Respect my existence or expect my resistance
I said I work in the industry. I did not say I am an expert. I am not! I am not an economist so cannot talk extensively about the commodity steel trade for example - as I have already said.No, they are not insulting, but you as an engineer and an expert on the industry mebbes it would be helpful to us if you could explain to us laypersons the "wide body of evidence" re; Chinese steel, but also ( my particular concern) how the Germans, French and Italians have managed to protect their steel/ aluminium industries, and to a lesser extent their shipbuilding and mining and other manufacturing capabilities?
While we have rolled over and closed ours quoting 'EU regs"
free spirit has already pointed the degree to which the UK governments over the years since Maggie have embraced neoliberalism. This is the end result 30 odd years later.