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SWP expulsions and squabbles

That's an interesting aside, given that the SP now seems to have a reasonable cross section of ages represented (at least where ever I've seen) what would you say they did to address that?

Ground it out mostly. Lots of emphasis on branches doing work on universities and colleges. The anti-war movement helped a lot as well. That was when the the first big wave of sustained youth recruitment came into the party.
That's an interesting aside, given that the SP now seems to have a reasonable cross section of ages represented (at least where ever I've seen) what would you say they did to address that?

There was no quick solution. Basically they were aware of the problem and put a lot of emphasis on encouraging the few young people they did have. They also oriented towards "youthy" stuff, sometimes in a slightly stumbling way. Going from very few young people to few young people was the hardest bit. After that, each step forward got easier. Now the SP has lots of young members, but there's still a bit of a missing cohort of people who weren't recruited or retained in the 90s.

That was a difficult process. It would be much harder under the conditions the SWP face.

(I should also say that the SP has enough of a spread that what may be a general trend isn't going to be equally reflected everywhere. In particular London, where there is much more competition for recruits and where Militant was always relatively weak, probably had the problem in its most exaggerated form.)

Edited to add: beaten to it.
I never said Princess Diana was an oppressed, you did, so so explain how.
that's not quite what you said, is it?
She quite clearly did benefit from it, as does the rest of the ruling class, that's the point. You say she suffered from women's oppression, I would say her benefits quite clearly outweighed her losses. She did not suffer from women's oppression, in the same way the working class woman would. Point of fact. Which underlines the point that women's oppression is a class issue, which is the point at which many socialists part company with feminists on the analysis of women's oppression.
so what you're in fact saying is she DID suffer from women's oppression.
Can you stop slagging rmp3 for a min to discuss how shit the oppo statement was? No confidence in their own politics that's why they will lose.
I think that's right actually. And at least he takes the time to explain what he thinks to people, doesn't do drop in and tease posts, or just attack without explaining what his own thoughts are.
It isn't for no reason that rmp3 gets the response he does on here - he doesn't even attempt to understand the points others make or respond to them honestly.
It isn't for no reason that rmp3 gets the response he does on here - he doesn't even attempt to understand the points others make or respond to them honestly.

I get the impression that he does, but he seems stuck, as though the SWP perspective is so obvious after all these years it's hard to see another way. Although he also loves to think that he can wind you all up. Is it a mix or all just wind up?

I guess he could just be 100% twat.
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