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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

It's going to be interesting at the very least.

Mrs May has cornered herself with some very dubious colleagues.

I am surprised that she felt she had a mandate from her backbenchers to collude with these deplorable knuckle draggers. Despite being leader surely more consultation would be expected from her parliamentary party before this odious alignment?

At MOST, she's only obliged (morally, not legally) to consult her cabinet.
your lot were running the loyalist gangs anyway so nobody wants to look too closely at certain links do they

If we're going to pay attention to the facts, it was mostly the Green Slime (that's the oxymoronic Military Intelligence, as named by proper soldiers), RUC Special Branch and MI5 who ran the gangs and pseudo-gangs, not the British army per se.
At MOST, she's only obliged (morally, not legally) to consult her cabinet.
And tbf the deep-seated tory instinct for survival seems to have kicked in for the moment. As someone said on another thread, they're tories - they'll take humiliation if it means a chance to stay in power over principled defeat any day. And there is no other option - the tories realistically can only form a govt with DUP backing, they can't risk the ultimate humiliation of failing to pass a queen's speech (has that ever happened for an incoming govt?).

We'll see what tomorrow brings. Seems they are shit-scared now of another election this year because they think they will lose it outright. But one absurd display of loyalty just means the delusional thinking is catching, that's all.
the LCC ( umbrella front for loyalist paramilitaries*) did back instruct its lot to back DUP candidates in the GE

Loyalist Communities Councils Homepage

Its pretty astounding that this lot- including alumni such as Mad dog and pup - effectively have access to pivotal representation in Westminster.

* terrorists, depending on your take - see other long threads on the minutae of this distinction
Anything to do with parades won't pass nobody in England thinks parading where you arnt wanted and screaming abuse about Catholics is ok.
Apart from Lewis on bonfire night and that's tradition :hmm:
But it'll only be ONE day a year, which leaves a bit of scope for the Catholics. Say every First Friday in August they could blow up whatever they liked. Or an agreement on the maximum amount of fertiliser in a bomb...
The cost of getting the DUPpers onside is reckoned to be a billion quid or so and was drafted in march apparently -includes the lowering of the corporate tax to 12.5%, a ban on westmister incumbents getting any allowances if they do not take up their seats ( Shinners obvs ). fucking hell
You lot should check out Wee Willie Frazer, who is pushing the DUP to press for pardons for members of the security forces involved in killings in the troubles.

this is part of his shit Willie Frazer: Fenian-looking people are snaking about Markethill and watching me - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
Fun fact; Frazer was denied a license for a personal protection weapon on the grounds that police were afraid that if he had a gun it would be "stolen" by loyalist paramilitaries.
Fun fact; Frazer was denied a license for a personal protection weapon on the grounds that police were afraid that if he had a gun it would be "stolen" by loyalist paramilitaries.

Which is more polite than ffs frazer are you out of your fucking mind the mans a nutterI wouldn't trust him with a crayon
Has anyone heard anything about Sinn Féin taking their seats? The Sun is saying they are flying over and Reuters is live facebooking a press conference I can't watch because my stream is shit.
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