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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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Being told by the middle class that you should buy organic/ free range meat at stupid prices when your poor rankles some what:mad:

Dont really care that much about animal welfare out of sight is out of mind know I should but dont..
I'm not making excuses. I'm not ready to stop eating meat yet. I think we can't sustain meat eating environmentally but I have less of a problem with animals being killed. I would rather they didn't suffer, but I can forget about it if I'm skint and hungry.

But why not just eat cheap vegetarian food? Lentils, legumes, rice, potatoes, bananas, bread, veggie burgers - they're cheaper than steak and lamb. You say you can forget, but on one level its lingering beneath the suffice. Honestly, its hard to underestimate how much a clean conscience can do for you health and wellbeing.
Also bearing in mind we have a population of more than 60 million i would imagine a lot of food would have to be outsourced were the majority to become vegetarian/vegan ?
We need a whole load more land, energy and resources to produce a meat diet.
Amazingly, I've travelled all over the UK and never, ever had any problem finding veggie food to cook/eat. Exactly what would you you find so difficult if you wanted a veggie diet?

Maybe he just has no idea what you'd be able to make with what is available to him.

I am, of course, assuming he does not live on an oil rig.
Being told by the middle class that you should buy organic/ free range meat at stupid prices when your poor rankles some what:mad:

Dont really care that much about animal welfare out of sight is out of mind know I should but dont..

Well, if you refuse to address the amount of meat you eat then you should eat the most intensive, cheap meat available. That way you can be happy that you are reducing the impact on the environment as much as possible. Is that better?
But why not just eat cheap vegetarian food? Lentils, legumes, rice, potatoes, bananas, bread, veggie burgers - they're cheaper than steak and lamb. You say you can forget, but on one level its lingering beneath the suffice. Honestly, its hard to underestimate how much a clean conscience can do for you health and wellbeing.
That comes across as rather sanctimonious. Most people who eat meat don't think about these things as eating meat is so embedded in their culture and their psyches. I don't think appealing to people's better natures is going to persuade humanity to give up meat. The only thing that will is humanity's impending doom.
As if he gives a monkey's about that. He just wants to derail another thread with his absolutist moralising about how everyone who consumes any sort of animal product is an evil monster, regardless of any historical or social context.

Great work Jeff Robinson, BTW :thumbs:
That's a rather silly and extreme view of Jeff's position.
If fox hunting is to become legal then so should hunt sabbing so we can see who has the most support.
That comes across as rather sanctimonious. Most people who eat meat don't think about these things as eating meat is so embedded in their culture and their psyches. I don't think appealing to people's better natures is going to persuade humanity to give up meat. The only thing that will is humanity's impending doom.
it is not sanctimonious just uncomfortable for some
As if he gives a monkey's about that. He just wants to derail another thread with his absolutist moralising about how everyone who consumes any sort of animal product is an evil monster, regardless of any historical or social context.

Great work Jeff Robinson, BTW :thumbs:

As you well know, I've never said that people who eat animals products are 'evil monsters'. But its funny how taking a moral position about something 'other' people do (fox hunting) is fine whereas taking a moral position about a more common practice is 'moralising'.

But I guess righteous indignation and caricaturing somebody else's position is easier for you than actual engagement.
That comes across as rather sanctimonious. Most people who eat meat don't think about these things as eating meat is so embedded in their culture and their psyches. I don't think appealing to people's better natures is going to persuade humanity to give up meat. The only thing that will is humanity's impending doom.

No, humanity's impending doom isn't doing the job either.
do you need spoon feeding as well? come on!
last night i bought a £1 bag of beansprouts and veg, spent a couple more £ on other veg and made a meal for 2 with some left over for today
Do you think that attitude helps?

No, I don't need spoonfeeding. i simply don't know what I'd eat or cook.

What do you mean by a £1 bag ppg bean sprouts and veg? The only things I've seen like that are this ghastly frozen food bags you get in place like Iceland, and they cost more than a quid.
Amazingly, I've travelled all over the UK and never, ever had any problem finding veggie food to cook/eat. Exactly what would you you find so difficult if you wanted a veggie diet?
sourcing food and recipes that are affordable and to my taste.
Do you think that attitude helps?

No, I don't need spoonfeeding. i simply don't know what I'd eat or cook.

What do you mean by a £1 bag ppg bean sprouts and veg? The only things I've seen like that are this ghastly frozen food bags you get in place like Iceland, and they cost more than a quid.
wtf has my attitude being helpful got to do with anything? how about helping yourself a little.
I mean one of these, not ideal but it made a quick meal
Do you think that attitude helps?

No, I don't need spoonfeeding. i simply don't know what I'd eat or cook.

What do you mean by a £1 bag ppg bean sprouts and veg? The only things I've seen like that are this ghastly frozen food bags you get in place like Iceland, and they cost more than a quid.

If you are serious about learning how to cook - try reading and following some of the recipes from Veg Everyday by hugh fearnley whittingstall. A book full of dishes that happen to be vegetarian.
He doesnt want a veggie diet
I'm not bothered either way. I don't object to eating meat anymore than I object to gveggie diets. Of I can find a diet that's affordable and healthy then soon, if that includes meat, out not, that'd be fine. I'm happy to try vegetarianism
wtf has my attitude being helpful got to do with anything? how about helping yourself a little.
I mean one of these, not ideal but it made a quick meal
I don't live anywhere near dainsburys or anywhere seeking such things.

That alone isn't a meal, it's not that much different to what I eat any way just without the chicken.
Thread going off topic and descending into generic veggie beef (SEE WHAT I DID THERE :thumbs::cool:)

It's a power thing, countryside Tories rampaging across the land to show their power and influence while displaying a bloodlust for the added lols.

"Blooding" new junior members of hunts for example - that is some sick shit :(

Fuck them :mad:
I don't live anywhere near dainsburys or anywhere seeking such things.

That alone isn't a meal
and you don't pass through places that have them?
I didn't say it was a meal, don't try and make out i did
I clearly said i bought some other veg to go with it, if you want to know it included peppers, leek, onion, garlic, ginger, green beans, sweetcorn
You have compared them to rapists and murderers, though.

Why do you always misrepresent my arguments? As I explained to you already, I used rape and murder as vivid illustrations of obviously wrongful acts to expose the poor reasoning a number of people have used on this thread. Why not engage with the analytic point instead of getting flustered about phraseology?
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