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Thatcher is dead

Hardly surprising that certain shitcunts are already launching posthumous attempts to redact and/or revise history though, is it?
not surprising at all - I'm betting this is just the start of that. Will be interesting watching Tories smartly distance themselves from her more obvious howlers, once the funeral recedes into memory
Brighton representing...
Somewhere in Brighton...Will ask...

edit..."Just up from Halfords".

Not been in the area for a while so not sure where that is!
Clearly those un-representative organisers....according to....

Chuka Umunna, the Labour MP for Streatham, made clear his anger on Twitter after a "party" was held in the Windrush Square area of Brixton in his constituency.
Umunna tweeted: "Holding a party to celebrate the death of any person is totally wrong and in extreme bad taste." He also tweeted: "The organisers of that event in Windrush Sq last night do not speak for or represent the people of Brixton."

Neither does Chuka. He should remember that.
Just e-mailed this to my MP.


Yesterday I had the dubious pleasure of reading your comments on monday night's celebration at Windrush Sq. on twitter. You appeared almost eager to take the chance to condemn people for holding an opinion at odds with your own.
I'd like to make a few points that may not have occurred to you in your rush to show yourself as representing the status quo, rather than representing your constituents:

1) You tweeted that ""The organisers of that event in Windrush Sq last night do not speak for or represent the people of Brixton.".
You don't represent them either, you only represent a part of them.

2) The constituency you represent is made up of elements that mostly suffered quite harshly under Mrs. Thatcher's brand of Conservatism.

3) Your constituency has an ageing population. You may not remember what the 1980s were like, as you were an infant and then a child during them. Those of us who were adults by then do remember. For many of us, those memories are not good ones.

4) Your twitter that "Holding a party to celebrate the death of any person is totally wrong and in extreme bad taste" might be taken as the conclusion of someone with no axe to grind with reference to the effects of Thatcher and Thatcherism, and with possibly an eye to divorcing themselves from anything that might be used to halt your rise through the ranks of the Party. I don't hold that against you - healthy ambition is a good thing. What I do hold against you is your pretence to actually represent the opinions of your constituents on this matter. As with your predecessor, and as with the majority of the opinions you air, you represent your party and your own interests first. Our interests come a distant third.
You're MP of Streatham constituency because those among your constituents that vote, loathe Tories and Lib-Dems more than they loathe Labour, not because that many of us believe that Labour, especially post-1997 Labour, are innately better than their competitors.


i doubt thatcher is universally popular in grantham. the blue plaque on her dad's shop is positioned at such a height on the wall you can barely read it. i'll allow you to draw your own conclusions as to the reasoning for making it so inaccessible...
i doubt thatcher is universally popular in grantham. the blue plaque on her dad's shop is positioned at such a height on the wall you can barely read it. i'll allow you to draw your own conclusions as to the reasoning for making it so inaccessible...

There was a report in, IIRC, the Guardian a couple of years back, talking to the people of Grantham about Thatcher's legacy. Apparently her dad wasn't held in quite the high esteem she believed. Seems that he liked to get his hand up the skirts of the shop girls, and given that he was "connected" (alderman, chamber of commerce, alleged Mason), those girls who said anything, found themselves unable to get work anywhere in the area, so they mostly kept schtumm. :(
There was a report in, IIRC, the Guardian a couple of years back, talking to the people of Grantham about Thatcher's legacy. Apparently her dad wasn't held in quite the high esteem she believed. Seems that he liked to get his hand up the skirts of the shop girls, and given that he was "connected" (alderman, chamber of commerce, alleged Mason), those girls who said anything, found themselves unable to get work anywhere in the area, so they mostly kept schtumm. :(
totally believable, given that he actually owned what was then the town's largest retail business. 'humble corner shop' my arse!
There was a report in, IIRC, the Guardian a couple of years back, talking to the people of Grantham about Thatcher's legacy. Apparently her dad wasn't held in quite the high esteem she believed. Seems that he liked to get his hand up the skirts of the shop girls, and given that he was "connected" (alderman, chamber of commerce, alleged Mason), those girls who said anything, found themselves unable to get work anywhere in the area, so they mostly kept schtumm. :(

Is this the one? Tis from the Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/thatchers-dad-mayor-preacher-groper-1257249.html
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