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The Dominic Cummings file


Oh, and...

Just heard him on the news quote the legislation and use a phrase including "ability". I can't find the appropriate part of the legislation which has that in it. Anyone find it?
Stay at home: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
If you are living with children

Keep following this advice to the best of your ability, however, we are aware that not all these measures will be possible.

What we have seen so far is that children with coronavirus (COVID-19) appear to be less severely affected. It is nevertheless important to do your best to follow this guidance.
my autistic kid would absolutely have benefitted from some (familiar and relaxing) time with her nanny&bampy at any point over the past couple of months.

as an autistic parent i would absolutely have benefitted from knowing both my kids were safe and well cared-for, with a small breathing space to re-calibrate my tentative understanding of "how things work" these days.

as a full-time wfh parent mr b might have been released from a fraction of the burden of being the only reliable grown-up in the household, if he'd been informed there was an out.

but guess the fuck what? we didn't drive them to the relative safety of pembrokeshire. or north wales. stuck it out in the place we've made home because we figured they wouldn't ask more of us than can be reasonably given.

assume am already signd up to the register of gullible people with some tentative faith in the national duty bourne by the government of the day :facepalm:
Unless I'm being dumb, (quite possible), I can't see the date that advice was issued. Is it possible to see that?
It shows when updates made if you click "show all updates" here, but doesn't give wording of the updates.

My memory is that that wording was always in there, but the guidance was more complicated originally (more talk about separating the person with symptoms from the rest of the household which might be difficult with small kids).
It only has the update date. The earliest version on Wayback says 16 March.
Thanks, one reason I ask is because of this, which must be some sort of re-hash of a CCHQ line...presumably it refers to the original guidelines issued the day after Johnson's March 23rd announcement?

It shows when updates made if you click "show all updates" here, but doesn't give wording of the updates.

My memory is that that wording was always in there, but the guidance was more complicated originally (more talk about separating the person with symptoms from the rest of the household which might be difficult with small kids).
I got this:


but the link did this:

well, when people start suggesting its ok to turn up en masse at some cunts home where his kids live that is when my brain starts eto get silly.
Oh Cyril, just fuck off. We've got a plague going, where the people who made it about 10,000 deaths worse are fucking lording it over us. We're just having shits and giggles at their little moment of discomfort. Sheesh.
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