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Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

Should the fox hunting ban be lifted?

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Of course, it's the work of omnivores that allows you to get away with eating a vegetarian diet in a northern European climate. Without artificial fibres and central heating, you'd be stuck panda-like, constantly grazing throughout the winter months, not sufficiently nourished by your rice cakes and your tofu & carob surprise. :p

However we do have them, so it remains a choice and not a necessity for survival.
Of course, it's the work of omnivores that allows you to get away with eating a vegetarian diet in a northern European climate. Without artificial fibres and central heating, you'd be stuck panda-like, constantly grazing throughout the winter months, not sufficiently nourished by your rice cakes and your tofu & carob surprise. :p

Have you considered hibernating?
it is not sanctimonious just uncomfortable for some

Not for me. I have no wish, and better still no need to justify my dietary choices to anyone, the same as I don't expect others to justify theirs to me. Eat a herbivorous or omnivorous diet or not, just drop the nonsense where both sides see themselves as "better" than the other.

And as someone was enquiring earlier, the amount of animal feed produced to fatten off commercially-"farmed", intensively-reared livestock is ridiculous. It's mostly food-grade corn and soya that is perfect for human consumption. I'm not a fetishist for any dietary preference, but I'm well aware that in "the west" omnivores could certainly eat less meat. If you look at "basic" recipe books for "the lower orders" back in the first half of the 20th century, meat was often an ingredient to a meal, rather than the centre-piece, and meals revolved (even in my lifetime) in achieving maximum meals out of minimum input. A return to that sort of dietary attitude would make a big dent in demand for slabs of cheap meat.
It's a form of entertainment to eat animals when there is an alternative, but we're going round in circles here.

Tell me about it. That was the objection I raised right at the start of thread and still nobody has still nobody has actually bothered to address it.
Not for me. I have no wish, and better still no need to justify my dietary choices to anyone, the same as I don't expect others to justify theirs to me. Eat a herbivorous or omnivorous diet or not, just drop the nonsense where both sides see themselves as "better" than the other.


Someone coming on here condemning hunting on AW grounds and in the same breath stating that they have to eat meat because of locational and metabolic circumstances?

Get. To. Fuck.
Not for me. I have no wish, and better still no need to justify my dietary choices to anyone, the same as I don't expect others to justify theirs to me. Eat a herbivorous or omnivorous diet or not, just drop the nonsense where both sides see themselves as "better" than the other.

False equivalence. What you call 'herbivorous' diets are amount minimising, to the greatest extent possible, the infliction of harm on other sentient creatures. Omnivorous diets inflict massive direct harm on other sentient creatures.

What you say is no different to a fox hunter saying 'I have no need to justify my leisure activities to anyone, the same as I don't expect others to justify theirs to me etc.'.
It isn't just eating where the products of animals are concerned, we also use leather for clothing and shoes. And leather is quite a special material.
False equivalence. What you call 'herbivorous' diets are amount minimising, to the greatest extent possible, the infliction of harm on other sentient creatures. Omnivorous diets inflict massive direct harm on other sentient creatures.

What you say is no different to a fox hunter saying 'I have no need to justify my leisure activities to anyone, the same as I don't expect others to justify theirs to me etc.'.

So, fine to inflict harm on living beings that are plant-based, but not animal-based.
And don't come the old "plants don't feel it" schtick, hypocrisy-boy. You wouldn't accept it from an angler.
It isn't just eating where the products of animals are concerned, we also use leather for clothing and shoes. And leather is quite a special material.

We mostly have effective leather substitutes nowadays, so it's not as versatile as it was.
You're not seriously pulling that one are you? :facepalm:

You're the one who's barked about logic. If we follow the logic of your condemnation to it's logical philosophical conclusion, then you're no better than those you condemn, because you assume that what you do is harmless, and glory in telling people who don't follow your dietary peculiarities that what they do is harmful. You can't get out of that bind simply by face-palming.
You're the one who's barked about logic. If we follow the logic of your condemnation to it's logical philosophical conclusion, then you're no better than those you condemn, because you assume that what you do is harmless, and glory in telling people who don't follow your dietary peculiarities that what they do is harmful. You can't get out of that bind simply by face-palming.

What the hell are you talking about? :confused::confused::confused:
What the hell are you talking about? :confused::confused::confused:

Your hypocrisy, Jeff. Your hypocrisy.
You mither on at omnivores, with no consideration that your herbivorousness causes the wholesale killing of vegetables, fruits and other living species - unless you're a Fruitarian, obviously, in which case enjoy all the windfalls you can eat, corpse-muncher.

In case you haven't got it, yet,I'm taking the piss, you lemon.
Your hypocrisy, Jeff. Your hypocrisy.
You mither on at omnivores, with no consideration that your herbivorousness causes the wholesale killing of vegetables, fruits and other living species - unless you're a Fruitarian, obviously, in which case enjoy all the windfalls you can eat, corpse-muncher.

In case you haven't got it, yet,I'm taking the piss, you lemon.

Probably needed a winky face or something. I've heard 'plants have feelings too' so many times as a real argument that I can't tell when people are joking anymore. :/

Someone coming on here condemning hunting on AW grounds and in the same breath stating that they have to eat meat because of locational and metabolic circumstances?

Get. To. Fuck.
I didn't say I had to eat meat.

Is there a reason for so much intellectual dishonesty?

I've been quite clear; i eat meat because I like meat and don't have a moral issue with it.

Why on earth is it so hard to comprehend that someone might have a problem with their metabolism? Why the fuck do i have to justify that to you?
I didn't say I had to eat meat.

Is there a reason for so much intellectual dishonesty?

I've been quite clear; i eat meat because I like meat and don't have a moral issue with it.

Why on earth is it so hard to comprehend that someone might have a problem with their metabolism? Why the fuck do i have to justify that to you?

Its pretty impressive that you've managed to piss off the omnies, herbies and pro-hunters on this thread. Opposition to you seems to be the only thing that unites us :thumbs:
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