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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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i know that! i am dramatically extrapolating for the lols

lbj is waiting to jump on any little thing and he can fuck off.

the arguments are the same yes and boring so the only way to stop it is for me and the other vegi's to shut up or 'argue' in a way acceptable to those trying to shape the debate.
A lot of people agree with and don't see a problem with bringing back hanging, should we?

I want to add more but just know that i will be ambushed so there is no point, that's kind of where i am at now.
And now you're just being a complete twat.

I completely ignored you on this thread for days. I only responded in the last couple of pages or so.
He's right. We ate meat before the industry came along.

Although arguably not for the same reasons, as much of the lower-end meat consumption (offal and cheap cuts) pre-industry was purely about protein density compared to other foodstuffs - it helped fuel a day of hard manual labour in a way that a vegetarian diet at the time couldn't. Nowadays meat-eating is much more often about taste preference and savouring the food you're eating than it is about fuelling up for hard physical labour.
When I did - literally - live in the Sahara I was veggie (virtually vegan tbf). Apart from the goat that got slaughtered for me once, but that's another story...
When I was in a village on the edge of the Sahara, they slaughtered a goat for me too! Lucky for the goats that they did not get too many visitors to the village.
Timely cartoon from vegan sidekick, great site View attachment 74128

The thing is mate, that's all balls, innit?

Top left: I don't care any more for "non pet" dogs than I do for any other animals.

Top right: I wouldn't eat a pet-pig.

Bottom left: I don't think that killing a dog is "outrageous" if it was humanely bred for food, but I'd shoot or club anyone to death if they tried to cook MY dog, who's a companion.

Bottom right: Yes. As long as they're not cared for as pets or companions by someone else.
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Here's the thing, even if your diet is completely vegan, then it's still soaked in animal blood (metaphorically speaking) because agriculture takes up land and resources that other animals could otherwise make use of, pushing them out. Likkle field mouses get crushed by tractors and shredded by harvesting machines. The many and various animals that don't eat our crops or the animals that feed on them can't live on our arable land, and a lot of those that do eat our crops get chased off or killed.

Not just agriculture. Any human use of land, however important or frivolous, is space that is being denied to a whole spectrum of wild animals. So why stop at eating meat? Hell, if you think that other animals are just as important as human beings, you might as well join the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement because despite there being 7 billion of us inhabiting almost every continent animals outnumber us and therefore have the majority.
The thing is mate, that's all balls, innit?

Top left: I don't care any more for "non pet" dogs than I do for any other animals.

Top right: I wouldn't eat a pet-pig.

Bottom left: I don't think that killing a dog is "outrageous" if it was humanely bred for food, but I'd shoot or club anyone to death if they tried to cook MY dog, who's a companion and fellow hunter.

Bottom right: Yes. As long as they're not cared for as pets or companions by someone else.


Here's the thing, even if your diet is completely vegan, then it's still soaked in animal blood (metaphorically speaking) because agriculture takes up land and resources that other animals could otherwise make use of, pushing them out. Likkle field mouses get crushed by tractors and shredded by harvesting machines. The many and various animals that don't eat our crops or the animals that feed on them can't live on our arable land, and a lot of those that do eat our crops get chased off or killed.

Not just agriculture. Any human use of land, however important or frivolous, is space that is being denied to a whole spectrum of wild animals. So why stop at eating meat? Hell, if you think that other animals are just as important as human beings, you might as well join the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement because despite there being 7 billion of us inhabiting almost every continent animals outnumber us and therefore have the majority.

Ethical vegans do not argue that the abolition of animal agriculture would bring about the end of all animal suffering inflicted by human beings, they just think it would be a very important step in the right direction.
But would you eat a pig that you considered a pal?
No. I'd divvy up the turnips.

I see how this is a sticking point, but a couple of things are encapsulated in those cartoons that come through both ddraig and Jeff R's posts.

They think meat eaters are cunts, idiots who haven't thought things through, or weak ('but bacon'). In all three options - cunt, idiot, weak - they're setting themselves up as superior. And that shines right through the cartoons - meat-eater is both stupid and weak in that instance.

So, Jeff, you posted up the cartoon. To you, someone like me is a cunt, stupid or weak, or some combination of the three. That kind of contempt for other people would, rightly, be jumped on in most other political circumstances. It's a dead end. It will never achieve anything.

And even you admit that your absolutes don't work - that to feed people, in whatever way, is going to involve killing other animals.
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