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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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Which has fuck all to do with this case.

You have got on your high horse over calls for her sacking, without consideration of the risk factor, and you are wiggling around with strawmen, to avoid answering the question of would you trust her to be in charge of kids.

Personally, no matter how low the risk may be, I wouldn't put my neck on the line and let her to continue in that job.

Almost as if you didn’t grow up when abuse of children was rife.
I can see how some parents might want to disassociate themselves from her, but I doubt many of the type who attended boarding school would be too bothered about a horse getting slapped. They'd likely be praising her for teaching it manners.
She wasn't produced in a vacuum, as was evidenced by the number of her peers jumping in to point out her misconduct.
Not sure that I agree with people losing jobs. If it’s against her terms and conditions then obviously she must. But the desire for it to happen doesn’t sit right with me. Are people more likely to reflect and change by having their means of survival removed from them?
She attacked a defenceless animal because it didn't do as she wanted. If my daughter's were at her school there is no way I would want her teaching them.
She has/had safeguarding responsibilities so knows that illegal, violent behaviour is not acceptable for those working with children yet she still chose to do what she did.
You could make that argument (about people reflecting and changing their behaviour) against virtually every sacking...bullying, racism, theft etc so in my opinion it is a red herring in this instance.
She attacked a defenceless animal because it didn't do as she wanted. If my daughter's were at her school there is no way I would want her teaching them.
She has/had safeguarding responsibilities so knows that illegal, violent behaviour is not acceptable for those working with children yet she still chose to do what she did.
You could make that argument (about people reflecting and changing their behaviour) against virtually every sacking...bullying, racism, theft etc so in my opinion it is a red herring in this instance.

I know she’s a massive cunt. But why do we suddenly call upon the boss class to pull their levers to satisfy some revenge fantasy we have?
Fucking odd.
How's it a revenge fantasy? It's about what's fucking right and what she deserves.
There's only one thing odd here.
I’d sooner someone had the chance to reflect upon their behaviour and maybe change.
Rather than kissing the boots of the boss man to remove livelihoods.
But that’s me.
I’d sooner someone had the chance to reflect upon their behaviour and maybe change.
Rather than kissing the boots of the boss man to remove livelihoods.
But that’s me.
She teaches children. How on earth is that setting an example?
Child: Mummy, my teacher kicked and punched a horse.
Mummy: that's okay Tarquin, I'm sure she will reflect on it and be a jolly nice person in the morning.
Fucking behave!
She teaches children. How on earth is that setting an example?
Child: Mummy, my teacher kicked and punched a horse.
Mummy: that's okay Tarquin, I'm sure she will reflect on it and be a jolly nice person in the morning.
Fucking behave!

So the proportionate punishment is she should starve to death as an unemployed social pariah.
Do we not allow people to change?
So the proportionate punishment is she should starve to death as an unemployed social pariah.
Do we not allow people to change?
Who said she's going to starve to death?
How can you not see that what happened is not normal behaviour. I've lost count how many times I've lost my shit, but never, not once have I inflicted that amount of abuse on any living thing.
Sorry, I punched an evil fucker when I was about 15 cos he stamped on a live mole for no fucking reason. I take it you'd be fine having her teaching your child?
Who said she's going to starve to death?
How can you not see that what happened is not normal behaviour. I've lost count how many times I've lost my shit, but never, not once have I inflicted that amount of abuse on any living thing.
Sorry, I punched an evil fucker when I was about 15 cos he stamped on a live mole for no fucking reason. I take it you'd be fine having her teaching your child?

Teachers were as bad or worse than her when I was growing up so let’s not go there.
Im not agreeing with her behaviour at all. Just the desire to call upon the boss class to inflict punishments which are probably pretty harsh. Why do you do it? Does it excite you?
Teachers were as bad or worse than her when I was growing up so let’s not go there.
Im not agreeing with her behaviour at all. Just the desire to call upon the boss class to inflict punishments which are probably pretty harsh. Why do you do it? Does it excite you?
I'd say we've come a long way since you and I were at school. Safeguarding wasn't heard of.
Does it excite me? 🤣
Off to write a letter to Boris Johnson and see if he'll reflect on his behaviour. God forbid someone calls for his sacking. Christ!
Not playing anymore, this feels like a really shit wind up.
I'd say we've come a long way since you and I were at school. Safeguarding wasn't heard of.
Does it excite me? 🤣
Off to write a letter to Boris Johnson and see if he'll reflect on his behaviour. God forbid someone calls for his sacking. Christ!
Not playing anymore, this feels like a really shit wind up.

It may seem like a wind up but I think it’s simply that our politics differ.
I can’t be fighting against the boss class one day because they’ve decided to screw around with my pay or conditions but then on the next day call upon them as an ally to punish someone. However deserving.
It’s just a bit odd isn’t it?
It may seem like a wind up but I think it’s simply that our politics differ.
I can’t be fighting against the boss class one day because they’ve decided to screw around with my pay or conditions but then on the next day call upon them as an ally to punish someone. However deserving.
It’s just a bit odd isn’t it?
Ms head of pony club. Member of a hunt, and you don't think she's part of the boss class or a boss class wannabe. Fuck her. The only odd thing I see here is the fact you think she will reflect and become a moral person. Utter shite. What does a person have to do to deserve the sack?
Ms head of pony club. Member of a hunt, and you don't think she's part of the boss class or a boss class wannabe. Fuck her. The only odd thing I see here is the fact you think she will reflect and become a moral person. Utter shite. What does a person have to do to deserve the sack?

I think a good old public flogging in social media was perhaps more then required. But may give her cause for contemplation.
Starvation is maybe a step too far. But then I am human.
Teachers were as bad or worse than her when I was growing up so let’s not go there.
I got hauled up and twatted in front of the class by an orange cunt history teacher who didn't like me questioning his teachings. Literally punched in the face and given a black eye in front of the class, and instead of him getting jail, I got the strap!
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I got hauled up and twatted in front of the class by an orange cunt history teacher who didn't like me questioning his teachings. Literally punched in the face and given a black eye in front of the class, and instead of him getting jail, I got the strap!
35 years ago ish was it? I had a chalk duster thrown at my head, different times. Things have changed and should not be equated with a privileged cunt abusing something that can't fight back or understand why it's getting a kicking. Not having a go at you Saul, just annoyed by apologists for a vile woman.
No one should ever hurt an animal and just be able to 'reflect'. :(
Stop it with the starvation. She's not a single mother on the breadline. She's a cunt with a husband.

Their lives are already probably destroyed. I don’t see the need to go cap in hand to the boss class to request further punishment is my point. It’s boot licking mentality.
Anyway, night.
35 years ago ish was it? I had a chalk duster thrown at my head, different times. Things have changed and should not be equated with a privileged cunt abusing something that can't fight back or understand why it's getting a kicking. Not having a go at you Saul, just annoyed by apologists for a vile woman.
No one should ever hurt an animal and just be able to 'reflect'. :(
Ish... My music teacher was renowned for throwing board dusters at people. He used to bounce them off people's heads if he thought they weren't paying sufficient attention! :facepalm:
Edit: she's a cunt!
Their lives are already probably destroyed. I don’t see the need to go cap in hand to the boss class to request further punishment is my point. It’s boot licking mentality.
Anyway, night.

It's not a question of punishment. These hunt types are for the most part irredeemable moral voids in Hunter wellies and nothing done by way of punishment will make a dent in that. The issue is safeguarding. If she loses control of her shit to the point of violence when mildly annoyed then she cannot be trusted to care for small children.
She has brought her profession into disrepute. All teachers know they're at risk of not just being fired but barred from teaching in perpetuity if they do that.

I think she brought herself and huntspeople into disrepute. People like her act the way she did with the horse because she is with other huntspeople who DO THE SAME.

I would bet she has never put a foot wrong in her teaching job.

It's all to do with hunts. They really are pretty nasty...like nobody could have guessed? Particularly the horsey hunts set.
She wont be the first huntswoman to have "disciplined" a horse physically 😟

Which is why drag hunting is still fucking cruel. No fox .. no hare...just scent. But the horses and dogs are treated like shite.
I think a good old public flogging in social media was perhaps more then required. But may give her cause for contemplation.
Starvation is maybe a step too far. But then I am human.

This whole starvation thing is probably the most bizarre strawman I've seen in a long time.

She could get another job, that doesn't put kids at risk from her temper.
I can't think of a single sport that, from a spectator point of view, wouldn't benefit from the contestants being drunk.
I think we need a drunk olympics. Contestants have to have a minimum blood alcohol level to compete in their chosen sport, checked with a breathalyser. They can also do blood tests to verify this, kind of like they do drug testing in the real olympics. The Russians probably wouldn’t need to cheat at it either.
It's not a question of punishment. These hunt types are for the most part irredeemable moral voids in Hunter wellies and nothing done by way of punishment will make a dent in that. The issue is safeguarding. If she loses control of her shit to the point of violence when mildly annoyed then she cannot be trusted to care for small children.

I have doubts that this was a case of “losing control of her shit”. I think it’s more likely that this hunt group thinks this is a normal and healthy way to treat animals to control their behaviour. Bear in mind that the hunt group has links to the school and that she did this un-self consciously in front of the kids.

I also think the main issue we do know about in terms of her working with children is that by either demonstration or deliberate instruction she is liable to teach children that this is the way to treat animals. In fact, she has already done the former.

I don’t assume from this that she would be violent to a child (people are complicated), but tbf if I was head at her school I’d have my antennas out.
I have doubts that this was a case of “losing control of her shit”. I think it’s more likely that this hunt group thinks this is a normal and healthy way to treat animals to control their behaviour. Bear in mind that the hunt group has links to the school and that she did this un-self consciously in front of the kids.

I also think the main issue we do know about in terms of her working with children is that by either demonstration or deliberate instruction she is liable to teach children that this is the way to treat animals.

I don’t assume from this that she would be violent to a child (people are complicated), but tbf if I was head at her school I’d have my antennas out.
Like a teacher being caught flashing? As long as it is not in front of kids it is okay yeah?
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