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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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ahhh but it's just an animal!!
where's your line and which lucky animals fit into the 'pet' category?

But a pet is not "just an animal". It's an animal with which one has formed a relationship.

I'd no more likely eat my dog than I would my best mate, but I'd eat a dog with whom I am unacquainted!
But a pet is not "just an animal". It's an animal with which one has formed a relationship.

I'd no more likely eat my dog than I would my best mate, but I'd eat a dog with whom I am unacquainted!
Would you eat a human animal with whom you were unacquainted?
But a pet is not "just an animal". It's an animal with which one has formed a relationship.

I'd no more likely eat my dog than I would my best mate, but I'd eat a dog with whom I am unacquainted!
a far more honest and honourable reply sir!
that's your lines, fair play
Would you eat a human animal with whom you were unacquainted?


a) It's illegal.
b) I consider human life to be of far greater value/significance than the life of any other creature. So I wouldn't eat people (though I must admit I wouldn't mind tasting a bit out of curiosity).
ahhh but it's just an animal!!
where's your line and which lucky animals fit into the 'pet' category?
Oh come on, this is high school debating territory. You know what animals we eat and what we keep as pets. There's a couple of grey areas, but nothing is ever black and white.
Oh come on, this is high school debating territory. You know what animals we eat and what we keep as pets. There's a couple of grey areas, but nothing is ever black and white.
ahh! who is the "we" you refer to? who decides and why?
Oh come on, this is high school debating territory. You know what animals we eat and what we keep as pets. There's a couple of grey areas, but nothing is ever black and white.
if nothing is ever black and white then there will be more than a couple of grey areas. if, as you say, this is high school debating territory you have just lost the argument.
Humanity. No one decides, it's reached by a consensus and it depends from culture to culture.
humanity? oh dear!
is it humane to grind millions of male chicks? are battery farms humane? is pumping cows full of chemicals humane? is slitting the throat or breaking the neck of a chicken humane?

by consensus you mean a majority that has been brought up with it as the 'norm' reinforced by the powerful meat marketing industry and notions of 'proper food'

is your culture better because it doesn't eat dogs like some forrins?
humanity? oh dear!
is it humane to grind millions of male chicks? are battery farms humane? is pumping cows full of chemicals humane? is slitting the throat or breaking the neck of a chicken humane?

by consensus you mean a majority that has been brought up with it as the 'norm' reinforced by the powerful meat marketing industry and notions of 'proper food'

is your culture better because it doesn't eat dogs like some forrins?
no one knows what we eat because no one knows what goes into the industrial sludge which so often passes for meat.
have to go sign now

leave you with this OU (and wells)
do you not consider it bizarre that a family will sit around a table eating warmed up flesh of certain animals without thought whilst adoring, petting and treating another just because it is a bit different and deemed a pet/cute? even feeding that animal bits of the unlucky non cute one that has been killed and cooked?
what do you think of the often reported fact that animal cruelty on tv gets more complaints than human cruelty?
humanity? oh dear!
is it humane to grind millions of male chicks? are battery farms humane? is pumping cows full of chemicals humane? is slitting the throat or breaking the neck of a chicken humane?

by consensus you mean a majority that has been brought up with it as the 'norm' reinforced by the powerful meat marketing industry and notions of 'proper food'

is your culture better because it doesn't eat dogs like some forrins?
You are confusing humanity with humane. And not all livestock is reared using the methods you describe.
have to go sign now

leave you with this OU (and wells)
do you not consider it bizarre that a family will sit around a table eating warmed up flesh of certain animals without thought whilst adoring, petting and treating another just because it is a bit different and deemed a pet/cute? even feeding that animal bits of the unlucky non cute one that has been killed and cooked?
what do you think of the often reported fact that animal cruelty on tv gets more complaints than human cruelty?
I don't think it is bizarre, no.
I'm intrigued by this idea that we only think eating meat is normal because of a meat marketing board.

Poor indoctrinated us. :(

History's not your strongest suit, I'm guessing.
aww, wriggling
if it makes you happy!
I'm not wriggling. You're just leapt on two different words and confused them.
You think it's wrong to eat animals for food. Many others don't, including me. We can't get past this, so this debate has become rather pointless.
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