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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

I can't help it, if you all get it wrong.

It certainly is beyond your gift to persuade me..and the rest of the world...that the definition of creationism you just made up is the correct one and everybody else has it wrong . Nonetheless I salute your indefatigability and wish you well in your quest .cant be easy .
Would you say that Deists are creationists?

That would depend on the deist. Some clearly are as they believe on a celestial designer:

Welcome to Deism!

Deism has a lot to offer you! It also has a lot to offer society! Deism is knowledge* of God based on the application of our reason on the designs/laws found throughout Nature. The designs presuppose a Designer. Deism is therefore a natural religion and is not a "revealed" religion. The natural religion/philosophy of Deism frees those who embrace it from the inconsistencies of superstition and the negativity of fear that are so strongly represented in all of the "revealed" religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (These religions are called revealed religions because they all make claim to having received a special revelation from God which they pretend, and many of their sincere followers actually believe, their various and conflicting holy books are based on.) When enough people become Deists, reason will be elevated over fear and myth and its positive qualities will become a part of society as a whole. Then, instead of having billions of people chasing after the nonsensical violence promoting myths of the "revealed" religions, people will be centered on their God-given reason which will lead to limitless personal and societal progress!

Others, would seem to be more Pantheistic. I'm not convinced that Pantheists count a Creationists.
Tbf to Casually Red on this one, most Christians in the UK would understand Creationist to mean a literal understanding, at odds with science, rather then a more woolly view that God did create it but we now have a better understanding of his tools.
Most people understand it in that way, surely, not just Christians. 'creationism' is invariably the word used to describe a person who has a problem with the theory of evolution.
Sky news reporting the Downing Street statement saying an agreement had been reached, was an error. No such agreement so far.


Yeah. The level of incompetence at number ten is astounding. Not heard anything from labour on this yet.
Yeah. The level of incompetence at number ten is astounding. Not heard anything from labour on this yet.

No surprise with May at the helm, I heard she once missed an important meeting when she was Home Secretary because she forgot what day of the week it was and got them mixed up.
Aaaaaand.... it seems the Orangemen have already kicked things off by marching through Liverpool today. Apparently unscheduled (it ain't the 12th yet, this was in response to the DUP power grab) and with UVF banners flying.

All very 'reportedly' atm though - some sketchy mobile footage and tweets.
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I remember that . It was actually worse than the tweet .A DUP spokesperson said at the time that ELO " stood for the 3 d's...the devil, drugs and debauchery " . And they banned ELO on those grounds . As ELO aren't exactly renowned hell raisers who sacrifice chickens on stage while sniffing coke off bare tits it's safe to assume this is a widely held view within the DUP as regards popular music of any genre .

Like I said its the baddies from Footloose run amok .

The yanks have droned Muslims for a lot less than some of this DUP stuff . If you were Muslim this would definitely get you on a list of some sort . And for the record given their penchant for corruption I wouldn't trust a DUPer to go to the shop for me either .
Aaaaaand.... it seems the Orangemen have already kicked things off by marching through Liverpool today. Apparently unscheduled (it ain't the 12 yet, this was in response to the DUP power grab) and with UVF banners flying.

All very 'reportedly' atm though - some sketchy mobile footage and tweets.
seen this
seen this

Ah..right... hammering away at " the sash " directly outside an Irish pub with a couple of tricolours . I'm sure the British people will be thoroughly enchanted with the importation of these colourful cultural practices and the mardi gras atmosphere we experience here every summer . While the pub owners will thank them for adding a large dash of authenticity to the Irish pub genre . All too often derided for its fake plastic nature .
As we're ripping the piss out of the DUP I thought I'd post this vid of a pub full of punters from my general border locality ripping the piss out of the Rev Willie Mcrea and his general demeanour and beliefs using the medium of verse . Bloke singing it wrote the song . a local classic round these parts . Just to show people the reaction to DUP antics is often humour rather than anger and violence .

Sorry there's no subtitles . Also , for the uninitiated, a " taig " is a derogatory loyalist term for a kafflick .

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Cheers for an interesting thread. Swap the butcher's apron for a Republika Srpska flag and the videos of prod events look like the knuckle draggers I encountered in shitholes in e. Bosnia, complete with church cunts sanctifying things. "So you are Bosnian?" "No I'm Serbian". "But what does your passport say and why are you drinking Turkish coffee?" etc. If only they knew what other wankers in Belgrade thought of their kinsman along the Drina.
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