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Thatcher is dead

Galloway puts the boot in...eloquently.


.....I hated Margaret Thatcher for what seems like all my life. I hated her more than I hated anyone – until the mass murderer Tony Blair came along.
It would have been utter hypocrisy for me to have remained silent about her crimes today whilst the political class – including New Labour – poured honeyed words, lies actually, over her blood-spattered record.
I could not do it. I believe I spoke for millions. The wicked witch is dead. Tramp the dirt down.
George Galloway MP
Chatter on websites, social media and forums that are popular with protest networks has revealed multiple plans by groups to either demonstrate during the funeral itself or hold “Maggie’s dead parties” on the same day. Others have recommended celebrations in the days leading up to next Wednesday’s funeral with one party slated for 6pm in Trafalgar Square this Saturday evening.
If the plans come to fruition they present a logistical headache for the Metropolitan Police who will have to balance making sure the funeral procession is not disrupted whilst respecting the public’s right to voice their opinion on one of Britain’s most divisive modern day politicians.
It is believed officers who specialise in public order issues are currently monitoring social media, websites and Blackberry’s BBM messaging networks over the coming days for any sign of protest.


Hello, boys :)

It is likely that officers will need to line the entire route from the Houses of Parliament to St Paul’s Cathedral to make sure that the procession is not stopped.

Parliament -> St Pauls = 3100 metres = 3100 ossifers? Whoa.
No conspiracy, she just heard the news that the NHS changes had gone into effect, likely to cause the irreversible demise of state healthcare provision, that the extremely rich had been given a massive tax cut, and that changes to council tax benefit pretty much mean that the poll tax concept of 'everyone having to pay something' towards local services has been re-enacted. I reckon she smiled, thought 'my work here is done' and rolled over to die.
Just heard about suggestions she should get a statue on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

You might like my suggestion earlier in the thread - put her preserved corpse up there and have a 'hook a duck' stall. Every duck hooked wins you a punch.
Was on a tour of London this evening (hence why I've only just heard) and apparently Churchill's statue in Parliament Square is mildly electrified to ward of pigeons (and snow, according to the web! :D). They'd need fucking more than "mild" to stop a Thatch statue in Trafalgar Square doing a

Bone's on the case already...
There is talk of a statue to Thatcher in Trafalgar Square. Why wait. Every revolution needs the toppling of an iconic statue from Stalin to Saddam. So on Saturday Class War will hang a statue of Thatcher from the 4th plinth so she can be toppled in a moment of liberation and cathartic retribution. Then it’s football with the head up Charing Cross Road. ‘On me ‘ead son.’
The more I think of this...the more I remember how much that cunt murdoch and his rags played a part in what she did.
Who is provoking trouble here?

Clearly those un-representative organisers....according to....

Chuka Umunna, the Labour MP for Streatham, made clear his anger on Twitter after a "party" was held in the Windrush Square area of Brixton in his constituency.
Umunna tweeted: "Holding a party to celebrate the death of any person is totally wrong and in extreme bad taste." He also tweeted: "The organisers of that event in Windrush Sq last night do not speak for or represent the people of Brixton."
What gets me with the last 24 hours is the view that this was all the fault of one malicious individual – a woman too! – and if we are rid of her we are rid of all our problems, so we can appear in public for a few hours and show our jubilation like naughty children in the fridge when their mum’s gone to the shops. It’s all a bit like the fall of Saddam, without the use of shoes.
But that’s not what happened. This is about something much more complex – failure of Keynesianism, breakdown of post-war consensus, seduction of working class as property-owning consumers, the failure of the Labour Party to spot any of this – what Jacques and Hall called the “Great Moving Right Show”, where no-one with any profile or substance calls for the renationalisation of utilities etc because that’s off the “sensible” agenda now. And what Cameron and Gideon are doing is going places that even Thatcher would have hesitated to rush in, so the right wing of the Tory party are as much in power now as they were in 1979, with maybe even more catastrophic effect. I don’t remember food banks in the 80s.
So I think the time for real celebration will be when a real mass party with serious electoral (or other) power has these things back on the agenda (with a few extras like destruction of the aristocracy for good measure), and the Thatcherites across the spectrum are hiding in foxholes in the shires.
If anyone can tell me that these things are all just round the corner then I’ll feel like celebrating.
Only saying….

From Bone's site, Lletsa?
Just heard about suggestions she should get a statue on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

No do it, then we can fuck it up on a near continuous basis. I will be in line to pour petrol on it and set it on fire. If its made of bronze, should survive a few of these. Then I shall take a plasma cutter to it.
If they did stop it being played what would be their grounds for doing so? the wizard of oz is on telly a lot and it's a show that's universally suitable for children. they can't just ban it like that can they?

To be fair they banned that Brian Adams song that was at number one for nine decades simply because it was shit and they'd had enough of hearing it. And they were right to do so too IMO
But FW de Klerk, the last president of apartheid South Africa, who was embraced by Thatcher as a reformer, became the first former head of state to confirm his attendance. De Klerk, who ordered the release of Nelson Mandela from jail and then agreed to the negotiations that ended apartheid, will attend with his wife, Elita.


What was that shitey Pink Floyd song about a retirement home for despots....
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