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just a footnote, my father was in the irish Olympic trials for 1936 in steeplechase, but didn't make the team. he went to Montreal for 1976 and had the chance to shake jesse owens' hand, which he considered one of the moments of his lifetime. so much for richard Spencer's dichotomies.
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Didn't it used to be the case that the Irish weren't considered fully paid-up members of the so-called "White" race?
Yep, W.A.S.P. didn't just exclude Jews.

You've only got to think back to the infamous 1950's boarding house sign "No Dogs, No Irish, No Blacks" to realise how recently serious anti-Irish racism was widespread in the UK.

[btw, this isn't to ignore its persistence in the police and in popular prejudice against Travelers]
from another thread ...

Here you go Athos. As I stated earlier, I will engage with you and you only on here.

Point one:

1 Can you quantify 'regularly'?

2 And show me where he has said he went there 'regularly'?

To the best of my knowledge he has been there once (or possibly twice) in the company of Leftists.

3. I have been to Windsor Park at two Linfield matches. I was in the company of (progressive) people from a loyalist background. Whilst they might be regarded as dangerous radicals in their own community, they would certainly be regarded as reactionary on here. I went there under their guarantees of safety. Does that make me a loyalist? An apologist for loyalism?

Point TWO

The people he visits in Berlin ARE Anarchists/Anarcho-Communists. He is merely distancing himself from Lifestyle Anarchists and fraggle-rockers and saying that culturally, socially, fashion-wise he always had more in common with working class fascists thatn many middle-class trendy lefties. So have I. So have many thousands of people on the political left.

Do you want me to post THAT George Orwell quote again.


They reached that conclusion based on their own prejudices IMO, long before . They remind me of coppers, seizing on everything that 'confirms' their convictions and simply ignoring anything that does not fit their pre-determined beliefs.

It's not new. It's typical of the left.

As for the rest of your post. I disagree with you. But who cares? As I said. I entered this fray cos he was being called out as a fascist and also called a liar - by clowns. I'm sorry if some joined-up thinkers like you were caught in the crossfire.

I am not here to defend his every post. Like I said before , he is big and ugly enough to do that for himself.

Sorry, only just seen your edit.

Point one. You've subsequently retracted.

Point two. What you say he meant isn't what he wrote.

Point three. I understand you jumped in to defend him from accusations of being a fascist, but my issue is his well documented history of racism; sexism, homophobia etc., which you've glossed over here, having previously minimised it as 'old fashioned'.

But I don't think this'll take us anywhere. My opinion of him hadn't changed. You won't speak out about those things, because he's your mate. We are where we are.
It's not a Freudian slip. From the way he says 'I shouldn't say that' it's obviously the way he normally says that name.

Well, of course its not a mistake. I've been down south and referring to Martin Luther King with that particular phrase is pretty common in some circles.
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Here's another "gem" that floated across my feed this morning:

In what looked like a way of getting some publicity and some payback against a company which had kicked them off a long time ago, the Daily Stormer signed up online with Dreamhost last Wednesday. Within hours a DDOS attack (quite conceivably organised by the Stormer itself) disrupted a lot of the other sites hosted by Dreamhost. The Stormer was booted off again the next day.

Reinforcing the suspicion that this had been a stunt, later that same day they were back in business with their new host, BuyVM, a company which also supplies DDOS protection. The site has been up seemingly without interruption since then although the change in IP address means it's lost its google ranking and for the moment is a little more difficult to find.

ETA: no sooner had I posted this than a more friendly URL went live. It now has an Albanian domain.

What is the Stormer's take on Mayweather vs McGregor ?

Meanwhile the registrar for the Stormfront forum, Network Solutions, suspended it's domain on Friday for breach of its acceptable use policy. According to discussion at 4chan the hosting server is still up but ironically it can't be accessed directly by IP address because it has Cloudflare protection which prevents this. If that's correct it will almost certainly be back under a new domain name.
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Didn't it used to be the case that the Irish weren't considered fully paid-up members of the so-called "White" race?

Punch used to regularly portray the Irish as semi evolved Neandertals well into the 20th century.

Ireland Cartoons - Images | PUNCH Magazine Cartoon Archive

and "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish" signs could be found outside boarding houses in the UK, into the 80s. Some Sun & tabloid headlines post-IRA attacks were akin to Hopkin's anti-Muslim rants.
Late to this because I've got CR & LiamO on ignore, so much of this thread didn't make a whole lot of sense.

I think we're being very unfair to CR, he's quite clearly one of those very fine people Trump said marched with the White Supremacists and Neo Nazis on Friday. We've all done it. Turned up at a demo, and not realised that we're surrounded by Neo Nazis till its too late, and felt total absolute social mortification. I mean you can't just walk away, that'd be tremendously rude to the White Supremacists.

And who among us hasn't found ourselves walking down a dimly lit mountain in Scandinavia only to discover our climbing companion is Norse Satanist Neo Nazi? Let he who is without sin throw the very real rock CR had in his hand, I say.

And he's right he should keep attending football matches with Fascists in the hope of converting them to Anti Fascism, despite not being able to converse with them. That's just common sense.

Seriously we're keeping this fascist shit around why?
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Punch used to regularly portray the Irish as semi evolved Neandertals well into the 20th century.

Ireland Cartoons - Images | PUNCH Magazine Cartoon Archive

and "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish" signs could be found outside boarding houses in the UK, into the 80s. Some Sun & tabloid headlines post-IRA attacks were akin to Hopkin's anti-Muslim rants.
Still plenty of anti Irish feeling around though not always explicitly expressed as in the Country Squire article Eire get stuffed.
Still plenty of anti Irish feeling around though not always explicitly expressed as in the Country Squire article Eire get stuffed.

That cuntry Squire article was revealed as click bait, the editor admitting it was mainly "bants' in the style of how Hopkins gained notoriety and popularity. Seeing as Hopkins has talked her way out of one job this year, and into a very expensive libel case, he may want some new role models.

But some of the patronising guff in the torygraph and "think pieces" by Mad Mel about Irexit or rejoining the Union are so fucking patronising they'd turn Conor Cruise O'Brien into Wolfe Tone.
Still plenty of anti Irish feeling around though not always explicitly expressed as in the Country Squire article Eire get stuffed.

Those tweets by RS are IMO anti-Irish and completely patronising. 'You Irish people get to be White if you fight Black people on my say so.'
Those tweets by RS are IMO anti-Irish and completely patronising. 'You Irish people get to be White if you fight Black people on my say so.'

Yeah I can't for the life for me understand why WS groups include people of Irish, Eastern European etc decent.

Look at this fucker.

White supremacist who marched in Charlottesville: 'I'm not the angry racist they see in that photo'

Peter Cvjetanovic should probably take a look how the Nazis treated ethnic Slavs in occupied Europe.
and "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish" signs could be found outside boarding houses in the UK, into the 80s. Some Sun & tabloid headlines post-IRA attacks were akin to Hopkin's anti-Muslim rants.
All absolutely true - if anything you have understated it. I would also add, jokes about the Irish all being thick were entirely acceptable right to the end of the 70s, and it was only the comedy revolution which changed that
All absolutely true - if anything you have understated it. I would also add, jokes about the Irish all being thick were entirely acceptable right to the end of the 70s, and it was only the comedy revolution which changed that

Don't even need to go that far back, this is from earlier this year in the Torygraph.


I wouldn't mind but,

A) The DUP are infamous teetotalers and even if they weren't they'd never "sup the devil's buttermilk".

B) If there's one thing I can't stand it's English people giving the Irish stick for being drunks. Fuck off yeah? I've been out in Leeds on a Saturday night.
I've been catching up on this thread and would like to say that whilst I in no way condone CRs homophobia and racism; surely linking to his "work" on other sites is a no no?
I got my own ass kicked for doing that in regard to another poster, so perhaps he could be judged on his output here?

In other news, a FB friend shared a meme the other day

"I'm proud to be white" I bet nobody passes this on because they are scared because of be called a racist

I didn't pass it on because it's a load of bollocks.
Not read it but recall mention of this book on that subject: How the Irish Became White
I haven't read the book either, it seems to be a worthy academic piece if subject to some disagreement.

The article you link to seems a poor summing up of the argument that the Irish became "white" by forcing blacks out of the shittiest jobs. If that's white privilege you can stick it.
I haven't read the book either, it seems to be a worthy academic piece if subject to some disagreement.

The article you link to seems a poor summing up of the argument that the Irish became "white" by forcing blacks out of the shittiest jobs. If that's white privilege you can stick it.
Asad Haider outlines the argument that "white skin privilege" is detrimental to the "white working class" here:

White Purity

It's "an instrument of class division" and "detrimental to the white working class, preventing unity with black workers." He quotes Noel Ignatiev:

"The ideology of white chauvinism is bourgeois poison aimed primarily at the white workers, utilized as a weapon by the ruling class to subjugate black and white workers. It has its material base in the practice of white supremacy, which is a crime not merely against non-whites but against the entire proletariat. Therefore, its elimination certainly qualifies as one of the class demands of the entire working class".

Another article covering the same ground is to be found here:


"Unlike liberal interpretations of white privilege used to attack dissent, Allen’s understanding was that white privileges are contrary to the long-term political and material interest of white people. The benefits, bribes, and appeals to white people do have a real value, which is one reason they work, but that value is far less than the value that would be produced by class solidarity and cross-racial action to raise wages, win political power and establish justice".
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