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Taunt the rich

Well...actually it was Dave who said they were racists...
"...fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, mostly."
..he a 'bitter old leftie'?

tbf to you, your question of whether calling for an EU referendum is reactionary is an interesting one. It might be easier to answer if you told us why you want the referendum, what outcome you'd favour and for what reasons? Asking for direct democracy is not inherently reactionary, but you could be calling for it for reactionary ulterior reasons.

From my perspective I regard UKIP as useful idiots capable to reducing the chances of a tory government; that's got to be a good thing, and we should all be encouraging tory supporters to pile in behind Nige!:D

Poor old incompetent tory dave he missed out eugenicist:(
As I said earlier, a whiff of power and they'll all be out of the closet and showing themselves to be top class cunts
why would I want to read through all your posts to find out some abstract opinion that exists in your bitter world. UKIP has nothing to do with racism except in bitter old lefties' eyes

Well, if you'd actually bothered to read my posts you would, for example, know that I defended UKIP from claims of racism.

I'd say you've made yourself look a cunt again, but it hardly needs saying, does it,?
You're still making the schoolboy error of conflating the views of individual members with the views of the constituted party.
Remember how well that worked when dealing with the NF and then the BNP? So well that only the Swappies and their various front-orgs bothered with it.

An important distinction. As the linked article said:-

A Ukip spokesman said: “Ukip reject the abhorrent views expressed in the personal manifesto of Mr Geoffrey Clark, a candidate in the local elections. The party was not aware of these views when it allowed him to stand under our name.
“We can confirm that Mr Clark has been formally suspended as a Ukip candidate and will not be standing for the party again. We would like to apologise to anyone who has suffered distress as a result of this matter.”
There's enough wrong with UKIP without having to latch onto the ravings of a maverick candidate going 'off piste'.

Whilst I'm all for taking the argument to the Poujadists, I think that those of us viscerally opposed to the tories should recognise the electoral benefit of UKIP maintaining a small, but significant, percentage of the popular vote. IMO they are to be challenged but not discouraged.;)
Talking about the rich.

What about media types.

I read somewhere that people like Portillo make £6k per episode of This Week. It is a weekly show which means in a four week month he trousers £24k a month just for that program.

Which makes me wonder how much wonga people like Steven Fry make for Qi and the other stuff he does.
You're still making the schoolboy error of conflating the views of individual members with the views of the constituted party.
Remember how well that worked when dealing with the NF and then the BNP? So well that only the Swappies and their various front-orgs bothered with it.

I disagree
I read somewhere that people like Portillo make £6k per episode of This Week. It is a weekly show which means in a four week month he trousers £24k a month just for that program.

Which makes me wonder how much wonga people like Steven Fry make for Qi and the other stuff he does.

Shedloads, I'll bet. And I'll bet that they own the production companies so they get more that way, plus the repeat fees.
Of course not - why would i? Liberals like fry fleece through their access to commissioning networks (not to mention a whole host of other things) based on prior social contact with as much as tories like Portillo. I just thought it was wonderful that you were both in agreement at this time.
There's not nearly enough open slagging of rich Tory cunts on this thread. I feel cheated.

Richard Branson has explained his year.

1 Virgin is not the greatest independent record label in the world
2 Virgin's transport is not held in high regard by the public.
Slight-to=disappearing enthusiasm though I have for Labour getting back in, this ...

brogdale said:
From my perspective I regard UKIP as useful idiots capable of reducing the chances of a tory government; that's got to be a good thing, and we should all be encouraging tory supporters to pile in behind Nige!:D

... works for me :cool:

Tory self-destruction, and Lib-Dem all-directions obliteration, works for me.

General Election -- bring it on :D :p :cool: :)
Talking about the rich.

What about media types.

I read somewhere that people like Portillo make £6k per episode of This Week. It is a weekly show which means in a four week month he trousers £24k a month just for that program.

Which makes me wonder how much wonga people like Steven Fry make for Qi and the other stuff he does.

Last time someone burbled on about this I recall someone looking up Diane Abbott's entry on the Register of Members' Interests, and finding that it was considerably lower. Why not check it out?
Last time someone burbled on about this I recall someone looking up Diane Aboott's entry on the Register of Members' Interests, and finding that it was considerably lower. Why not check it out?

TBF I didn't even know you could look there, on the internet, but rather than go and look now, I will take your word that my thinking on the amount is exagerrated.
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