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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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'rarely'? That I doubt.

You might also eat for pleasure, but I doubt you eat for survival any less than anyone else.

The point being is that survival of human beings is not a critical factor, or even a factor that requires due consideration when we, as a society determine the level of welfare we show to animals under our control - albeit in through our diets or whatever other use we ascribe to an animal before it dies - ie hunting.
You'd better send a memo to the multi billion food and restaurant sector. And try and get all those foodies on message.
No thanks, this discussion has already passed through the membrane of reality into bizarro world.

I can't have a conversation with people if they seriously think fox hunting is the same as meat eating.
I just think turning this into another meat eater bashing thread distracts from the op. Which is about hunting foxes and definitely not eating them.
Well it isn't a meat eater bashing thread, so that's fine.

So I imagined the squeals of hypocrisy earlier in the thread? Besides, the blame for animal welfare in farming can be placed directly on Capitalism's doorstep. Shaming people into adopting a different lifestyle choice is just liberal guilt.
So I imagined the squeals of hypocrisy earlier in the thread? Besides, the blame for animal welfare in farming can be it placed directly on Capitalism's doorstep. Shaming people into adopting a different lifestyle choice is just liberal guilt.
It was only a wally/returning provocateur getting a bashing, not meat eaters as a whole
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