You are still looking at this from the wrong end of the telescope. By starting from a desire to have SWP politics unamended by this experience, you'll end up ... supporting the SWP, Delta and all. To have any kind of a future involvement in a mass movement, you have to start from the other end: the handling of the rape accusation was wrong, the efforts to avoid admitting that mistake despicable. There are political lessons to be drawn from this, which even if you want to retain most of the core SWP theoretical positions means a revision of what you thought about how the SWP organise. So, the right thing to do is to join one of the breakaways and help shape them and be part of the discussions. Watching from the side (or from within the SWP) looking for heretical deviations from the line in these new formations is heading for a position of: 'yeah, the Delta thing was wrong but lets move on because we have the best politics'. i.e. political death.