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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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Nah, maybe a broken jaw and a bit of facial disfigurement but death is a bit far. Hopefully she'll be sufficiently outcast to narrow her circle of friends to zero, but in the likely event that most of her friends are as despicable as her, I'd settle for her losing what she's already lost, and maybe a bit of bird.

I doubt she’ll get bird for slapping a horse about. Nobody gets bird for killing foxes and that’s illegal.
I thought these were already illegal? That was the impression I got from reading survival manuals, which certainly emphasised their indiscriminate nature, and stressed that snares should only be used when truly desperate.

It's a grey area. Some local sabs near me were arrested for criminal damage of snares on some toff's land but the landowner eschewed pressing charges in favour of a restraining order banning the sabs from their land. Seems like the kind of thing you'd do if you didn't want to go to court and explain exactly what it was that got damaged and why it was on your land in the first place.
It's a grey area. Some local sabs near me were arrested for criminal damage of snares on some toff's land but the landowner eschewed pressing charges in favour of a restraining order banning the sabs from their land. Seems like the kind of thing you'd do if you didn't want to go to court and explain exactly what it was that got damaged and why it was on your land in the first place.
as in angry the toff got away with the snares. Trying to think of another example where you might get prosecuted for stopping something illegal? I guess it's "taking the law into your own hands which "the authorities" don't like.
as in angry the toff got away with the snares. Trying to think of another example where you might get prosecuted for stopping something illegal? I guess it's "taking the law into your own hands which "the authorities" don't like.

Yeah well the judge was happy to grant a restraining order barring people from a public right of way despite no evidence against them being presented so it's not hard to tell whose side the system is on with these things.
Things that stand out in this story for me are;

1. None of those there watching reacted with shock or even mild surprise at her brutality. So either they are as big a fucks as she is or they are used to her doing it and are too intimated or cowardly to stand up to her (only they know which).

2. There is no way that was the first time she behaved like that. It was a continuous attack and she kept going back for more. Most people react with shock at their behaviour if they are not a serial fuck.

3. The horse kept backing away and almost accepted the attack as though it was used to it.

4. She should not be allowed to be working with children. She basically had a temper tantrum and launched a continuous, violent attack. People like that should be no where near children.

But the biggest thing that stands out is that in a month where the Tories voted to allow water companies to dump actual shit in our rivers, where a Tory PM asked other Tories to defend a sleazy money grabbing Tory (and they did), in a month where world leaders delivered fuck all to halt climate change, a month where a Labour MP refused to resign even though she was found guilty of threatening to throwing acid in a woman's face and in a month where a Tory chancellor took money from those on benefits while lowering the cost of champagne this woman won the cunt of the month award.

That is some fucking achievement tbf
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as in angry the toff got away with the snares. Trying to think of another example where you might get prosecuted for stopping something illegal? I guess it's "taking the law into your own hands which "the authorities" don't like.
Probably because they aren't illegal if set correctly.
Rabbit snares can be set any old way, there's set rules for fox snares (which I forget because I've never set any).
I find the reactions to my post above interesting - as a youth, I stole four legged food from the landowning classes with wool and a wire (you have to take them up, along with your catch before dawn to avoid getting caught). Later, I stole similar with a bright torch and a very fast dog.

Even when I was shepherding, living on a big farm (3000 ac), the 'keeper (who was your literal poacher turned 'keeper) not only turned a blind eye as long as I was sensible, he'd actively shoot things the landowner didn't want shot (hares, muntjac) and leave them for me in my shed when I had a young family, both out of a sense of helping me out and also to spite the landed.

I have long wondered about how the left falls over itself to retain the "hammer" but cares little for the "sickle" (possibly because less than 3% of the population is now employed in ag) and it is (possibly) to its detriment.

Edited to add a photo of my "very fast dog" and a banana skin she fearlessly caught.


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I find the reactions to my post above interesting - as a youth, I stole four legged food from the landowning classes with wool and a wire (you have to take them up, along with your catch before dawn to avoid getting caught). Later, I stole similar with a bright torch and a very fast dog.

Even when I was shepherding, living on a big farm (3000 ac), the 'keeper (who was your literal poacher turned 'keeper) not only turned a blind eye as long as I was sensible, he'd actively shoot things the landowner didn't want shot (hares, muntjac) and leave them for me in my shed when I had a young family, both out of a sense of helping me out and also to spite the landed.

I have long wondered about how the left falls over itself to retain the "hammer" but cares little for the "sickle" (possibly because less than 3% of the population is now employed in ag) and it is (possibly) to its detriment.
I sort of get that, but there's a big difference between working class country people taking food from an estate, and the rich landowner killing wildlife, in a barbaric and painful way, to preserve their pheasant shoot or crops etc.

I have respect for people who kill animals to eat them, but not for anyone who kills animals for fun, or who sets barbaric traps that leave an animal suffering an awful death.
I find the reactions to my post above interesting - as a youth, I stole four legged food from the landowning classes with wool and a wire (you have to take them up, along with your catch before dawn to avoid getting caught). Later, I stole similar with a bright torch and a very fast dog.

Even when I was shepherding, living on a big farm (3000 ac), the 'keeper (who was your literal poacher turned 'keeper) not only turned a blind eye as long as I was sensible, he'd actively shoot things the landowner didn't want shot (hares, muntjac) and leave them for me in my shed when I had a young family, both out of a sense of helping me out and also to spite the landed.

I have long wondered about how the left falls over itself to retain the "hammer" but cares little for the "sickle" (possibly because less than 3% of the population is now employed in ag) and it is (possibly) to its detriment.

Edited to add a photo of my "very fast dog" and a banana skin she fearlessly caught.

Maybe an update to hammer and USB stick is in order.
I sort of get that, but there's a big difference between working class country people taking food from an estate, and the rich landowner killing wildlife, in a barbaric and painful way, to preserve their pheasant shoot or crops etc.

I have respect for people who kill animals to eat them, but not for anyone who kills animals for fun, or who sets barbaric traps that leave an animal suffering an awful death.
But the way I took them (with wool and a wire) is probably only of interest to rabbit poachers - fox snares might be of interest to 'keepers.
Big arable farmers will almost certainly have someone else deal with rabbits, whether it be their keeper or letting people who beat on their shoot back out of pheasant season as a kind of "bonus" for having done a days work for practically nowt.
That, or DEFRA gas them/release a new disease etc etc which is almost a criminal waste of food IMO.
I have long wondered about how the left falls over itself to retain the "hammer" but cares little for the "sickle" (possibly because less than 3% of the population is now employed in ag) and it is (possibly) to its detriment.

I would very much like to see a version of agriculture that provided people with meaningful work, but it doesn't currently exist in the UK. Most farming is done by one miserable old landowner and a tractor that's smarter than he is. The utter shit state of seasonal picking work is covered abundantly on other threads.
I would very much like to see a version of agriculture that provided people with meaningful work, but it doesn't currently exist in the UK. Most farming is done by one miserable old landowner and a tractor that's smarter than he is. The utter shit state of seasonal picking work is covered abundantly on other threads.

Well, that's bullshit.

There are plenty of decent careers in the sector that are pretty well paid - a decent herd manager within the dairy sector might make about 30k plus tied house, for example.

The farm at work (dairy, sheep, bit of arable) employs about 5 people and that isn't unusual for a farm that size.

An employed shepherd on a decent sized sheep unit (maybe 1000 ewes) might make 20k plus house.
I was self employed when I had sheep (500 ewe flock), so rented grazing. Paid me about 15k pa but was part time, worked elsewhere 4 days a week.

Like most sectors, some well paid and some not so well paid jobs in that pile
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But how long will that last ...
some of the coverage suggested the twunt had "gone into hiding" , the cowardly bully that she is.

Personally, I hope she not only looses her job but ends up in serious difficulty with finding another.
I certainly would not employ her, nor want her employed in a position of trust or authority ...
Not sure that I agree with people losing jobs. If it’s against her terms and conditions then obviously she must. But the desire for it to happen doesn’t sit right with me. Are people more likely to reflect and change by having their means of survival removed from them?
I don't know much about horses, but I can't see from that what the horse is meant to have done wrong. :(
Not sure that I agree with people losing jobs. If it’s against her terms and conditions then obviously she must. But the desire for it to happen doesn’t sit right with me. Are people more likely to reflect and change by having their means of survival removed from them?
she would at least have the time to reflect on things.
Not sure that I agree with people losing jobs. If it’s against her terms and conditions then obviously she must. But the desire for it to happen doesn’t sit right with me. Are people more likely to reflect and change by having their means of survival removed from them?

The problem there, is she lost the plot with the horse, she could easily do the same with a child.
Not sure that I agree with people losing jobs. If it’s against her terms and conditions then obviously she must. But the desire for it to happen doesn’t sit right with me. Are people more likely to reflect and change by having their means of survival removed from them?
Not sure any terms and conditions say ' if you punch and kick a defenceless animal you're out'. Kind of an unwritten rule. The woman is a cruel cunt, I wouldn't lose any sleep if she never worked again. There's something wired wrong in people who can hurt any animal. Fuck her, hopefully she will have years of reflecting on UC .
(( Her children)).
Not sure any terms and conditions say ' if you punch and kick a defenceless animal you're out'. Kind of an unwritten rule. The woman is a cruel cunt, I wouldn't lose any sleep if she never worked again. There's something wired wrong in people who can hurt any animal. Fuck her, hopefully she will have years of reflecting on UC .
(( Her children)).

Well it’s usually ‘bringing the company name into disrepute’ or some such covers it.
But all this demand for job losses gets on my nerves. It can play the other way round you know?
Not sure any terms and conditions say ' if you punch and kick a defenceless animal you're out'. Kind of an unwritten rule. The woman is a cruel cunt, I wouldn't lose any sleep if she never worked again. There's something wired wrong in people who can hurt any animal. Fuck her, hopefully she will have years of reflecting on UC .
(( Her children)).

The one that lived at the bottom of my road was hardly defenseless - big ex racehorse and I'd I've been booted into the next county if I'd tried even a fraction of that arsery.
The one in the video looked fairly submissive and gentle to me, though. More than anything, it makes me :hmm: about how the horses in that hunt group generally get treated when cameras aren't rolling.
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