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Storm Eunice, 18th Feb 2022 - news and discussion

Power update. They don't expect to get my (and the entire area's) power back on until 6pm tomorrow. Which, since my sole source of power is electricity (oh, and personal charisma, obvs) is going to mean waiting a long time for that cup of tea.
I have this vision of you sat there in the dark wrapped in blankets, shivering against the cold whilst the wolves howl outside. Your frozen hands shaking as you hold your phone waiting for the last few precious moments of battery to run out.
I’m finding it slightly amusing that all the news programmes sent their correspondents out to the South West for some live action yet barely anything of note happened here, and while they were away it was all kicking off in London. All the man news programmes are reduced to just showing the same Twitter clips we’ve all seen on here.
Oh, we made the regional BBC news, I love the workers trying to sweep the sea back to where it belongs. :D

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The phrase "flood defences" will never sound the same to me ever again. If those of us in Orkney aren't at the barricades every winter with a broom, can we really claim to have ever experienced a 90mph gale?
We had some big hail for a few minutes. Youngest son got very excited about the ‘snow’.
Today I saw people fishing, by the river near me which one of the most bizarre thing in have seen in high winds?

The height of the river by me today might suggest that somewhere upriver is going the experience the best salmon run in years, so I can actually understand why.

Salmon and sea trout always run best against the fastest current/highest water.
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