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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

It's going to be interesting at the very least.

Mrs May has cornered herself with some very dubious colleagues.

I am surprised that she felt she had a mandate from her backbenchers to collude with these deplorable knuckle draggers. Despite being leader surely more consultation would be expected from her parliamentary party before this odious alignment?
they are the dark side of john majors old style 1950s fantasy:( with a side order of anti Catholicism.
when people complained about the local catholic school parents parking on the grass verges.
my suggestion of getting a mob together to throw bottles of piss at the kids and painting big mural was looked at as if I was insane:facepalm::D
Ah..right... hammering away at " the sash " directly outside an Irish pub with a couple of tricolours . I'm sure the British people will be thoroughly enchanted with the importation of these colourful cultural practices and the mardi gras atmosphere we experience here every summer . While the pub owners will thank them for adding a large dash of authenticity to the Irish pub genre . All too often derided for its fake plastic nature .

Sein Fein will be nursing a hangover this morning.
Hey we may be terrorists but we arnt the DUP:D

They dont have to do anything and not taking their seats they will have nothing to do with the coming shitstorm. The DUP won't be able to resist the oppurtunity to express their er views:eek:
At which point the english public will go what that fuck mostly.
Only problem is not sure the south wants the fuckers maybe trump can be persuaded to take them :confused::D
The term is plausable denability :mad:
Everyone knows you fucking did it but for reasons claims theres no smoking gun linking you to the atrocity:(
The term is plausable denability :mad:
Everyone knows you fucking did it but for reasons claims theres no smoking gun linking you to the atrocity:(
In Peter Taylor's Loyalists book he quotes one of the early loyalist paramilitary leaders as saying that they deliberately kept away from direct contact with Ian the Cunt because they wanted to provide him with just that, deniability.
They sometimes needed help though, like with the Dublin and Monaghan bombings.

(don't usually go for conspiracies but that one is well dodgy)

yeah but the ones you weren't running, the state knew about. I refuse to believe they didn't know about the shankhill butchers.
Looks like Dup are under pressure from their own supporters. May can't possibly agree to this march stuff could she :hmm: this'll go well.

Orange Order asks DUP to use banned sectarian Drumcree march ...
Orange Order asks DUP to use banned sectarian march in negotiations with Theresa May

Fucking hell they have some cheek. :facepalm:

Seriously though, this really underlines how dodgey such an alliance is in terms of the UK government's necessary neutral position in the NIPP.
What happens if the Tory party can't reach an agreement with the DUP?
You think anyone knows?

My understanding is that they won't try a queen's speech unless they're sure it will pass in the commons, as it not passing is the equivalent to a vote of no-confidence, and that Labour are planning to table their own version of a qs to present to parliament, but I can't see how that would pass either. A new election could be sooner rather than later.
Anything to do with parades won't pass nobody in England thinks parading where you arnt wanted and screaming abuse about Catholics is ok.
Apart from Lewis on bonfire night and that's tradition :hmm:
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