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The big urban poll: Do you think Brexit has gone well or badly?

Do you think Brexit has gone well or badly?

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Spurred on by this recent yougov survey (below), I thought it would be timely to get an urban take on how posters think Brexit has been going in the last year or so.

Vote away!

I think brexit has been astonishingly successful at leaving the EU...

I think it's been excellent at exposing the moral and political vacuum of many who neither know nor care much about the EU beyond its personal convenience to them.

I've not once been reduced to eating rotting turnips in a field while rats scamper over the decomposing remains of my children.

(I voted remain).
It’s too early to really tell but the imagined disasters longed for by staunch remainers haven’t occurred.

Wages going up is good. The French and German political class are pissed off, also good.

Billings gate fish market is selling posh fish to the UK market whereas before it was exported but now we can eat it and it’s affordable.

Nigel Farage is no longer getting an MEP salary and expenses.

A united Ireland is much closer. This prize is worth ten million remainer moans about Tuscany retirement homes.
brexit also showed that when push comes to shove, the middle class left will align with their own class and imperialism rather than show solidarity with the working class.
One or two generalisations there surely?

(As in : By no means all 'Remain' voters were middle class/bourgeoisie, and neither were all 'Leave' voters working class, either).
One or two generalisations there surely?

(As in : By no means all 'Remain' voters were middle class/bourgeoisie, and neither were all 'Leave' voters working class, either).
massive generalisations. so?
im not talking specifics, im talking broad general trends.

its how the right in the labour party pulled the rug from under corbyn. they knew half his support in the labour party would merrily go skipping off to listen to alistair campbell at some fbpe wankfest march because class is more important than what you tell people your politics are.
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It might be a disaster for some specific businesses / sectors, but it doesn't seem to have been the absolute meltdown predicted by some remainers / business organisations, so I'd say 'Neither well nor badly' if it wasn't for the situation in Northern Ireland, which was utterly predictable and always going to be the biggest downside of Brexit. So 'Fairly badly' for me.
I've not once been reduced to eating rotting turnips in a field while rats scamper over the decomposing remains of my children.
Feel kind of cheated in that regard, I personally was quite looking forward to rat on a spit, The trap in the shed caught another mouse last night and I threw its corpse in the wheelie whereas I was expecting than post-Brexit I would be able to either eat or sell it.
More seriously I think a lot of the consequences of Brexit have been hidden as a result of the lurgy and much of the economic cost of Brexit will get pinned on the aftermaths of the plague. It really is too early to tell whether Brexit has been good or bad for me personally yet, It does seem to me that things like food seems to have got more expensive but a) I am fortunate enough not to live on the breadline anyway and b) I have made massive savings on things like fuel and leisure as a result of the lurgy.
I voted Remain and most of the people I know who voted Leave did so because they were unhappy with the number of people with funny accents, the plague has prevented me from seeing almost all of those people so I don't know whether they judge it a success or a failure. Like everything else there are going to be winners and losers but I'm still convinced that the latter will far outnumber the former in the long run.
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