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The DUP, eh? Welcome to your new lizard overlords

tm hand in hand with dt , who I'm sure there are rumours about funding certain groups now hand in hand with the dpu ?

please educate me against my drunken posts :)

It's not rumours at all . The terrorist groups which are publicly calling for votes for the DUP are in receipt of millions of pounds in taxpayers money thanks to a Stormont slush fund set up to line their pockets and embed them into the community with government funded offices , expense accounts and the like . While the rest of us can fuck off to the food bank while hearing how the DUP and their Sinn Fein partners have to implement austerity cuts on schools, hospitals etc .

Government gave UDA-linked groups £5 million of taxpayers' money - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
Does anyone else know what deal type of deal the DUP reached with the Tories to get them to support a minority Tory government? What did the Theresa May promise them in return for their support? Whatever it was it allowed them to reach a deal very quickly, usually negotiations concerning coalitions and supporting minority governments takes a few days at least.

Lots more money for pet projects is what they'll want. This should be welcomed by the greener posters here as the DUP have shown a great enthusiasm for investment in renewables
Ummm..don't the Tories let " the ethnics " into their party these days ?

I wonder what " the ethnics " would make of senior DUP figure and occasional nudist exhibitionist Sammy Wilson ?

I had no idea that the DUP had creationist ideas. This is very frightening. Surely May knew about their lunatic fringe theories. I thought that creationism was a purely American aberration and am very surprised to find that it also exists in the civilised world of Europe. If May is so desperate for friends that she aligns with these people then the UK is in serious danger. Things are much worse than I imagined.

You'll be shocked to discover there are groups of creationists regularly meeting the length and breadth of Europe. If you have a building with a big tower full of noisy bells near you, or one that gets regular visits from men in strange headgear, you may well find that it is a centre for the propagation of such beliefs. Theresa May's dad used work in one of these places, so she is probably familiar with the theories they disseminate.

Personally it's the bigotry and corruption of the DUP that concerns me more.
Does anyone else know what deal type of deal the DUP reached with the Tories to get them to support a minority Tory government? What did the Theresa May promise them in return for their support? Whatever it was it allowed them to reach a deal very quickly, usually negotiations concerning coalitions and supporting minority governments takes a few days at least.

Their website seems to be working again and their manifesto is here (if that gives any clues to their possible demands)

The DUP pissing away half a billion on a botched renewables scheme Timeline: Renewable Heat Incentive scandal - BBC News what's the score with that? Incompetence, corruption? Some combination thereof?
That one is a cracker. Though Arlene was central in it and is a defector from the rightwing of the formerly dominant UUP. I'm amazed she survived as there was clearly a lot of incompetence involved in RHI. You do have to wonder about everybody else up on the hill in Stormont though letting half a billion get wasted on their watch. Even by the historic standards of Irish governance it's inept.
You'll be shocked to discover there are groups of creationists regularly meeting the length and breadth of Europe. If you have a building with a big tower full of noisy bells near you, or one that gets regular visits from men in strange headgear, you may well find that it is a centre for the propagation of such beliefs. Theresa May's dad used work in one of these places, so she is probably familiar with the theories they disseminate.

Personally it's the bigotry and corruption of the DUP that concerns me more.

In actuality the creationism is in itself part and parcel of the bigotry . It's yet another means by which to stamp and assert a fundamentalist Protestant identity on aspects of everyday life here .its as much about localised identity politics as anything . I'd consider it highly unlikely they'd even wish to discuss their beliefs with a UK audience much less try and foist them on them . They want to stamp that identity in the 6 counties, not in the uk . It's a self serving thing . The root of it is 'sectarianism . They'll be quite embarrassed the UK public has even found out about it .
That one is a cracker. Though Arlene was central in it and is a defector from the rightwing of the formerly dominant UUP. I'm amazed she survived as there was clearly a lot of incompetence involved in RHI. You do have to wonder about everybody else up on the hill in Stormont though letting half a billion get wasted on their watch. Even by the historic standards of Irish governance it's inept.

One of the main reasons she survived is because the shinners..at long last and under immense grass roots pressure to respond to that and the bigotry against Gaelic speakers, which broke concurrent to the boiler scandal..belatedly went after her . Sort of . Which in turn ensured the DUP circled the wagons when faced with a papish onslaught . Had they left her alone there was a slight possibility her own might have gotten rid of her. But once they made a noise the wagons were circled.

It's a system designed to encourage and reward sectarianism . It's British governance in Ireland which is at fault here . It can never work .an absence of bombs..for the moment..does not equate to normality . The British state in Ireland will always come up with a shitshow like this . It will always be deeply dysfunctional at its root .
As regards DUP corruption and it's links to loyalist paramilitaries . Back in the late 1990s after the signing of the GFA the DUP reckoned they could beat the sectarian drum louder and accuse the Official Unionists of selling out in order to make enough political capital to overtake them as top dog..they succeeded . As all the mainstream loyalist organisations supported it they were a bit stuck for a cutting edge .
Then along came loyalist mass murderer and British agent Billy Wright . He fell out with his UVF buddies over the agreement and split away , founding the LVF ..the geniusly named Loyalist volunteer force .

Almost overnight the DUP pretty much became the LVFs political sponsor . The UVF ordered Billy Wright to leave the country within 72 hours . Wright responded by marshalling his supporters for a rally in the orange citadel of Portadown . he and his terror group erected a big platform and stuck flags on it so terrorist mass murder Wright could give a big speech . And guess who invited him onto the platform and shared it with him ? None other than DUP MP , the Rev Willie McCrea . Pictured together on the platform here.

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Video here of DUP mp McCrea and Wright on the platform together exchanging warm greetings .

Now the LVF weren't just involved in sectarian murders . They were also massively involved in drug trafficking . They were an unabashedly criminal outfit who made no effort to conceal their involvement in trafficking . And that of course resulted in profits that had to be laundered for the group by respectable business types . Which in mid ulster / north Armagh just happen to be a demographic closely aligned to the DUP . One of our local rags, the Sunday World, while a terrible rag it did have one single investigative journalist capable of digging up real dirt . He was a guy named Martin Ohagan who lived in the middle of the LVFs turf . Ohagan focused on the group relentlessly and dug up some outrageous fascinating stuff . this made him a target for the LVF and they eventually murdered him as he walked home from a night out . At the time of his death he was working on a major exposé of the LVFs activities , and is strongly rumoured to have had quite a bit to say on respectable DUP members role in laundering the terror groups narcotics profits .

Needless to say the DUP had very little to say on an act that would cause outrage in any normal, decent society . The murder of journalists is generally frowned upon . But the DUPs contribution seems to have consisted of little more than DUP bigwig Nelson McCausland going onto his infamous blog and trashing the reputation of the murdered journalist . They haven't , for example, called for any sort of enquiry despite the fact the murderers identities being widely known and pretty much all of them having been state agents .

They do however spend an inordinate amount of time in the house of commons calling for an enquiry into mass murderer Billy Wrights killing . Despite the fact the republicans who did it inside Long Kesh were immediately caught and convicted and didn't deny it for a second .

I'll post up some links in a mo . This tablet tends to delete stuff once I go away .

Why does Ian Paisley's party show such interest in a mass murderer?

The INLA Execution Of Billy Wright

Murdered journalist Martin O'Hagan's murderers were ‘paid police informers'

Btw the DUP scored 2 own goals while championing Wright . After MP McCrea appeared on the platform on portadown with Wright nationalist voters were so outraged they voted tactically, abandoning the SDLP in massive numbers and booting him out . After Wrights death and their persuit of an enquiry , the digging that resulted from that turned up that the DUP, chiefly their MP McCrea , had been meeting with Wright back in the early 90s at the height of then UVF mass murderer Wrights sectarian murder campaign in Mid Ulster . During the period of McCreas confabs with the mass murderer his gang in mid ulster murdered victims such as an elderly catholic grandmother in her 80s , a heavily pregnant catholic housewife alone in her isolated farmhouse , 2 young girls earning pocket money in a mobile shop in a housing estate, an elderly pensioner couple..a long list of atrocities but the DUP were regularly on hand to talk to Wright throughout that period .
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You'll be shocked to discover there are groups of creationists regularly meeting the length and breadth of Europe. If you have a building with a big tower full of noisy bells near you, or one that gets regular visits from men in strange headgear, you may well find that it is a centre for the propagation of such beliefs. Theresa May's dad used work in one of these places, so she is probably familiar with the theories they disseminate.

Personally it's the bigotry and corruption of the DUP that concerns me more.

most c of e and catholic churches don't preach creationism. i was brought up strict catholic and the only creationism i ever encountered was from my (very old school) granddad.
most c of e and catholic churches don't preach creationism. i was brought up strict catholic and the only creationism i ever encountered was from my (very old school) granddad.

Same here, I was raised Catholic and creationism was never preached, in fact one the nuns who instructed me for my Confirmation said that the story of Genesis was a metaphor rather than a literal interpretation of what happened and that evolution is true but also part of God's divine plan.
most c of e and catholic churches don't preach creationism. i was brought up strict catholic and the only creationism i ever encountered was from my (very old school) granddad.

They may not all do but many do and the Creed they recite is overtly creationist

. WE BELIEVE in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen
Anyone who believes that there is a guiding intelligence that is responsible for our existence is a creationists. Whether they believe in 7 literal days or some more nuanced form of intelligent design
Same here, I was raised Catholic and creationism was never preached, in fact one the nuns who instructed me for my Confirmation said that the story of Genesis was a metaphor rather than a literal interpretation of what happened and that evolution is true but also part of God's divine plan.

And how is a belief in evolution as part of God's divine plan, assuming that the concept not a creationist belief?

And, anyway, can one have a planned evolution?
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Darwin himself had to give up on squaring that circle, though he did try hard for the love of his religious wife. He ended up having to just stop going to church, though he'd stroll down with his family and leave them at the gate. Evolution as he came to see it has to include the idea that it's not going anywhere, so there's really no room for a divine plan.
Same here, I was raised Catholic and creationism was never preached, in fact one the nuns who instructed me for my Confirmation said that the story of Genesis was a metaphor rather than a literal interpretation of what happened and that evolution is true but also part of God's divine plan.

The advice Catholics tend to get is ..sort of..umm..ignore the bible in general and ..ffs whatever you do...ignore the old testament stuff at all costs. It's fucking mad altogether . If there's anything in the bible that might be interesting the priest will read it out for you . That's his job , don't concern yourself with that stuff . Especially..whatever the fuck you do..the old testament .
The Protestant denominations over here tend to go bible mad . Especially the for the old testament stuff . They can quote it and all sorts . It's a bit Wahhabi at times . There's a million and one ways a priest can piss you off but quoting biblical tracts at you generally isn't one of them . I've never encountered catholic creationism in my life . I'm not sure if it's even a thing .
They may not all do but many do and the Creed they recite is overtly creationist

Anyone who believes that there is a guiding intelligence that is responsible for our existence is a creationists. Whether they believe in 7 literal days or some more nuanced form of intelligent design

The creationism in question though is the literal interpretation of the old testament in spite of proven scientific theory . That's what the fuss is about here . The denial of dinosaurs..or perhaps the belief man and brontosaurus coexisted happily . That's the commonly accepted definition . There's a huge gulf between someone who has a religious faith and happily accepts scientific reasoning as fact , and someone who abjectly refuses to accept scientific reasoning and proof as fact due to literal interpretation of religious scripture .
One is open minded and a recipient of logic and knowledge while the other is an opponent of logic and knowledge , elevating ignorance to a virtue despite a wealth of learning and science that contradicts their stance .
One of the main reasons she survived is because the shinners..at long last and under immense grass roots pressure to respond to that and the bigotry against Gaelic speakers, which broke concurrent to the boiler scandal..belatedly went after her . Sort of . Which in turn ensured the DUP circled the wagons when faced with a papish onslaught . Had they left her alone there was a slight possibility her own might have gotten rid of her. But once they made a noise the wagons were circled.

It's a system designed to encourage and reward sectarianism . It's British governance in Ireland which is at fault here . It can never work .an absence of bombs..for the moment..does not equate to normality . The British state in Ireland will always come up with a shitshow like this . It will always be deeply dysfunctional at its root .
If you look at Stormont it's record isn't so bad despite being run by two bunches of bickering bigoted nationalists. Rather nice social care provision. My mother gets far better care than she would in England and all on the NHS. A well preserved pre-Thatcherite public sector creating lots of cushy jobs. Very sleek pillars of the community looking suspiciously well funded. Endless work on the roads round Belfast. Very good comms with the South. Lots of cross border collaboration that I would never have imagined the DUP embracing. All those English taxes being pumped into the place. Jesus if they'd spent the same money on the English NE as the Irish it would be fucking booming. The result is only a minority of Northern Catholics wanting a united Ireland. Up the Shankill they are moaning the RCs look too well fed and happy while looking rather fat about the face and well rested themselves. Nearly everybody is much better off than they were in the grim 70s and they know it. The legacy of the Chuckle Brothers actually isn't that bad.

And what is Ash For Cash compared to the vast corrupt mess of Anglo Irish etc, pretty small beer. That is a major reason folk went so sour on neoliberal Dublin. The biggest pisser for real people who actually live in N.I. seems to be the housing crash that floated up from the exuberance of the Emerald Tiger. I've got friends from both sides still moaning about that. If the inmates of Stormont could just stop wasting their time with the endless twatish whataboutery about shit that happened a couple of decades ago. Get over it you are not so special.
If you look at Stormont it's record isn't so bad despite being run by two bunches of bickering bigoted nationalists. Rather nice social care provision. My mother gets far better care than she would in England and all on the NHS. A well preserved pre-Thatcherite public sector creating lots of cushy jobs. Very sleek pillars of the community looking suspiciously well funded. Endless work on the roads round Belfast. Very good comms with the South. Lots of cross border collaboration that I would never have imagined the DUP embracing. All those English taxes being pumped into the place. Jesus if they'd spent the same money on the English NE as the Irish it would be fucking booming. The result is only a minority of Northern Catholics wanting a united Ireland. Up the Shankill they are moaning the RCs look too well fed and happy while looking rather fat about the face and well rested themselves. Nearly everybody is much better off than they were in the grim 70s and they know it. The legacy of the Chuckle Brothers actually isn't that bad.

And what is Ash For Cash compared to the vast corrupt mess of Anglo Irish etc, pretty small beer. That is a major reason folk went so sour on neoliberal Dublin. The biggest pisser for real people who actually live in N.I. seems to be the housing crash that floated up from the exuberance of the Emerald Tiger. I've got friends from both sides still moaning about that. If the inmates of Stormont could just stop wasting their time with the endless twatish whataboutery about shit that happened a couple of decades ago. Get over it you are not so special.

Your completely superficial take on this is pretty appalling . The levels of chronic poverty and deprivation are there for anyone to see . The north is so reliant on public subsidy because as an artificial entity there's no other way to sustain it . It requires constant propping up . The existence of British rule here by its very nature ensures , and rewards, the sectarian bickering .

This is like listening to terry and fucking June . Brain dead, anecdotal bollocks . As usual obsessed by property values and a nice road .
Same here, I was raised Catholic and creationism was never preached, in fact one the nuns who instructed me for my Confirmation said that the story of Genesis was a metaphor rather than a literal interpretation of what happened and that evolution is true but also part of God's divine plan.
Same here.
There's a million and one ways a priest can piss you off but quoting biblical tracts at you generally isn't one of them . I've never encountered catholic creationism in my life . I'm not sure if it's even a thing .

True, it's not a thing, more an obsession with death I think. And sex. Death and sex.
My dad, who died last week, was a scots version of this lot.

They're like a little aggressive tribe. Literally. They hate the world.
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