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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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I bought one of these:


Properly into the sweet potato noodles at the moment - they're like a sweeter version of brown pasta if you cook them just right. :cool:
I bought one of these:


Properly into the sweet potato noodles at the moment - they're like a sweeter version of brown pasta if you cook them just right. :cool:

I got one for Christmas and I've only used it once. I should dig it out again, they are fun. :cool:
On the animal front it is interesting how different animals are used. In Britain we eat Lamb despite that the poor critter does not get much chance at life and we eat some mutton which is a bit more acceptable. In Australia they farm sheep almost exclusively for wool and don't even eat much mutton. Same animal, different purposes.
I got one for Christmas and I've only used it once. I should dig it out again, they are fun. :cool:

Yeah, I'm aware a it stands a high chance of long stays in the cupboard with the Breville toastie maker.
Good for getting more veggies in the diet though. I'm going to try doing a load of sweet potato / courgette etc. in one go then keeping it in the fridge for use as needed.

Butternut squash is next on the list...
Why do you always misrepresent my arguments? As I explained to you already, I used rape and murder as vivid illustrations of obviously wrongful acts to expose the poor reasoning a number of people have used on this thread. Why not engage with the analytic point instead of getting flustered about phraseology?
I'm not flustered. You are the one that chose those analogies. And now you're getting arsey.
It's a piece of piss being a vegetarian, I was one for 15 years. Really, it's not difficult at all.

There are a couple of nutrients you need to watch out for (easy to miss the methionine), but there are plenty of supplements out there until you think you've got the hang of it.
I'm not flustered. You are the one that chose those analogies. And now you're getting arsey.

Tell you what, I disagree with your views on animal illfair - but I'm prepared to offer an olive branch on one point: how about we agree that you're not flustered and I'm not arsey? :)
There are a couple of nutrients you need to watch out for (easy to miss the methionine), but there are plenty of supplements out there until you think you've got the hang of it.

Not at all, I used Cron-O-Meter the other day to track my nutrients and on a vegan diet I got 100% RDA of methionine and over 100% of every other animo acid plus 110% RDA of protein without even trying and using no supplements. Plant foods have everything you need, people exaggerate how difficult it is.
Not at all, I used Cron-O-Meter the other day to track my nutrients and on a vegan diet I got 100% RDA of methionine and over 100% of every other animo acid plus 110% RDA of protein without even trying and using no supplements. Plant foods have everything you need, people exaggerate how difficult it is.

You're saying it's not easy to miss the methionine when switching to veggie or vegan diet because you have enough in your diet?

You're saying it's not easy to miss the methionine when switching to veggie or vegan diet because you have enough in your diet?


I'm saying I didn't even know what methionine was until I just checked by CRON-O-Meter just now. If I can get 100% of my RDA without even trying, I don't think it can be that hard to get.
I'm saying I didn't even know what methionine was until I just checked by CRON-O-Meter just now. If I can get 100% of my RDA without even trying, I don't think it can be that hard to get.

It's not hard to get, but it can be easy to miss, depending on what foods you like, because it's not in many things.
Also, it's less well-known than iron, iodine or B12 as something you need to watch out for.
Just looking at the chart - I got it from eating oatmeal, brown rice, tofu, wholemeal bread, peanut butter, flaxseed and lentils. Hardly exotic or hard to get foods.
It's not hard to get, but it can be easy to miss, depending on what foods you like, because it's not in many things.
Also, it's less well-known than iron, iodine or B12 as something you need to watch out for.

B12 is the only difficult one, I take a multivit for that just to top up the levels. Iron is piss easy to get enough of.
As you well know, I've never said that people who eat animals products are 'evil monsters'. But its funny how taking a moral position about something 'other' people do (fox hunting) is fine whereas taking a moral position about a more common practice is 'moralising'.

But I guess righteous indignation and caricaturing somebody else's position is easier for you than actual engagement.

So all the bollocks about the rape and torture that all of us meat eaters are complicit in isn't about painting us as evil monsters? You've got enough righteous indignation and caricaturing somebody else's position to go round for everyone, TBH.

Your posts around this issue, across many many threads and whether it's relevant to the original topic or not, are simply individualist moralising, with absolutely no attempt to understand why people who eat meat do so, or any suggestions as to how the situation might change.

You come across as being merely interested in asserting your own moral superiority over a strawman construction of what all meateaters are like, and have nothing to contribute to any genuine discussion.
It's a piece of piss being a vegetarian, I was one for 15 years. Really, it's not difficult at all.
Well certainly,I've been one for coming up fifty years and spent quite a lot of that time in places that in no way could be called veggie friendly,in spite of that I'm not dead yet.(during those fifty years I've also been poor)
Just looking at the chart - I got it from eating oatmeal, brown rice, tofu, wholemeal bread, peanut butter, flaxseed and lentils. Hardly exotic or hard to get foods.

Yeah, the seeds and the nuts (the oatmeal especially - not sure where you'd be without the oatmeal, peanut butter and flaxseed).
It's not that it's hard to get, it's just that you can make a lot of ostensibly good veggie diets and miss out on getting enough.

Though there is some evidence that restricting intake somewhat in rats can have an anti-aging effect...
So all the bollocks about the rape and torture that all of us meat eaters are complicit in isn't about painting us as evil monsters? You've got enough righteous indignation and caricaturing somebody else's position to go round for everyone, TBH.

Your posts around this issue, across many many threads and whether it's relevant to the original topic or not, are simply individualist moralising, with absolutely no attempt to understand why people who eat meat do so, or any suggestions as to how the situation might change.

You come across as being merely interested in asserting your own moral superiority over a strawman construction of what all meateaters are like, and have nothing to contribute to any genuine discussion.
so wrong not even worth starting with!
So anyway. I really like what the SNP have done here, regardless of feelings around fox hunting it's a very good thing to remind Cameron that a very small majority does not mean carte blanche to steam roller through anything he fancies. A nice little warning shot over the bows on what is for many people a fairly minor issue. Nicely played SNP.

I do wonder though, given Cameron was going to offer a free vote why he is scared of losing - he could have easily shrugged it off as not government policy.
without looking through every recipe on each of those links, they are not cheap at all. Taking Pea and New Potato curry for example, sounds delish. Requires a bunch of stuff, like peppers, that cost a fortune. Pepers are lovely, but they are far from cheap. Then there's all the herbs and spices and the extras like yoghurts and lime - i don't think ive ever seen limes on sale anywhere! Lemons? Yep.

This is what i'm talking about. Completely impractical. Nothing simple and straightforward. It's all showy masterchef stuff.
Your posts around this issue, across many many threads and whether it's relevant to the original topic or not, are simply individualist moralising, with absolutely no attempt to understand why people who eat meat do so, or any suggestions as to how the situation might change.

Okay andysays let's hear your hot dang histomat analysis of why people eat meat. A petit bourgeois individualist cretin like me clearly needs some education.
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