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Taunt the rich

For starters:


What he thinks of the comrades who are going to work their arses off for his future property portfolio
Jacob-Rees Mogg taunted traffic wardens in the past:

What we currently have—Westminster city council did this with its parking attendants—are some desperately scruffy tatterdemalions who wander around as accredited persons. They are parking meter attendants and they look as though they have been dragged through a hedge backwards. Their uniforms are anoraky things, not the sort of thing that an officer of the Crown would ever be seen wearing

and then compared them with the posh Tory councillors of Wandsworth - proper 'gentlemen and ladies'.

Jacob Rees Mogg 2002 said:
Then there is Waltham Forest—I am not particularly clear where Waltham Forest is, but it is clearly a London borough of the utmost importance. I apologise to anybody here from that distinguished borough. In Wandsworth, they are a very good lot. They are very Tory, so I expect that they are all splendidly and finely attired in gold braid and so on, so when you see them coming you know that they are from Wandsworth and that they are proper gentlemen and ladies of the borough rather than, as my hon. Friend the Member for Bury North (Mr Nuttall) so rightly reminds me, tatterdemalions.

The taunt 'tatterdemalion' is so weird it means he has the perfect get-out-clause. It's all
basically him enjoying (in private school fashion) having a Lord dad, a rural Somerset population to endlessly re-elect him and a well-connected sister with, laughing at people who have to work for council parking departments, whose pay he is again freezing - by cutting local authority grants again by up to 25%.

The world for him is a large, endlessly amusing joke which keeps him entertained as he gently taunts and gauds others. He laughs at how his side are winners and people below are losers. I think he genuinely enjoys not just the nice life he leads but the fact that others have hard/hopeless lives.
Is it open season on senior BBC journalists?

If so here is Emily Maithliss (R) with one of Boris Johnson's old PR people head of Spectator magazine's PR (C) and ITV This Morning's politics expert (L) at a book launch for Andrew (Reagan saved humanity) Roberts, held at Sotheby's Bond Street.
Emily Maitlis, Phoebe Vela, Andrea Catherwood for Andrew Roberts.jpg

Here's Andrew Neil at the same event.

The world for him is a large, endlessly amusing joke which keeps him entertained as he gently taunts and gauds others. He laughs at how his side are winners and people below are losers. I think he genuinely enjoys not just the nice life he leads but the fact that others have hard/hopeless lives.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head there imo. Osborne and Cameron and Boris too... quietly laughing at us. What a pack of cunts they are.
In David Cameron's house there are at least five chairs that are each worth over £1,000:

cameron's chairs cost 1000.JPG
Try being an unemployed painter decorator/window cleaner/interpreter/mechanic at Job Centre Plus with this line:

Seriously, though, I really don't go in for the hate based on birth, wealth, breeding etc. I doubt many, if any, here are as wealthy as Kabbes, yet he's a good guy. Anthony Wedgewood Benn was born into wealth and raised a toff, yet I doubt I'm alone in admiring him. I even respect the right of people - including the likes of Cameron - to be wrong. What does rile me is the naked pursuit of power of the current crop of politicians and the sheer contempt in which they hold the rest of us.
They look nothing alike.

The information was in the Guardian, firky.

Here is the house, there are a number of chairs:


If you look carefully the sofa above is also different to the sofa below, meaning they have at least 2 three-person sofas, plus the comfy armchair Andrew Marr is sitting in:

If you look at the legs they're two different chairs. Also I imagine Dave probably got them for free, in the same way footballers and pop stars get Range Rovers and Barbour jackets given to them. Which annoys me more than if he had paid for them (assuming they are the £1k chairs).

I see they're following the Grey hue of Major for their colour scheme.

I'd be more interested in the artwork they have hanging on the wall than the kitchen chairs.

Dunno... it's all a bit Hello Magazine this :D
If you look at the legs they're two different chairs. Also I imagine Dave probably got them for free, in the same way footballers and pop stars get Range Rovers and Barbour jackets given to them. Which annoys me more than if he had paid for them (assuming they are the £1k chairs).

I see they're following the Grey hue of Major for their colour scheme.

I'd be more interested in the artwork they have hanging on the wall than the kitchen chairs.

Dunno... it's all a bit Hello Magazine this :D

Yes, but it's more Harper's Bazaar:


And yes in the piece there was a lot of specific product placement for which Samantha Cameron would have been paid on or off the record in some fashion (to avoid it entering David Cameron's register of interests)

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