though, which helps. If somehow they don’t lose then yeah, it’s consider your options time imo if youre lucky enough to have any .

I'd be amazed if Labour under Starmer (or anyone like him) don't just carry on playing from the tory manual after taking office. From his behaviour since he took over the Labour leadership it's clear he's not averse to authoritariansm on principle, and in order to keep support from the Gammon Wall Labour will adopt all kinds of things from the current incumbents because they think that's what makes them 'electable'. It's like 1996 all over again, except the whole country is a more right-wing place than it was then (I don't think this is entirely my rose-tinted glasses). A Labour victory may remove the shit from the salad bowl, but a new salad in a clean bowl isn't even a remote possibility.
The rebranding of a Tory filth fuck up creation into a Tory scum initiative to appeal to the angry dispossessed is quite remarkable. Modern politics. Tsk
This is scary as hell, its from 2014 data but it wont have improved:
The people of Great Britain aren't very keen on whatever they think human rights means, having been fed an endless stream of crap about how its all about leftie lawyers making sure that foreign criminals get to sleep in feather beds for your hard earned money or whatever.
Only 22% said they are "pro human rights" ?
WTF is wrong with people are we really so easily conned.

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 12.06.32.png.

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 12.06.24.png

from here, which is a very good twitter thread imo
solve the problem
hire a fuck load more civil servants to clear the backlog
set up processing centres in france

asylum seekers refugees get brought over
economic migrants get work permits if they have a employer to go to link up vacancies
so that will be construction/agriculture/hospitality etc get 5 years
not entitled to asylum dont have a job line up not coming in.
Ithe backlogs cleared we could actually process people in a timely manner and deport people who have no right to be here.
yep this is why i'm frightened, when they invoke 'the british public' as being on their side with this shit they're not actually lying, or not much.
yep this is why i'm frightened, when they invoke 'the british public' as being on their side with this shit they're not actually lying, or not much.
heard a dopey cunt on the radio this morning regurgitating the "this island is full" trope on the basis that there's no housing, GPs, hospital beds, school places etc.
no shit
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