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Thatcher is dead

there a Farcebook campaign to rename Heathrow airport after the old bag:



What a brilliant idea!

What better way to remember than by associating her with a sterile mass of concrete, steel and asphalt pumping out pollution, frustrated masses queueing for hours, security theatre, pisspoor service, rampant over charging, services falling behind schedule and chronically bad, overpriced, transport connections. One of the last words that relieved departing citizens, escaping albeit briefly from their miserable lives for a couple of weeks respite and first words that apprehensive arriving visitors, about to endure the under staffed and "not fit for purpose" hospitality of border control will see is 'Thatcher'.

Seems strangely appropriate.
What's the procedure for filing a complaint and initiating an investigation into misfeasance in public office?

I believe forms for launching a private criminal prosecution are available at a counter in the Strand.

But - the MPs was only obeying orders. What you want is a judicial review of the decision to order them to come back. Forms available, I'd wager, from the same place. Please deposit £100,000 with your lawyers before pressing "Start".
there a Farcebook campaign to rename Heathrow airport after the old bag:


The only way that'd be good was if there was a really nasty plane crash not long after.

So it wouldn't be good.

Anyway, I am troubled by this idea of naming important bits of infrastructure after pretty much anyone except reigning monarchs, and that's probably a bit dodgy, too. You see it at its apotheosis in the states, where everything is the Vernon P Bumfuck Memorial Highway, the Thaddeus J Pituitary Memorial Bus Shelter, etc.

You are all "social misfit bottom feeding dregs"

so there...

You are all "social misfit bottom feeding dregs"

so there...

Same moron who said "It was Adam and Eve.It wasn't Adam and Steve" during the gay marriage debate in the commons. How these people function on a day to day basis...
i'm feeling angry and depressed by all the disgusting crawling and deference surrounding the death of this vicious authoritarian fuck. Millions of UK citizens who were literally revolted and seriously damaged by Thatcher and her noxious politics are currently being humiliated by the entire superstructure of the state and its masters in what is little more than a whip cracking exercise. Of course most here are unsurprised by the role of the obnoxious political players, particularly cretins like Miliband and Umunna, (and all the other sewer dwellers who are prominent in the entire filthy process), but they really do appear to be plumbing new depths of obsequious servility.

i know it will not happen, but in my dreams a major disruption of the funeral and all its strutting ostentation occurs, and it really teaches the 1% and their fawning lackeys a major lesson in humility and working class politics.

i am just so sick of being forced into a week of eating Thatcher's excrement. This is a very bleak time.
Despite feeling guilty about my celebrations at some points of the day on Wednesday I now reckon they are in some way justified.

I've just read today's El Pais, which mentioned the celebrations in Brixton amongst other places, and I think they're going to make a huge difference to how people remember her passing a century from now. If there had been a more austere reaction from the left, history would have been more likely to record her death as an event of national mourning. It will now be recorded as as a time of national division and those pictures of people dancing in St. George's and Windrush Squares are making an impact on people around the world.

Two months ago a man in a bar in Madrid was watching the TV news whislt sipping his drink. I was stood next to him. Thatcher appeared on the television and I said, "I hate that woman." He replied, "Her people loved her! They called her The Iron Lady!" I doubt he'll be so unequivocal in future.

Maybe as a primitive reaction, it was somewhat gruesome, somewhat out-of-place, maybe it was a strategic error in the short-term. In the long-run, those who have "danced on her grave" as it were, have probably done the right thing.

EDIT - Brixton makes it into El Pais.

Maybe as a primitive reaction, it was somewhat gruesome, somewhat out-of-place, maybe it was a strategic error in the short-term. In the long-run, those who have "danced on her grave" as it were, have probably done the right thing.

Certainly Favelado. i salute your spirit - you did the right thing, and you danced for many.
Judy Garland currently sits at Number 10 in the midweek charts. Tht may have a certain appropriateness, but its not good enough!

Ella has squeezed into the top 150 apparently.
Ken Livingstone was supposed to be appearing on the Daily Politics special all afternoon. He appeared fo a short while then fucked off to do some gardening.
She’s not been gone more than a few hours, and already the national media have cranked into gear and begun the blandly respectful eulogies – at their most critical they seem to be only able to say: ‘She polarised opinion … what’s certain is how much of an impact she made on Britain … etc etc’

Twitter set off at a pace with a thousand ‘Ding Dong the Witch is Dead’ messages only to be followed by a slew of bleeding heart liberals bemoaning the fact that people were daring to celebrate someone’s death.

Pah! Let’s make it clear: This is a cause to celebrate, to party, to stamp the dirt down. Tomorrow we can carry on shouting and writing and working and singing and striking against the successive governments that have so clearly followed Thatcher’s Slash & Burn policies, none more so than the present lot. But for now, we can have a drink and a dance and propose a toast to the demise of someone who blighted so many people’s lives for so long.

If we must show a little reverence and decorum at this time, then so be it. Our deepest sympathies go out to the families of all Margaret Thatcher’s victims.

Chumbawamba, 8th April 2013
There's a wonderful series of positive thoughts on BBC parliament right now

i'm feeling angry and depressed by all the disgusting crawling and deference surrounding the death of this vicious authoritarian fuck. Millions of UK citizens who were literally revolted and seriously damaged by Thatcher and her noxious politics are currently being humiliated by the entire superstructure of the state and its masters in what is little more than a whip cracking exercise. Of course most here are unsurprised by the role of the obnoxious political players, particularly cretins like Miliband and Umunna, (and all the other sewer dwellers who are prominent in the entire filthy process), but they really do appear to be plumbing new depths of obsequious servility.

i know it will not happen, but in my dreams a major disruption of the funeral and all its strutting ostentation occurs, and it really teaches the 1% and their fawning lackeys a major lesson in humility and working class politics.

i am just so sick of being forced into a week of eating Thatcher's excrement. This is a very bleak time.
Interesting debate on Talk Sport where the normally odious Adrian Durham has actually put up some very good arguments to Darren 'Call me Tory' Gough about why there should be no minutes silence at football and that the call from two football chairman( Whelan and Majeski) for one is precisely because they made millions under the Thatcher regime and are Tory donators .
Interesting debate on Talk Sport where the normally odious Adrian Durham has actually put up some very good arguments to Darren 'Call me Tory' Gough about why there should be no minutes silence at football and that the call from two football chairman( Whelan and Majeski) for one is precisely because they made millions under the Thatcher regime and are Tory donators .
I for one would be very pleased if they stopped donating tories
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