Looking at the Internal Bulletin I think you can treat the Talat piece much like the Donny G piece (although he has found a friend or two) or the Anna G “there’ll be more students next term “ piece (the latter so bad that it was withdrawn) – boneheaded screams or moans that are perfectly in tune with CC thought , but expressing it in such an embarrassing , unconvincing way that they appear on the fringe.
To understand what’s going on, I suggest concentrate on (1) The CC's own piece. It offers some discussion of ‘reform’ of the Disputes Committee in the future (but beware they also say that the Disputes Committee should be made even more secret as well). The main point there is “every member is bound to uphold and defend the decision of conference in any public forum in which it is discussed, including online. If these norms of party behaviour are breached, we expect comrades to support and defend disciplinary action up to and including expulsion to enforce the will of the party as a whole.”. So it means any SWP member who doesn’t “uphold” the justness off the disputes committee and the rightness of Comrade X, who moans about the kangaroo court or bad treatment of women bringing accusations – in any forum- should be expelled. The CC commit everyone to defending them, when they have never actually defended the case themselves in any “forum” apart from leaning on members to shut up (unless you count Alex’s pathetic Socialist Review piece) . Apart from that, worth reading the pieces written (partly) by Comrade W herself and by Pat S. They show that Pat was trying to work with a Disputes Committee procedure that was designed to allow the CC to expel members. He tried to make it fairer for the members being expelled. Ironically this meant the one time a member went to the Disputes Committee to complain about one of the CC’s mates, it all went even more wrong. Pat S tried to make it fairer, but it doesn’t seem any of the other members of the Disputes Committee stepped in to help change the way the committee looked at this very difficult issue. The piece by Comrade W and others is pretty measured – but you really need to read it (P 46-7) and think, do you really believe all those assertions that the Committee was perfectly fine ?