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Taunt the rich

Yes, but it's more Harper's Bazaar:


Christ! I was only joking when I made that comment about her dress!!!

Ha! Not sure to laugh or to bite my fist :D
I know, hence my Hello Magazine comment.

Where did Samantha Cameron buy her dress, ffs.

All over the place often from expensive British designers attached to British fashion firms.
Samantha Cameron is interested in interior design, hence the belief that they are £1,000 authentic copies
If you squint hard at this photo full, you can see Provence Interiors and Paris Interiors - hardback oversize coffee table books ...


and there is also a yellow sofa, same style as the others different colour.
All over the place often from expensive British designers attached to British fashion firms.
Samantha Cameron is interested in interior design, hence the belief that they are £1,000 authentic copies
If you squint hard at this photo full, you can see Provence Interiors and Paris Interiors - hardback oversize coffee table books ...

and there is also a yellow sofa, same style as the others different colour.

Why am I enjoying this??

Straining my eyes trying to read what 18 rated DVDs they have :facepalm:

I see they have Sky HD.
Why am I enjoying this??

Straining my eyes trying to read what 18 rated DVDs they have :facepalm:

I see they have Sky HD.

DVDs I'm crap at, but general reading material, part of it here:


In addition to the usual political memoirs, there is Austerity Britain 1945-51 by David Kynaston (next to number 6 in the picture), which describes (but doesn't explain well the reasons behind the austerity imposed from 1946 onwards, no detail on the Marshall Plan impositions), it also highlights how austerity was carried through by constant promising of a future better time.

On the interior design front, the Camerons' Notting Hill home was renovated by Alex Michaelis of Michaelis-Boyd, here is their work portfolio in general.

This is the renovation in progress in 2006


London Evening Standard 2006 said:
Planners at Kensington and Chelsea council are concerned about disruption to neighbours while the subterranean development is carried out, and the possibility that the works might compromise local water levels.

They have pledged to insist on stringent structural surveys before granting permission for similar projects in future.

Mr Michaelis described Mr Cameron as an "incredibly easy" client to deal with.

He said: "He's been especially interested in the green aspect. We had detailed discussions about what was worth doing." The Tory leader was equally complimentary about his architect, saying: "I selected him on the basis that I know him, but also because he likes to do developments in as green a way as possible." Builder Sean McWeeney usually carries out commercial developments but Mr Michaelis said: "He impressed us when it came to reusing materials and sticking with our details without cutting corners."

Using £1,000 chairs is part of the Boyd Michaelis approach, they are 'new school' (anti-Norman Foster style 'hi-tech') eco-modernists, as can be see in their famous eco-friendly Moro restaurant, Clerkenwell. It is all very expensive interior design kit.
I'm not sure whether they did the deluxe crisp, clean wood playground and tree house in the Notting Hill home as visible here:


but it is their style, David Cameron is covering the see-saw so it looks like a more ordinary garden.
I'm fairly sure there's a ban in both the Torah and the book about the very naughty boy against owning such a thing
Anyone else looking at Cameron's neighbours windows and thinking, "that would make a great sniping spot to take him out as he sat in the garden" ?

There's probably an alarm just gone off on a GCHQ computer :D
I wonder if the pink bible has Gove's foreword in it. God is probably looking down right now and having a good old bitch about it to Elijah and Moses
In addition to the usual political memoirs, there is Austerity Britain 1945-51 by David Kynaston (next to number 6 in the picture), which describes (but doesn't explain well the reasons behind the austerity imposed from 1946 onwards, no detail on the Marshall Plan impositions)

I thought Britain did not accept money from the Marshall Plan?
I thought Britain did not accept money from the Marshall Plan?

Britain was the single biggest recipient of Marshall Plan aid.

That was in addition to the previous US loans that Keynes did such a disastrously bad job of negotiating in 1946.
Seriously, though, I really don't go in for the hate based on birth, wealth, breeding etc. I doubt many, if any, here are as wealthy as Kabbes, yet he's a good guy. Anthony Wedgewood Benn was born into wealth and raised a toff, yet I doubt I'm alone in admiring him. I even respect the right of people - including the likes of Cameron - to be wrong. What does rile me is the naked pursuit of power of the current crop of politicians and the sheer contempt in which they hold the rest of us.

I do. Unless they renounce everything.
Kitchen looks a bit down market

Perhaps so, but it was all still luxury range, even in 2008:


This press photo is trying to turn them into 'middle-class family', the kitchen looks much smaller than in the photo above, with several dozen portrait pictures (of the family?) hung up and the yellow watering can and plant up close giving the cosy family look (absence of poncy silver purple things), in addition to the 'couple pose'. Note the room beyond the kitchen has at least 2 single cream armchairs plus one larger brown sofa. Also squint hard at the mirror ball light you can see it's quite a large space.


Bear in mind the kitchen pictured below is a third kitchen for their Downing Street home.

The kitchen is in addition to a second catering kitchen in the property and a planning application for structural work lodged with Westminster council last year to move a doorway and build a wall.

All part of the renovation of 10 Downing Street, for which Cameron spent at the very least £680,000 of public money:

The Cabinet Office's database of all items of spending above £25,000 (pdf), updated this week to the end of March, reveals that since the election the exchequer has funded a £683,102.34 refurbishment of Downing Street in total. There could be even more payments below that threshold

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