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SWP expulsions and squabbles

...As Left Unity moves towards its founding conference on 30 November at the Royal National hotel in London, we call on all those who are sick of austerity and war, who want to defend the NHS and our public servicezzzzzzz...


Gilbert Achcar, Jean Alain Roussel, Alan Gibbons, Zita Holbourne, Kate Hudson, Roger Lloyd Pack, Ken Loach, China Miéville, Michael Rosen

Is Urban75 yet another apparently organic gathering of progressives and leftists that's actually run by the SWP?
Wonder what the endgame is for the opposition should they lose at another gerrymandered conference, which seems likely. Another IS micro-sect breakaway? Some sort of union with the democratic centralist wing of the ISN, which looks like it will have difficulty holding together ideologically without any real purpose? Continued internal strife for at least another year? Or is there any chance of a palace coup? It seems pretty clear the prof's position has become a sticking point. Obviously Kimber could be levered out more easily. Are the enough independent minds on the CC to instigate some kind of patricidal initiative? J. Choonara was talking a good game before the January conference in terms of supporting one of the factions but seems to have folded entirely. Probably not someone who could take others with him in any case.
Wonder what the endgame is for the opposition should they lose at another gerrymandered conference, which seems likely. Another IS micro-sect breakaway? Some sort of union with the democratic centralist wing of the ISN, which looks like it will have difficulty holding together ideologically without any real purpose? Continued internal strife for at least another year? Or is there any chance of a palace coup? It seems pretty clear the prof's position has become a sticking point. Obviously Kimber could be levered out more easily. Are the enough independent minds on the CC to instigate some kind of patricidal initiative? J. Choonara was talking a good game before the January conference in terms of supporting one of the factions but seems to have folded entirely. Probably not someone who could take others with him in any case.
I guess a lot depends on how people perceive the dc changes and the outcome to the second case. If the consensus among the vast majority, including most of the opposition is favorable then the 'excuse' for breaking normal party norms goes away and anyone who wasn't planning to leave anyway will find it hard to justify continued factionalism.

Not sure the conference needs to be gerrymandered as the opposition do seem to be a minority still. The striking thing about the videos of Marxism is how the loudest applause comes when a 'moderate' denounces the blogging and the demoralisation and distrust it's causing in branches. Like it or not it seems clear enough that a majority distrust the ideological direction of the opposition and don't like their methods either.
Big long piece up on the opposition blog trying to distinguish "intersectionality" (good) from "privilege theory" (bad).

The problem with that of course is that in so doing, it necessarily reduces "intersectionality" to trivial statements of the already bleedin' obvious. It also leaves you talking at cross purposes with the bulk of people who use the term, for whom "intersectionality" in the connection between different forms of privilege relationship.
I guess a lot depends on how people perceive the dc changes and the outcome to the second case. If the consensus among the vast majority, including most of the opposition is favorable then the 'excuse' for breaking normal party norms goes away and anyone who wasn't planning to leave anyway will find it hard to justify continued factionalism.

Not sure the conference needs to be gerrymandered as the opposition do seem to be a minority still. The striking thing about the videos of Marxism is how the loudest applause comes when a 'moderate' denounces the blogging and the demoralisation and distrust it's causing in branches. Like it or not it seems clear enough that a majority distrust the ideological direction of the opposition and don't like their methods either.

Seems a bit difficult to read off levels of support for the opposition based off the Marxism clapometer. I imagine Esme Choonara would generate more decibels than Ian Birchall on this index. Says nothing about political stances. The overall volume would likely correlate closely with level of anger as well as simply numbers.

In any case, do you really reckon the outcome of a DC shake-up and the case of Comrade X is likely to shift positions that appear to have become entrenched? The debate is way beyond that now, no? Say there's a better system for electing the control commission put in place, clearer guidelines, and harsh words for the late of this parish Delta. Who among the opposition is likely to be satisfied with this? And, if this is not the case, who among the loyalists is likely to swing to the opposition? Surely there can be few people who have yet to take a view.

The prof's words to the opposition here suggest pretty clearly that détente is not on his agenda.
So let me get this right, we are still talking about SWP on urban?

I would have thought people would have been too busy building something that could overthrow capitalism, now the 'prime' obstacle, the SWP, has been removed.
Par for course distortion.:rolleyes:

It's time to move on. But are the British left capable of that?

I don't think Left Unity is going to spend much of its time talking about the poor old Social Workers and their failings and failures, but whether it's going to produce anything worthwhile is another question. We shall see.
I don't think Left Unity is going to spend much of its time talking about the poor old Social Workers and their failings and failures, but whether it's going to produce anything worthwhile is another question. We shall see.
good! Glad to hear it. Hope they do produce something worthwhile. :)

anyway I can only imagine that the remaining swp opposition lives on borrowed time. alternative scenarios to a final pyrrhic victory to the Callinicos-Roseists come December?
According to Andy Noman the SWP have "tried" Comrade delta in absentia and suddely found he "has a case to answer".

Of course now he's no longer a member.....

Destroyed themselves for nothing methinks!
According to Andy Noman the SWP have "tried" Comrade delta in absentia and suddely found he "has a case to answer".

Of course now he's no longer a member.....

Destroyed themselves for nothing methinks!

So now he's no longer one of their own they've undergone a sudden and severe change of line..? It doesn't serve their purpose to defend him any more, the damage has already been done and he's no longer a member so is unable to do much (if anything) to make trouble for the new leadership so he's now expendable in the interest of damage limitation.

Doesn't look as though the change in leadership has resulted in much change in the party's internal culture pr the fact that the new bosses seem to have the same collective degree of integrity and political astuteness as their predecessors, which is to say about as much as a boiled potato.

I've no time for Martin Smith, personally, a vile character if ever there was one. But I somehow doubt this latest reversal of their line is based as much on any meaningful principles as it is on damage limitation, opportunism and a desire to try and salvage something from the truly cynical posturing and blinding ineptitude of the leadership that allowed this disaster to exist in the first place.
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