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SWP expulsions and squabbles

So they've decided now is the moment to throw Comrade Delta under the bus? Brilliant timing. Another masterstroke from the Keystone Cops of Leninist strategy.
So, if this is true, what are they going to do about the people who carried out the original investigation and came to the exact opposite conclusion on the basis of the same evidence? Or, if new evidence was presented what are they going to do about the same people who carried out the original investigation either being so incompetent they couldn't uncover it or actually covering it up themselves? I guess the answer will go something like none of your business - thereby demonstrating that not a single lesson was learnt.
This is actually a different case. One that they refused to hear before concerning allegations of sexual harrassment at party center.
Ah right. I get it now. It did seem odd that they would return to the other cases knowing full well it would leave them open to the above questions.
Of passing interest, Andy Newman has been selected as the Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Chippenham. No chance of winning but a good labour candidacy will pull back the labour supporters who always vote lib-dem there and put them over the line last time. Don't expect them to do much work in all honesty.
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Of passing interest, Andy Newman has been selected as the Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Chippenham. No chance of winning but a good labour candidacy will pull back the labour supporters who always vote lib-dem there and put them over the lone last time. Don't expect them to do much work in all honesty.
A good labour candidate is not andy Newman
I clicked on this update thinking people were talking about the actual news today that was relevant to this thread. And instead people are discussing Newman?!
I'm sure Newman will take a moment out of the Chippenham campaign to share the transcript from today's SWP NC and then we'll all know :)
I clicked on this update thinking people were talking about the actual news today that was relevant to this thread. And instead people are discussing Newman?!

There are plenty of questions you've failed to answer and points you've ignored on the thread if you want to get back on topic.
There are plenty of questions you've failed to answer and points you've ignored on the thread if you want to get back on topic.
Ok fair enough. Your question a page ago re who would be convinced being a case in point I suppose. who knows. But at this stage what would be enough? It's always been about more than delta and now thank god it's resolving into proper debates beyond that awful case. The opposition are making their case for an ISO take on Cliff on feminism etc. Good on them at least it's something sane people can debate.
The CC perspectives piece is 60% boilerplate, 30% exaggeration, 10% meat. The meat being yet another declaration that it's time to draw a line under the big dispute, accompanied on this occasion by an explicit declaration that there will be disciplinary action taken against post-conference oppositionalists.

The main opposition piece is clearly geared at whatever "middle ground" might remain and soft elements on the CC side. It's immediate followed by a string up the oppositionists piece signed by the frothing element of the CC side. Then by a lets all be friends piece by a handful of vacillators.
The various rank and file member's contributions about the state of union organisation and changes in the economy are marred by a lamentable tendency to cast about for precedents in the writings of one or other dead SWP guru, but some predictable problems aside, actually lay the basis for what could be a surprisingly interesting discussion. I don't really expect that sort of thing in these bulletins, so hats off to those who are doing a bit of thinking.
There's also a slightly Weekly Workerish element to the bulletin: I doubt if other left wing organisations have ever been mentioned so often in a single SWP bulletin ever. The Socialist Party, Counterfire, the ISG and the ISN appear over and over again and various other groups, like the AWL and Lutte Ouvriere, appear on occasion too.
What sort of person thinks to themselves 'I know I'll write a full page article about our paper sales for the bulletin'?
What sort of person thinks to themselves 'I know I'll write a full page article about our paper sales for the bulletin'?

Normally, I suspect someone who has been asked to do so by a fulltimer, probably whoever is responsible for circulation etc.

A more interesting questions is what sort of person sits down and reads a full page article about Manchester district's paper sales the whole way through?
A more interesting questions is what sort of person sits down and reads a full page article about Manchester district's paper sales the whole way through?

The subs? (A good place to check for errors in the last paragraph but three.)

E2A: And who would let a full page on paper sales into the paper?

How much am I bid for a piece on paint drying?
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that Manc paper sales one ended on an amazing trill...

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