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The Dominic Cummings file

Yes, just as I thought. No evidence - just vague assertions.

He was Markle's friend I think? I agree he's a massive wind-up merchant, but then I guess I am too. But politics wise I don't see much to disagree with.
There’s loads of evidence. You just have to google his name ffs. I’m not doing it for you
Are you barking? He had to apologise for all the shit he gave her, the cheap family destroying..woman. He’s a piece of shit.

Well, no. They were friends (I think!)

(sorry for the shitty link)

I certainly don't believe for a moment he's a racist anyway.

Right, derail over. Sorry folks. I was discussing this with the other half last night that's all.
Bit of a derail but I'm fascinated by the whole Piers Morgan thing. I don't actually know what people had against him in retrospect. He got sacked from the Mirror for publishing what turned out to be fake pictures of British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners but which he published for presumably genuine reasons, then sacked from CNN for spending half his primetime shows ranting against US gun legislation and the resultant mass killings, came back to the UK and has been laying into the Tories and brexiteers ever since.

Can anyone put their finger on why he is so despised? I know the phone hacking whiff will always hang over him but tbh I don't really give much of a fuck about that, even if it is true. What's the actual issue?
The fact that this very morning he rudely cut off a female presenter who was making a good point about the negative reactions to peaceful black protest, to ask Lorraine Kelly which inane guests she was going to be interviewing later :rolleyes:
The fact that this very morning he rudely cut off a female presenter who was making a good point about the negative reactions to peaceful black protest, to ask Lorraine Kelly which inane guests she was going to be interviewing later :rolleyes:

Fair do's. Didn't see that. I know from experience though that presenters have producers in their ears telling them to wrap shit up to keep to schedules.
Well, no. They were friends (I think!)

(sorry for the shitty link)

I certainly don't believe for a moment he's a racist anyway.

Right, derail over. Sorry folks. I was discussing this with the other half last night that's all.
Denial of racism is racism and he does a lot of that
Which is exactly why we never get a deeper undestanding of vital issues, just a load of relentless advetising of nonsense!

ITV runs on a commercial model so unfortunately you have to put up with it. TBH the ads are often quite welcome after 15 minutes of Piers shouting :D
Well, no. They were friends (I think!)

(sorry for the shitty link)

I certainly don't believe for a moment he's a racist anyway.

Right, derail over. Sorry folks. I was discussing this with the other half last night that's all.
I might believe it if she’d written it rather than the man whose advantage it serves to pretend they’re friends. And giving a black woman shit that wasn’t given to a white woman doing pretty much the same things, what’s that if not racist?
Writing Dominic Cummings fan fiction lol, it's very cathartic. This is one of the last things I wrote

Sitting at my computer, I opened Boris's emails and noticed that there were 200 all on the same subject, and more were arriving every few minutes. Usually I just deleted them, they just said things like 'important' and 'urgent' and I just turned off. When I was an adviser to Michael Gove's education department, I learned that if it is said to be urgent it probably isnt, a very important rule of politics.

I had a text and for a surprise, it was from the man himself.

'Hi Dom, I'm with Matt and Boris. I've got 3 grams of Peruvian white here. Are you coming?'

I got up from the computer, my shirt experiment would have to come to an end so I picked up a new one from the wardrobe. As I got ready and checked myself in the mirror I remembered that it was my wife's birthday next month. I would have to organise something for it and was not sure I could leave it to the last minute. Maybe we would go to Durham again.

I walked out of the door, one phone in each pocket and two in my holdall, which made me feel like a renegade hacker, and went to meet the boys. Govey always has the best drugs.

'Sorry darling,' I wrote to Mary. 'I've got to meet the prime minister, Michael Gove and Matt Hancock urgently.'

'OK, darling, is it about Brexit?' came the reply.

'It's about that new coronavirus everyone is talking about,' I replied on WhatsApp, thoughts of SARS-COV-2 occupying my mind. It was the only thing I could think about. 'We need to go through the pandemic preparations and make sure everything is in order. I don't think this is the Big One but you never know.'

'OK,' Mary replied. 'By the way, the little one's asking about going to a castle.'

I would like to go to a castle too, I thought as I approached Govey's flat and rang the buzzer. Boris was annoying when he was on coke, but he was easy to handle, if he acted up I'd swiftly put him in place. Matt Hancock was like a psychopathic puppy at times, it was funny to watch.

'It's Dom,' I said, and the door opened, I walked to the lift and pressed the button for the third floor. The interior of the building was a little down market for my taste but Gove had invested in this flat purely for the purpose of having somewhere to sample South America's most sought-after export when the pressures of state became too much.
Whatever Morgan's past & I am certainly not a fan & think he is a cunt but he has been the only presenter to actually hold this shambles of a government to account over the last six weeks or so. Calling out the lies. I am amazed that I actually agree with some of his recent spoutings.
I'd be a bit cautious about the idea that people on here predicted things more accurately than the SAGE members - I'm sure you can go back through various threads and find early predictions that were right on the nose but you will also find loads of others that were way out. There will be a spread of opinion, and you can always cherry pick the 'correct' ones with hindsight. There will have been a spread of opinion on the SAGE committees too.

I continually go back and re-read stuff from the key period in question.

I do not suggest that any perfect and complete pictures of the future were presented here. But on the key question of timing at a crucial stage, large chunks of this country got the right idea about the sense of immediacy in a way the government and SAGE utterly failed to.

I was cautious and balanced at the time. I did not immediately reject the 'we are 4 weeks behind Italy', I was skeptical about the claim and I repeatedly questioned it without declaring that they were most certainly wrong. But others on this forum and elsewhere already figured out that the reality was that we were 2 weeks behind Italy. It was not that hard to get that right. SAGE likely got it wrong because the UK data collection systems were ill prepared for this pandemic, and the modelling was imperfect. Someone probably made a trivial mistake somewhere in there, and the collective wisdom of SAGE did not spot it and correct it in a timely manner. It did not take them all that long to figure out that they got it wrong, but the consequences were still a disaster for the timing of the UK response. And there was still the tedious process of them trying to save some face and make a series of corrections to their initial timing prediction instead of just accepting the obvious reality in one go. And they were so bloody late at getting round to estimating these things in the first place, it really is painful to see how far behind the curve they were for so long.

March 10th: SAGE 14 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 10 March 2020

The UK is considered to be 4-5 weeks behind Italy but on a similar curve (6-8 weeks behind if interventions are applied).

March 13th. The first correction, with some detail about why they were wrong before: SAGE 15 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 13 March 2020

Owing to a 5-7 day lag in data provision for modelling, SAGE now believes there are more cases in the UK than SAGE previously expected at this point, and we may therefore be further ahead on the epidemic curve, but the UK remains on broadly the same epidemic trajectory and time to peak.

March 16th: SAGE 16 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 16 March 2020

On the basis of accumulating data, including on NHS critical care capacity, the advice from SAGE has changed regarding the speed of implementation of additional interventions.

March 18th: SAGE 17 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 18 March 2020

Based on limited available evidence, SAGE considers that the UK is 2 to 4 weeks behind Italy in terms of the epidemic curve. The consensus is that growth of the UK epidemic is tracking at the same rate as in other countries.

This was an avoidable tragedy, it was quite avoidable even without the various massive benefits of hindsight. The picture I have of this period is still incomplete, eg the exact combination of data & modelling failures that caused them to get it so wrong, when people without access to the same data or models were able to figure it out more effectively.

It is still my intention to take a nice break in June, and I do not intend to convince everyone of this case I am making. And I am biased against small, closed groups of experts having too much of a monopoly over things. Collective wisdom requires a different political setup and a much broader array of participants, and a greater willingness to make rapid corrections, challenge assumptions, challenge the confines of the orthodox approach. I will not go on about this further right now, I just have a few other issues to comment on in a few other threads and then I get my break, and everyone gets a break from me :)
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A grubby little opportunist who is only challenging the government cos he knows it’ll make him more popular

As I said, repeatedly, and objectively, as someone who has never paid the man much attention. Where's the proof? He was never found guilty of phone hacking and from what I can tell from your request to google his racism there's no evidence of such, quite to the contrary. He seems to call racism out. And as for Trump, Trump unfollowed him months ago after an immensely critical and scathing article he wrote about his friend's pathetic response to Covoid and its impact on the BAME community.

Anyways, it was an innocent question. As I genuinely can't see the answer. Don't worry, my other half is equally as scathing of him but when questioned on it couldn't actually say why. I think it's just his manner. Because if you look at his policies he's pretty much on the same wavelength as many of the people on here from what I can see.

Provide examples of his racism please.
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