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Should there be a second referendum? New question.

Should there be a second referendum?

  • No. I'm a remainer.

    Votes: 21 22.6%
  • No. I'm a leaver.

    Votes: 18 19.4%
  • Yes. I'm a remainer.

    Votes: 49 52.7%
  • Yes. I'm a leaver.

    Votes: 5 5.4%

  • Total voters
"Double or nothing" seems like it could be a winning bet, under the circumstances - going by the number of people I've heard say things like "I voted Remain but would vote Leave now because I don't like what Remainers are saying about Leavers," I'd put good money on Leave winning a second referendum.

The fact I need to ask if you made that up as satire, or are referring to actual real people, shows how far we have fallen.:(
I didn't say secretly I said not openly!

Look, if I were a bourgeois politician and I wanted to stop Brexit, I wouldn't say 'Stop Brexit', I'd just try to make Brexit seem impossible/disastrous. Which is pretty much what the establishment have done. And then you don't have to say you want to cancel Brexit, just that you have to.

I'm not saying it won't cause a backlash but part of what politician do is calculate how much anger they can get away with isn't it?
There’s complete and utter denial among remain politicians as well, similar to prior to the ref but it’s been turned up to 11. It wouldn’t surprise me if it hadn’t even occured to many of them there will be a backlash. “Everyone knows the facts now, Brexit is undeliverable. People’s vote now” etc etc.
There’s complete and utter denial among remain politicians as well, similar to prior to the ref but it’s been turned up to 11. It wouldn’t surprise me if it hadn’t even occured to many of them there will be a backlash. “Everyone knows the facts now, Brexit is undeliverable. People’s vote now” etc etc.

I definitely agree that for Remain types, particularly establishment types, but also da youth etc., complacent assumptions are still a big risk.

Personally I oppose a second referendum, and I'm a Remainarian myself (albeit one who's thoroughly fucking bored by Brexit! ;) )

But I also think some Leavemindeds might be assuming too highly that 'Tell Them Again Even More!' will be a piece-of-piss easy win.

The Tories, i.e. 'Them', have fucked over all this BIG STYLE since 2016, with spectacularly entertaining incompetence. Any new referendum could well be a contest between people who think 'Just Get The Fuck On With It, Twats!!' is best, versus people who think 'Just Go Away Brexit Obsessives, and Focus on Real Issues'

(also, 'Very Stupid Risks Aren't Worth the Fucking Bother' might (??) just about be a winning thought for 'Let's Just Kick Brexit Into The Canal With That Rusty Tesco Trolley' pissed-off-with-all-this-shit types)

Hugely unreliable psephological speculation.
Always assisted by lotsa beer :p.
As empirically proven for me on nights of all General Elections, 1983 to 2017 :D :cool:
Away and dont talk pish.

I've seen the sentiment expressed right here numerous times. Maybe not the greatest reason to vote for something, but I kind of see where they're coming from whenever I see crap shared on Facebook about how stupid Leave voters must be.
But none of the people they need to convince it will be a disaster believe it'll be a disaster. They've done a real shit job of it if it's on purpose.

Fair - impossible/too complicated/likely to be ballsed up by May was probably a better way of phrasing.

Thing is though, it doesn't need to be true that the backlash won't be that bad for them to do it if they think it's true.
I've seen the sentiment expressed right here numerous times. Maybe not the greatest reason to vote for something, but I kind of see where they're coming from whenever I see crap shared on Facebook about how stupid Leave voters must be.
So you don't believe leave voters are stupid, but you believe massive numbers of people will vote leave for a stupid reason...
I'm not surprised people feel that way - if somebody lives in a Leave area and most of the people they know voted Leave, they're not going to be happy about Leave voters being sneered at as idiots who have to vote again because they didn't know what they were doing the first time around, whether or not they happened to vote Remain themselves.
So you don't believe leave voters are stupid, but you believe massive numbers of people will vote leave for a stupid reason...
so many people who vote vote for a stupid reason e.g. people died for the vote, like people dying for a cause makes it worthy
Which person is a leaver who wants a second referendum? What's the logic in that?

Just because somebody wants a second vote it doesn't necessarily follow that they are a remainer. Farage himself has in the past floated the idea as a possibility. Granted most people probably are remainers but a second win for leave regardless of the margin would pull the rug from under the remainers in a big way. It should totally annul the idea that people didn't know what they were voting for.

There are some very good reasons to not have a second vote but fear of losing it shouldn't be one (not saying you are btw).
I'm not surprised people feel that way - if somebody lives in a Leave area and most of the people they know voted Leave, they're not going to be happy about Leave voters being sneered at as idiots who have to vote again because they didn't know what they were doing the first time around, whether or not they happened to vote Remain themselves.
If there’s a second referendum it won’t just be a re-run of the first one and it won’t be held because Leave voters didn’t know what they were doing the first time. I’m pretty sure you know that and I doubt that the majority of people who voted Leave first time round would think that either; they’d understand that a further referendum was being held because Parliament hadn’t been able to resolve the issue and therefore another public vote was the only way of breaking the deadlock and moving forward.
It's not really though is it? It's just a fantasy. A government that wanted to cancel brexit and had the numbers in parliament to do it could do it, regardless of the legal status of the referendum. The reason it isn't being cancelled has nothing to do with it's legal status.

Are there any serious pro-EU politicians or commentators actually pushing for a cancellation? No. Even the most europhile Lib Dems aren't - they're all pushing for a new referendum. Because they recognise that any cancellation of brexit requires a democratic mandate. Like the democratic mandate of the last - advisory - referendum has.

Leave cheated and were convicted for it in court: fact.
Leave cheated and were convicted for it in court: fact.
OK. What are you going to do with that fact though? Is there anyone, on any side of the debate - other than mad FBPE cranks on twitter - who's still campaigning for the referendum result to be ignored or re-run on this basis? Whether the result was achieved by dodgy means or not (and please find me an election which didn't have some dodgy shit go down, ever), literally everyone recognises the mandate of the referendum.

Your ship has sailed, sometime in summer 2016. Fact.
Popped out for a coffee this morning and was accosted by a bunch of cranks in EU flags demanding a People's Vote (sic). Didn't stop to listen to their arguments though. I needed a coffee.

Am still hearing from Remainer friends though blind optimism that they need, and would win, a second referendum on the grounds that people have now realised how stupid they were to vote Leave last time. :facepalm:
OK. What are you going to do with that fact though? Is there anyone, on any side of the debate - other than mad FBPE cranks on twitter - who's still campaigning for the referendum result to be ignored or re-run on this basis? Whether the result was achieved by dodgy means or not (and please find me an election which didn't have some dodgy shit go down, ever), literally everyone recognises the mandate of the referendum.

Your ship has sailed, sometime in summer 2016. Fact.

What am l going to do with that fact? Nothing, of course. Facts are facts: verifiable, immutable and (to coin a much overused term) sovereign. You can be unsettled by or angry at them, but you can't deny them.

That you don't understand this is exemplified in your last sentence. I don't own, nor have ever owned, a ship.
nah - another referendum would be a nightmare - even more toxic and shit stirring than the last one. I think the having the first referendum was massive mistake - so why double down on the same stupid course of action?
The remainers in parliament should drop the disingenuous bollocks and just be honest - "we are a representative democracy - that means we make the decisions - and any possible brexit will be considerably more shit than staying in - so we are cancelling the whole thing as a bad idea. Very sorry - we fucked it up. kick me now"
nah - another referendum would be a nightmare - even more toxic and shit stirring than the last one. I think the having the first referendum was massive mistake - so why double down on the same stupid course of action?
The remainers in parliament should drop the disingenuous bollocks and just be honest - "we are a representative democracy - that means we make the decisions - and any possible brexit will be considerably more shit than staying in - so we are cancelling the whole thing as a bad idea. Very sorry - we fucked it up. kick me now"
Yep, basically this, in terms of what I think should happen. Whether it will happen is a different story. It could be pretty ugly, but I really don't see any solution to this that isn't ugly.
The remainers in parliament should drop the disingenuous bollocks and just be honest - "we are a representative democracy - that means we make the decisions - and any possible brexit will be considerably more shit than staying in - so we are cancelling the whole thing as a bad idea. Very sorry - we fucked it up. kick me now"
There is zero chance of this happening though. None whatsoever. You might as well wish for parliament to convert to anarcho-syndicalism, or vote to execute the queen.
nah - another referendum would be a nightmare - even more toxic and shit stirring than the last one. I think the having the first referendum was massive mistake - so why double down on the same stupid course of action?
The remainers in parliament should drop the disingenuous bollocks and just be honest - "we are a representative democracy - that means we make the decisions - and any possible brexit will be considerably more shit than staying in - so we are cancelling the whole thing as a bad idea. Very sorry - we fucked it up. kick me now"

That would be the only sane option, but don't hold your breath. At the moment, there's only Maybot's joke deal or cliff-edge crash out. So much for the "sunlit uplands"!

It's redolent of the way vacillating, arrogant, privileged politicans allowed Europe slide into the "unthinkable" catastrophe of the "Great" War.
i mean - what is going to be on the ballot? Would they seriously have "no deal" as an option? Seeing as it will never be allowed to happen.

May's dismal surrender vs remain would be (rightly) seen as a totally rigged exercise.

"Go back and get a better deal" vs "remain?" sounds like a reasonable option - but how do you define "better"?

The "peoples vote" crew seem to think its a simple case of rerunning the last one to get the "correct" result - but they do not seem to put any thought into what the question should be
There is zero chance of this happening though. None whatsoever. You might as well wish for parliament to convert to anarcho-syndicalism, or vote to execute the queen.

dont think it will happen by design - but if they cant agree on anything it becomes a choice between "no deal" and "press the big red stop button"
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