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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

Aaaaaand.... it seems the Orangemen have already kicked things off by marching through Liverpool today. Apparently unscheduled (it ain't the 12th yet, this was in response to the DUP power grab) and with UVF banners flying.

All very 'reportedly' atm though - some sketchy mobile footage and tweets.

Apparently we had one in coventry at the week end. It says they do it every 3 years although i've never heard of it before.

Huge protestant parade marches through Coventry

Edit - here is the last one from 2013...somehow i've managed to miss this before now..

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I'm confused. I thought the Catholics were the anti abortion, homophobic bigots etc.
The DUP aren't the Catholics though, they the other god botherers yes? The Protestants?

If both sides are such women hating cunts I don't understand why they don't get on more?
I'm confused. I thought the Catholics were the anti abortion, homophobic bigots etc.
The DUP aren't the Catholics though, they the other god botherers yes? The Protestants?

If both sides are such women hating cunts I don't understand why they don't get on more?

It seems ironic that the Northern Ireland statelet was supposedly founded on the fear that "Home Rule is Rome Rule", when you realise that the main objections are just to do with transubstantiation and the Pope's primacy. But dismissing the whole conflict as being about God bothering paddies betrays your own ignorance of Britain's role in this mess.
It seems ironic that the Northern Ireland statelet was supposedly founded on the fear that "Home Rule is Rome Rule", when you realise that the main objections are just to do with transubstantiation and the Pope's primacy. But dismissing the whole conflict as being about God bothering paddies betrays your own ignorance of Britain's role in this mess.

Or typifies it.
It seems ironic that the Northern Ireland statelet was supposedly founded on the fear that "Home Rule is Rome Rule", when you realise that the main objections are just to do with transubstantiation and the Pope's primacy. But dismissing the whole conflict as being about God bothering paddies betrays your own ignorance of Britain's role in this mess.

Indeed. The Northern Ireland conflict was not primarily a religious one, regardless of what historically illiterate ignoramuses like Richard Dawkins say.
they were just handy labels to use.
Pira didnt start out as secetarian but kind of dragged down into the gutter along with everyone else
Truish. Wolfe Tone was protestant etc
Wolfe Tone - Wikipedia

ALL of the leaders of Irish Republicanism in the early years were protestants.

1798 - Wolfe Tone, Thomas Russell, Henry Joy McCracken, William Orr, Lord Edward Fitgerald

1803 - Robert Emmet

1848 William Smith O'Brien

Along with John Mitchell, Thomas Davis et al

and not forgetting Roger Casement, Bulmer Hobson, Sam Maguire, Jack White, Erskine Childers etc around 1916 and the War of Independence.
ALL of the leaders of Irish Republicanism in the early years were protestants.

1798 - Wolfe Tone, Thomas Russell, Henry Joy McCracken, William Orr, Lord Edward Fitgerald

1803 - Robert Emmet

1848 William Smith O'Brien

Along with John Mitchell, Thomas Davis et al

and not forgetting Roger Casement, Bulmer Hobson, Sam Maguire, Jack White, Erskine Childers etc around 1916 and the War of Independence.

And yet they still blame it on Catholics!
Like the 16 year old girl who found herself under the car of an Orangeman last summer, obviously it's a Taigy trick
Orangeman convicted of driving over teenage girl in Belfast

It's actually two years ago.

Bail for Orangeman charged with attempted murder

Is bail usually granted for attempted murder suspects?

He will eventually have his charges dropped to much more insignificant ones.. and his defence will be that the crowd were shouting at him (one man apparently kicked his wing mirror) and that he hwas in genuine fear for his life... despite the presence of maybe 100 police officers in full riot gear in the immediate vicinity.

No doubt he will claim that he had absolutely no idea his presence in that specific place, at that specific time might be a) noted and b) considered a little provocative... despite him being a weekly visitor to this place...


... for the last three years... and a member of a Parading Board.

I wonder if Gerry Adams drove up the Shankill on the Twelfth, got spotted and drove into a crowd of loyalists would this be deemed a credible defence. My bet is he gets off with a smack on the wrist.

Here's the man charged with attempted murder talking about 'upping the ante'...

It's from BBC 2013...5.00 onwards

Corner of Belfast where it is always the Twelfth of July - BBC News

Cheeky fucker went for the 'in genuine fear of my life' routine and was apparently acting out a really accomplished performance in the witness box til the Prosecutor asked him (after he claimed he was terrified that things would be thrown at him) "If you were so frightened, why was your car window fully opened throughout the prelude and the actual incident itself?"

He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly where he was in terms of the locality and sectarian geography. He knew exactly who the people out on the road were and why they were there. And yet he chose to drive up with his window down, presumably just in case they could not see the Orange sash he was still wearing through the glass.
He will eventually have his charges dropped to much more insignificant ones.. and his defence will be that the crowd were shouting at him (one man apparently kicked his wing mirror) and that he was in genuine fear for his life... despite the presence of maybe 100 police officers in full riot gear in the immediate vicinity.

Attempted murder charge reduced to GBH? Check

"Genuine fear of his life" defence? Check

Unfotunately for him 11 jurors out of 12 thought he was a lying bastard once they had seen the evidence.

Still, sentencing has been adjourned til after this year's Marching Season so he can at least get his annual Marching mileage in before he gets sent down
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Don't get me wrong here. If someone unwittingly drove into a crowd of 'the other mob' blocking the road, had their car attacked and panicked I would have every sympathy for them.

Like a reporter from the Irish News who encountered just such a scenario a few years back. He found himself stuck, with his wife and kids, in traffic waiting for one of the thousands of 'local' Orange Parades to pass. Instinctively he and his wife checked the car for outward signs of Taigy-ness (no copies of the Irish news lying about, no religious 'goodluck' charms dangling from the rear-view mirror, no kids wearing GAA gear etc etc). The acr looked 'clean' and they were quite posh so they were happy they could blag their way through if challenged.

Unfortunately they were just back from a caravan holiday in France, having travelled out of Wexford and the back of the Car had an IRL sticker on it.

They managed to 'escape' with a few shouts of abuse, slaps and kicks on the bodiwork of the car and traumatised kids. I remember thinkig at the time 'I wouldn't blame him if he had ploughed through the lot of the cunts'.
Don't get me wrong here. If someone unwittingly drove into a crowd of 'the other mob' blocking the road, had their car attacked and panicked I would have every sympathy for them.

Like a reporter from the Irish News who encountered just such a scenario a few years back. He found himself stuck, with his wife and kids, in traffic waiting for one of the thousands of 'local' Orange Parades to pass. Instinctively he and his wife checked the car for outward signs of Taigy-ness (no copies of the Irish news lying about, no religious 'goodluck' charms dangling from the rear-view mirror, no kids wearing GAA gear etc etc). The acr looked 'clean' and they were quite posh so they were happy they could blag their way through if challenged.

Unfortunately they were just back from a caravan holiday in France, having travelled out of Wexford and the back of the Car had an IRL sticker on it.

They managed to 'escape' with a few shouts of abuse, slaps and kicks on the bodiwork of the car and traumatised kids. I remember thinkig at the time 'I wouldn't blame him if he had ploughed through the lot of the cunts'.

My brother has a story of running to an RNLI shout and him and other Lifeboat crew getting punched and kicked as they crossed the road in front of a marching band. Fucking disgusting, but also partly to do with the custom of the bands coming in from the surrounding countryside/other areas. Locals in a coast town aren't going to touch someone on their way to the Lifeboat. I mean, their jumpsuits are bright orange for one.
My brother has a story of running to an RNLI shout and him and other Lifeboat crew getting punched and kicked as they crossed the road in front of a marching band. Fucking disgusting, but also partly to do with the custom of the bands coming in from the surrounding countryside/other areas. Locals in a coast town aren't going to touch someone on their way to the Lifeboat. I mean, their jumpsuits are bright orange for one.

I have a similar (but very different) story too. In 2001 I was on a very large '30th Anniversary of the Hunger Strike' parade in Dundalk.

After only two hundred yards the March faced a 'situation' (except it really was not a 'situation' at all).

On the right hand side was a Protestant Church ( The Green Church for anybody who knows d' Toowin). On the left was a somewhat stressed bridal party, including Bride and Bridesmaids, heading for the Church.

What to do? Risk the wrath of the scary Republicans or be late for your own wedding?

The chief Steward resolved the situation very quickly. He halted the section of the March closest to the wedding party and they ran across accompanied by one of the Republican Flute Bands playing 'I'm getting married in the morning' and hundreds of people yelling 'yeeeeooooooooowwww' and 'g'wan ya gud ting' etc in a very good-natured fashion.

Now imagine if you can the difference if a wedding party wanting to access a Catholic church was waiting to cross the road and an Orange Parade was passing. Very different scenario. First of all they would have had to wait til every last knuckledragger had passed them and secondly they would have had a whole river of hate & bile poured upon them as they waited.
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