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Taunt the rich

Some of that is just wrong, Ikea bookshelves don't cost more than £40 .... iirc ...

And back up the thread, Jacob Rees Mogg is a self important prig, I am frankly amazed that any constituency would have selected him as their candidate let alone voted him in. What is the world coming to?

To answer this point sort of. It's a safe Tory seat. He has always been on the right of the Tory Party on monetarist grounds.

He is very funny to business owners and middle-class people - the Tory base; even wets, find him passionate and amusing, worth having to ensure the business owner wing don't UKIP-ify.

This description of the Freedom Association annual end of year Christmas quiz shows him in top form:

Our Christmas Quiz with guest quizmaster The Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP was such a huge success last year that one of the teams named themselves Moggettes. We are delighted that Mr Rees-Mogg will be joining us for this year’s jollity as well....
“We gonna party like it’s 3012 tonight / I wanna show you all the finer things in life / So just forget about the world, we’re young tonight / I’m coming for ya, I’m coming for ya”. I’m not sure if the Hon. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP had ever uttered lines from a Justin Bieber song before the 11th of December 2012, but anything is possible at a Freedom Association Pub Quiz. We were absolutely delighted to have Mr Rees-Mogg as our guest Christmas quizmaster for the second year running. With his legendary wit, Mr Rees-Mogg again presented us with a hugely memorable evening to herald in the festive season. ....
Ban the Bercow did extremely well on the night, despite having a point docked by Mr Rees-Mogg for not being respectful enough to the Speaker.


Interestingly there are no pictures of the Freedom Association's boat cruises on their website, that would be too provocative.

Dia Chakravarty@DiaChakravarty
@AirAmbService Thanks very much for the invite. Would love to but will be at @tfa4freedom 's boat cruise then I'm afraid!
10 Oct
That Freedom Association Christmas party also sees the central martyrdom-desiring patriot hero of this now u75 classic photo



Chilling out after a hard day fighting for individual liberty and freedom of expression from rebel headquarters at the Institute of Directors:


the libertarian black flag fluttering gently in the afternoon breeze of dangerously pro-tax anti-freedom coalition Britain

planning how to stem the tide of red from its threadbare facilities

This is probably flogging a dead horse but Jacob Rees founded and still gets paid for doing nothing at his firm Somerset Capital Management:

Jacob, along with Edward Robertson and Dominic Johnson, founded Somerset Capital in early 2007. He started his career working for J. Rothschild Investment Management in London before joining Lloyd George Management in Hong Kong in 1992. Jacob pioneered the GEM products at Lloyd George growing it from $150m to over $5bn in 2007. Jacob graduated from Trinity College, Oxford in 1991. Jacob was elected as an MP in May 2010.

GEM means Global Emerging Markets, short-hand for Third World that isn't 'basket-case'. His equity management firm was specifically designed to trade away and weaken capital controls in the Third World. He has banked enough wealth to be happy and enjoy being cleverer than others. He understands that 'blood' is necessary.

"all Governments, when they take tough decisions, face gentlemen such as the shadow Minister, Chris Leslie. Over the next year or two, as people see the cuts coming through, it will be very tempting to listen to such voices and to think that perhaps there is an easier way and a land flowing with milk and honey that we have not yet found where we can borrow more money, where the financial markets will turn a blind eye, where we can spend money we do not have and not worry about our children and our grandchildren and where the banks will suddenly miraculously lend to bankrupt people to keep inefficient systems going. That is when those on the Treasury Bench must stiffen their sinews and summon the blood and not give way to those voices. At the moment, that is still relatively easy, because there has not been much coming through in the way of cuts. We have not seen the pain that will come from those difficult decisions. Now, however, we are sending our plan abroad. We are telling people not just in this country but in foreign countries of what we are doing and we should be proud of it because it is right. If we do what is right, the economy will begin to recover. We on the Back Benches, in particular, must support those on the Front Benches when they do such things and when the critics from the other side appear to be doing well in the opinion polls. That is the point of maximum difficulty. Let us think of the great lady in 1981, when 360-odd economists wrote to The Times—a great newspaper with very fine editors—to suggest that the economic policy was wrong. That was two years in and it was the hardest point and that Government stuck to their guns, which led to the recovery we then had."

And he enjoys getting to it.

I think he is destined to become an Eric Joyce type figure 'filibustering', talking out of existence tax or regulation legislation. As this article sort of illustrates


Here he is with Somerset farmers-small-landowners. He is popular and successful.

I know, hence my Hello Magazine comment.

Where did Samantha Cameron buy her dress, ffs.

is sort of fun though to dissect the cunts property

It matters for British profitability, she appears it in alongside the Obamas, images and info sent across the world (gets bigged up by broadsheet newspapers - right-wing http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk/arti...e-gown-is-a-winner-with-the-fashion-pack.html and left-wing
http://www.guardian.co.uk/fashion/2012/mar/16/samantha-cameron-alessandra-rich-white-house )
not to mention the fashion press

Ends up on the website of the trendy designer store:

Hence Third World elite consumers buy similar/same dresses on their short-break holidays to poncy London. or even by internet straight from their own homes


Find exclusive pieces from Alessandra Rich's 2012/ 2013 couture collection online at Boutique 1, offering express worldwide delivery and free returns.

The Samantha Cameron dress described cost £3,000 - it's a more subtle approach than having a catwalk at the closing ceremony of London 2012.:D
whats wrong with a gideons robbes from a hotel room, eh, the stuck up fuckin cah
It's to capture money from other rich people:

Financial Time said:
Unlike Burberry, Mr Janowski says, Smythson is not looking to position itself as a fashion brand or move into ready-to-wear with the complicated supply chain management and lower margins that would entail. Rather, it is being positioned as a luxury brand. He says it is a “British Hermès”, referring to the French company whose sales and profitability targets continue to rise.
“Editors keep telling me, ‘you own the inside of the bag’,” he says, referring to iPhone cases, date books, wallets and so on. “But I’m tired of that, I want to own the bag.”
The problem with owning the inside of a bag is that contents are largely hidden; for a brand to make a broad impact, it needs broad exposure. For the past two years, Smythson has also been in the strange position of having a creative director who is married to the UK’s prime minister. Samantha Cameron, wife of David Cameron, has been with the brand for 16 years. She has been responsible for some of its most successful modern handbags, including the Nancy (carried by Madonna) and the Maze (carried by actress Jennifer Connelly), but when her husband was elected she reduced her role to “consultant”. The reduced part seems to have applied mainly to public appearances, which are largely controlled by Downing Street.

and to achieve the aura of 'understated luxury' - a key requirement for the recession:

However, Marigay McKee, chief merchant of Harrods, says achieving that transformation is possible, if not straightforward. “Smythson have a fantastic pedigree in producing luxury leather goods,” she says. “In tougher economic times, understated luxury is highly sought after and Smythson products last beyond mere seasons. In order to succeed they need to play upon this strength – a sense of timeless luxury. Then I think they are in an excellent position to become another great British heritage brand.”
Hence her attending the 125th anniversary party with actor Rosamund Pike (also very rich and private school)

I was reading a book about life drawing some time ago and it said that a rule of thumb for drawing faces is that the eyes are midway between the bottom of the chin and the top of the head. In most cases that seems to be true but looking at that picture of Samantha Cameron I notice that her eyes are much higher than that.

Just thought I would mention it - is all.
I seem to recall a story about Geri buying a nice shiny Brabantia bin, and Butch coming into dent-making physical contact with it within days of the purchase of the over-priced piece of kitchen equipment. ;)
I hate to ruin your story, but it was actually my ex who dented the bin.
The pictures are more like the rich taunting us (if they even thought about us for a second that is).

This thread has brought on the red mist - so i'll go football now and hopefully vent there:mad: :D
some do, theres been a spate of whining in the press recently from a few henries, and that laughable attempt by the young conservatives at some posh uni acting all wounded and trying to do the identity group thing

I'm sure lot don't give a shit though.

Class War shouted at eton last year and some of them got all shirty, but they're what, 14-16? easily wound up.
Although people claiming to be 'right wing' who spend times on leftish sites trying to taunt 'the enemy' also come across as a bit mental.
Hmm, I can think of an urbanite or two to whom that could refer. Tbf some of them are decent enough apart from a couple of strange ideas when it comes to party politics.
Here is one disturbing ongoing trend. Often the British mass media attempt to paint Britain as the victim of lenient tax policies abroad by inferior scabbing countries. In fact Britain with its low tax rates remains the perfect tax escape slot for Scandanavian millionaires.
One such millionaire is Oliver Sindlev, son of Denmark's 51st richest man Rene Sindlev, from whom he has a share and asset fund. http://www.business.dk/navne/51-rene-sindlev

Oliver Sindlev is domiciled in Britain, but goes back and forth between Copenhagen.
Interestingly for taunting purposes he has an Instagram where he states 'Denmark // Copenhagen Lives in United Kingdom // London'

and he does taunt well with his tags such as "Så fik vi sgu endnu en hjerneblødning.. #omg #ysl #on #my #feet #again - When does it #stop !! #yvessaintlaurent #bag #with #shoes #sneakers #passport #london #versace #jacket #idontgiveashit"

"My farther and i on our way home from London! #father #me #london #copenhagen #rollsroyce #jet"

The doors of the jet and the luxury cars all open at the same time, suggesting the jet has just landed and they are already set to be driven to their home.

"#nice #day #in #london ! #view from our #lovely #terrace .. London is the #new #black"

"On my way back to #Copenhagen ! #Chillin in #Heathrow #airport #Enjoying #caviarhouse #foiegras and #wine ! See u in a bit ✈"
No more weird than the thatcher thatcher milk snatcher revolutionary's ( particularly under the age of 35) stating that socialism still is the answer to all our woes after living In the third way,and where it has left us .
maybe it is the lizards....
The question is, now that the flaunting of wealth is more visible and in your face (do people still say that?), than at any time in history

That's a big claim - wouldn't you say it was much more visible in the 1770s or 1900s?
Now, only a very small minority of millionaires flaunt, most just comfortably enjoy it because it's fun. Many in big cities build underground instead of large new extensions, and many don't particularly want to be multiple home owners, hence concentrate on making one home really nice and renting elsewhere as necessary. A large number of millionaires simply fail to accept they are wealthy considering themselves middle-class, hence their focus on 'understated luxury'.
The question is, now that the flaunting of wealth is more visible and in your face (do people still say that?), than at any time in history, why are the politics of egalitarianism is at an all-time low, with those who feel uncomfortable with this society at least as inclined to opt for the politics of ethnic rivalry or religion?
The main difference is the access to seeing it and global visibility.......has the flaunting really changed? Or has it been there............
Hardly surprising about the disenchantment at those who spend a near lifetime or career promoting egalitarianism but hit the trough as soon as an opportunity is made or presents itself.....
Perhaps its the visibility of that as well......
More visible now because it's in everybody's living room all the time.

I don't quite know your claim here, but very rarely does the television media ever depict the source of any wealth or inheritance. Also it never reveals much about its own - the reporters, the disc jockeys, presenters etc.
Why does the source of the wealth matter in terms of what I'm saying?

The difference between 'honestly earned' and 'earned without giving those below their due'.
You were saying something about religion being preferred. Where does/did religion receive its wealth from? When was the televised film examining the Church of England (or any other denomination/religion) as a business?
Some of your own pointers might give you your own answers.
The only point I was making is that the ever-widening wealth gap is more visible than ever before. I doubt it would make much of a difference politically if the source of the wealth was made clearer.

So politically, the religions would still benefit whatever happened - is that a fair sum-up?
large number of millionaires simply fail to accept they are wealthy considering themselves middle-class, hence their focus on 'understated luxury'.

I would bet that a large number of millionaires are such simply because they're older people who own property in an upmarket area which was purchased before the area became upmarket. With all the inflation of the past 40 years, ISTM that we need to redefine millionaire as someone with an annual income of a million.
RC, Do you want to have a go at people taking seriously what you wrote and introduced into the thread?

the politics of ethnic rivalry or religion

No more internet today anyway, so might write something about

I don't think most people are that bothered about the source of anybody's wealth.

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