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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

tm hand in hand with dt , who I'm sure there are rumours about funding certain groups now hand in hand with the dpu ?

please educate me against my drunken posts :)
Let's see them spin this . Until very recently when he lost his seat in one of our never ending cycle of elections Nelson McCausland was a senior DUP minister in Stormont . He remains a very senior and influential party member .

Have a read of his bio . Among other things Nelson believes..as a govt minister remember..that the Ulster Museum should teach creationism , that nobody should be offended by him standing with a kick the pope band hammering out sectarian tunes right outside a catholic chapel, and that Ulsters Protestants are one of the lost tribes of Israel. Yup..one of the lost tribes .

NelsonMcCausland - Wiki


This the top of the DUP were talking about here . Not some loony fringe .

As regards terrorism and law and order, here he is on a platform during the twaddell protests . These people rioted against the police for days on end . And just listen to the diatribe...papish onslaught . And note the guy on Nelsons immediate right . That's a guy by the name of winston Irvine . Winston Irvine is a very senior terrorist in Belfast . One of the most senior and powerful terrorists in all of Belfast in fact . And there's a DUP government minister sharing a platform with sectarian Neanderthals and terrorists.

And a nice tv bio of Nelsons mate winston Irvine here .

And just when you think none of this can get any worse, think again . Remember that RHI boiler scandal the DUP were responsible for ? Well guess who had no less than 3 RHI boilers ..in the middle of a fucking housing estate ...burning away merrily making himself a complete fucking fortune thanks to the DUP ?

Charity linked to UVF boss Winkie Irvine runs three huge RHI boilers in Belfast - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

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I had no idea that the DUP had creationist ideas. This is very frightening. Surely May knew about their lunatic fringe theories. I thought that creationism was a purely American aberration and am very surprised to find that it also exists in the civilised world of Europe. If May is so desperate for friends that she aligns with these people then the UK is in serious danger. Things are much worse than I imagined.
I had no idea that the DUP had creationist ideas. This is very frightening. Surely May knew about their lunatic fringe theories. I thought that creationism was a purely American aberration and am very surprised to find that it also exists in the civilised world of Europe. If May is so desperate for friends that she aligns with these people then the UK is in serious danger. Things are much worse than I imagined.

Some of their leaders believe they're the lost tribe of Israel. Really believe it .
Others subscribe to the theory that the Irish..as celts...are invaders of Ireland From central Europe . Occupiers. And that they are the dispossessed original inhabitants assuming their natural status at long last .

There was no actual Celtic invasion , the ancient Irish simply adopted aspects of Celtic culture, alphabets etc due to trade with Europe. But in dup la la land ..the Catholics invaded Ireland . Papist rampage. And they read this utter batshit nonsense out during governmental debates about flags . In actual government fucking chambers Alongside their creationist bollocks .

Get used to them . They're not large but they're in charge .


I'm fucking loving this despite the awfulness
Does anyone else know what deal type of deal the DUP reached with the Tories to get them to support a minority Tory government? What did the Theresa May promise them in return for their support? Whatever it was it allowed them to reach a deal very quickly, usually negotiations concerning coalitions and supporting minority governments takes a few days at least.
Does anyone else know what deal type of deal the DUP reached with the Tories to get them to support a minority Tory government? What did the Theresa May promise them in return for their support? Whatever it was it allowed them to reach a deal very quickly, usually negotiations concerning coalitions and supporting minority governments takes a few days at least.
None. She hasn't done one yet. Going to the Queen to announce her new govt straight away yesterday was yet another terrible decision.
Not sure the maths allows it. Labour plus everybody else is not a majority. And the DUP hate Labour and Corbyn in particular - they would bring them down as soon as they could. So unless the tories agreed to vote for a Labour Queen's speech, I don't see how a Corbyn-led govt gets started with this seat distribution. Tories have just too many seats to make giving Corbyn a go an option.
Tories could abstain as they did under Heath
It'll also be a complete hoot watching actual British people aghast with their mouths open at these strange people who are the most unbritish thing ever . And telling them that too . I think it's fucking hilarious ..on that level . I appreciate the downside of being ruled by the DUP.

I'll say that again in case it hasn't sunk in.

Ruled..by..the ...D.U...P!!!

Are they the last folks clinging to the empty vessel that is Britishness?
An oldie but a goodie.

State papers: DUP MP William McCrea wanted air strikes launched on the Republic in the 1980s - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

A firebrand DUP MP urged the British Government to launch air strikes on the Irish Republic in the 1980s.

William McCrea also called for bombing raids on republican strongholds in Northern Ireland.

Rev McCrea wanted "Libyan-type strikes" against Dundalk, Drogheda, Crossmaglen and Carrickmore.
"Firebrand DUP MP". That's one way of describing them. I don't recall there being any other kind at the time. The DUP view on homosexuality, the public one at least, is now a bit more liberal, partly in order to keep younger loyalists in the fold

William McCrea backs DUP decision not to take stance on homosexuality
A DUP veteran and long-standing Free Presbyterian minister has supported his party leader’s decision that the DUP should take no stance on the issue of homosexuality. The Rev William McCrea said that he was happy with the party position as articulated by Peter Robinson. Last week Paul McClean, a DUP councillor and a senior member of William McCrea’s church, said that homosexuality should be recriminalised. Last week Peter Robinson made clear that the DUP – which once campaigned against homosexuality – would now take no position on the issue. The Rev McCrea said: “I genuinely do believe that Peter, our leader, has made the position of the party clear ... and he’s made it on behalf of the party and that has been stated over and over and over again and I think that is quite honestly where the party, including myself, stand.”
The DUP pissing away half a billion on a botched renewables scheme Timeline: Renewable Heat Incentive scandal - BBC News what's the score with that? Incompetence, corruption? Some combination thereof?

Yup , both . And that was just the latest scandal . Prior to that we had Red Sky ( the pricks who made a fuck up..deliberately I suspect..of my house renovations )

Investigations & Analysis - Northern Ireland from The Detail

And the colossal scandal which was NAMA

Nama inquiry: DUP first minister Peter Robinson 'beneficiary of £1bn deal'

And then there was Irisgate

Iris Robinson scandal - Wikipedia

Also worth remembering that all of these governmental scandals happened on the shinners watch . And time and time again the shinners claimed they were oblivious to what was going on , and then set about covering up for the DUP on the various committees that were supposed to look into them . That's how a rotten sectarian carve up works . They would have covered up the boiler row too but the DUP picked a seriously bad time to dump a measly £ 50,000 Irish language bursary scheme..out of rank sectarianism.. and that tipped the sectarian apple cart . only for the uk election results they'd be happily sitting back down with the DUP and doing ...thoroughly rotten..business as usual .
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