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Should conspiracy theory threads be banned from Urban75?

Should they be banned from Urban?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters
DrJazzz said:
Well like the things I mentioned at the time, such as American servicemen allowed in to the school when they would have been able to plant the clothes and Huntley's defence making nothing of it whatsoever. Likewise the fact that anyone could have got hold of identical Man Utd shirts, and again Huntley's defence not arguing the line. Just a couple of things. Maybe the system just made sure that they put the right guy away.

I'd rather not go over all that again, though, and I'm sure few other posters would wish me to.
I think a lot of posters found the Huntley threads offensive at the time Dr Jazzz, I would think that the subject should be left as it is. I'd rather not see either you or conspiracy theories banned from the boards as having met you I actually have a lot of time for you as a person. Like NoEgos constant questioning threads in the theory forum I'm tired of ignoring the almost constant 9/11 threads- it is the amount of threads I dislike.
It would be nice if something was resolved without requiring a banning, Urban75 is a community and I think we should tackle things as such.
I can't believe you still appear to maintain that Huntley was framed.

You really are a complete cock, Dr Jazzz.
pk said:
I can't believe you still appear to maintain that Huntley was framed.

I You really are a complete cock, Dr Jazzz.

I wasn't, you wazzock.

And silentnate - I have been trying to let the Huntley thing lie despite hundreds of posts that have been in my direction lately, demanding that I talk about it. Hopefully, that will be the end of it this time.
pk said:
You really are a complete cock, Dr Jazzz.
Another example of a top notch 9/11 debate in action!

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