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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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The one that lived at the bottom of my road was hardly defenseless - big ex racehorse and I'd I've been booted into the next county if I'd tried even a fraction of that arsery.
The one in the video looked fairly submissive and gentle to me, though. More than anything, it makes me :hmm: about how the horses in that hunt group generally get treated when cameras aren't rolling.
Footage of them hunting wankers shooting their own hounds if they don't perform. Hardly surprising they have zero empathy for their steeds.
The one that lived at the bottom of my road was hardly defenseless - big ex racehorse and I'd I've been booted into the next county if I'd tried even a fraction of that arsery.
The one in the video looked fairly submissive and gentle to me, though. More than anything, it makes me :hmm: about how the horses in that hunt group generally get treated when cameras aren't rolling.

Not sure about the Cottesmore ... but hunts, in general, have a woeful record for animal abuse. If the way they treat hounds is any indication, as soon as any animal presents as being any sort of problem it'll be shot. There's plenty of accounts / images of hounds being disposed of for having one of any number of faults. Very few hounds older than six or seven in a breed that can live to 12 or more ... and very few "retired" hounds.

Wasn't able to do anything about it, other than report the incident, but one of the Redcoats from one of the hunts around here fell off one Saturday a few years ago. The nag bolted & was returned by the whipper-in. The redcoat then thrashed the horse with a riding crop [around the head] for some minutes, before remounting and the hunt moved off again, as they noticed the audience [extra cars in with the followers] ...
Well it’s usually ‘bringing the company name into disrepute’ or some such covers it.
But all this demand for job losses gets on my nerves. It can play the other way round you know?

I've haven't called for her to get sacked, that's a matter for the school.

But, serious question, having seen her attack that horse, would you take the risk of her doing the same with a child?
I've haven't called for her to get sacked, that's a matter for the school.

But, serious question, having seen her attack that horse, would you take the risk of her doing the same with a child?

Not excusing her but pretty certain horses take a greater thrashing during races. That’s the entire purpose of a crop.
Someone who beats horses might beat kids? You’re asking me to speculate?

No, I am not asking you to speculate on if she might beat kids, the question is very clear...

But, serious question, having seen her attack that horse, would you take the risk of her doing the same with a child?
No, I am not asking you to speculate on if she might beat kids, the question is very clear...

But, serious question, having seen her attack that horse, would you take the risk of her doing the same with a child?

It’s not down to me though is it? I can simultaneously oppose how some on here relish the prospect of loss of livelihood as proportionate vs agreeing with the school going through its own safe guarding procedures.
Not excusing her but pretty certain horses take a greater thrashing during races. That’s the entire purpose of a crop.
? Oh come on. The woman was kicking/ punching and slapping. You can't compare the two. Even as someone who personally believes horse racing should be banned even I can see the fucking difference.
British horse racing is regulated to a degree.
The whip may only be used on the horse’s body where, in the context of the race, it will not cause pain.
Horses DIE in horse racing. Anyone been prosecuted?
No, but let’s get a school teacher sacked. Lol
Which has fuck all to do with this case.

You have got on your high horse over calls for her sacking, without consideration of the risk factor, and you are wiggling around with strawmen, to avoid answering the question of would you trust her to be in charge of kids.

Personally, no matter how low the risk may be, I wouldn't put my neck on the line and let her to continue in that job.
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